It's a fairy tale

Chapter 120 121. Heartbreak——Tang Xiaoxiao

Chapter 120 121. Heartbreak——Tang Xiaoxiao

"That's right, it's the ex... boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Then what's going on now, I plan to get back together." Ye Li said mockingly.

"Xiao Li, Li Tian likes Tang Xiaoxiao, it's just..."

"It's just what, it's just that Shen Yaru is back, so liking it is no longer liking it, right?" Ye Li said aggressively.

"Xiao Li," Mo Yang's tone suddenly became very weak, "This is the first time you have spoken to me in such a questioning tone, and it is also the time when we had such a serious fight, and it was all because of others. Are you sure? Are we going to argue about this?"

"I...Ye Li hesitated, she didn't think so in her heart, she could hear his answer and she was a little angry, even he started to hide it from her, how can people calm down?

"I know it shouldn't be, but I just can't bear it. You clearly know everything about Li Tian but you refuse to tell me anything. Is this because you don't trust me?"

"I don't tell you because you are Tang Xiaoxiao's friend, so I'm afraid that you will be embarrassed when you find out, or you won't stand on Li Tian's point of view but warn him to vent your anger on Tang Xiaoxiao."


"If you do that, not only will you not be able to vent your anger on Tang Xiaoxiao, but it will also cause Li Tian to end the relationship more quickly and even do other things. Li Tian is wrong if he doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back. As long as he decides, no one can." It can be pulled back, so we can only let it go."

Mo Yang finally explained, not only explained but also said more just to reassure Ye Li.

Smiling helplessly, Mo Yang continued, "It's not necessarily good to know some things, but I never thought that not telling you would hurt our relationship."

"But now, things have become like this, do you still plan to hide it from me?"

Just as Mo Yang was about to answer, he suddenly looked at Ye Li's back with deep eyes and frowned.

Suddenly a voice came out, "I'll tell you, tell you everything."

"Li Tian?" Ye Li first yelled in surprise and then filled with righteous indignation, "What did you tell Xiaoxiao?! Do you know that she disappeared?!"

"I know it's my fault, but allow me to tell you a short story first."

Ye Li was silent, ready to listen carefully.


"So, you gave up on Xiaoxiao?"

"I don't know, I don't know who I am in my heart. I can't tell the difference between my feelings for the two of them. I just want to start over with Shen Yaru and find the answer that has troubled me for a long time."


"Do you know how big a blow it was to me when I was only 14 years old? Carrying such a burden, I matured prematurely and suffered what I shouldn't bear. Because of her incident, my reputation in school plummeted. she……"

Li Tian didn't continue to say the following words, as if he was trapped in painful memories.

"I understand your feelings, but Li Tian, ​​Xiaoxiao is innocent from the beginning to the end. The only thing you should not do is to involve her in it."

"Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao was an accident, I didn't intend to play with her."

"But now, that's what you've done."

"Let's find someone first, we must find her before dark." Mo Yang said rationally.

"Where Xiaoxiao usually likes to go, you don't know Li Tian, ​​do you?"

"Xiaoxiao likes to go to many places, but when she is sad, she likes to go to the seaside the most."

"Yeah, seaside, why didn't I think of that!" Ye Li patted her forehead annoyedly, and she didn't even let herself go. Seeing Mo Yang looking at her with distress, she blushed and said, "Let's go now." , it's important to find her quickly."

Ye Li hurried to stop the car with some guilty conscience, well, this time it was her who made trouble for no reason again.

As the sun sets, the blue sky seen along the sea level is beautiful.Sure enough, they found Tang Xiaoxiao, not only that, but also a few soda cans scattered at her feet, and she just sat there.

As if she was tired from crying, Tang Xiaoxiao looked at the sea quietly, and the sound of rolling waves could be heard from a distance.

"Xiaoxiao, you..." Looking at Li Tian who was one meter behind, Ye Li hesitated to speak.

Tang Xiaoxiao didn't look back, she moved her lips and said in a hoarse voice, "A Li, you are here."

Ye Li kicked the can beside her feet and complained with some distress, "Why do you drink so much, and what's wrong with your voice, it's so hoarse."

"Well, I couldn't understand some questions so I asked the witch in the depths of the sea."

"You," Ye Li sighed slightly when she heard this answer, which she knew was a joke. The quiet Tang Xiaoxiao was not as good as the noisy Tang Xiaoxiao to reassure her. She knew that Tang Xiaoxiao was really hurt. This time, because the boy cried to her, it was far less unbearable and worrying than it is now.

"It's okay, Ari, I've already vented, but I suddenly felt quite boring. Why did you say he provoked me? Since he still can't forget Yaru, why did he come to me? You don't have to answer me, because I I know the reason. People used to say that I look a lot like Yaru, but I never believed it, but now that I believe it, I realize that I have always been a double."

"Xiaoxiao, actually"

"A Li, don't interrupt me, it will be better if I say it. Let me just say, what shit did I, Tang Xiaoxiao, get such a peach blossom? In fact, it was just like a flash in the pan, and after a short shock, it returned to normal again. It’s as if he’s never been here before. But why am I sad? I don’t even feel heartache knowing that boy has a girlfriend, but now... I find that I really like him, otherwise I wouldn’t take me The first time I fell in love, I agreed to him. It turned out that I didn’t like that boy because I was used to it, so I felt uncomfortable when I heard that he had a girlfriend. But Li Tian, ​​I don’t reject him entering my life inexplicably. Slowly fall in love with him until it becomes a habit."

Tang Xiaoxiao talked to herself, as if she wanted to say all the things buried in her heart, while Li Tian was also listening carefully and gestured to Ye Li not to say that he was coming.

"He obviously said he likes me, and he said he will always be with me. How can it be changed? I hope that I, Tang Xiaoxiao, don't have any similarities with Shen Yaru in appearance, so that he won't notice Me, does this mean that I won’t run into him? Does this mean that I won’t fall into this vortex..." Incoherently speaking a series of incoherent words, even Ye Li listened to it like this Got it, let alone Li Tian.

Ye Li's eyes were slightly red, she felt sad for Xiaoxiao, when she thought of the culprit, Ye Li turned her head slightly, Li Tian had buried her head and covered her face as if to hide the tears that flowed unconsciously.

"I just can't understand why I always meet him and Yaru by such a coincidence, and the apologies and explanations I imagined are just imagination, but in fact he wants to start again with Yaru, but wants to end with me. It’s hard to speak, so I’ll let them do it. Otherwise, Ali, what do you think I should do? I finally made a friend who made me feel comfortable in the new class, but now I have to stay away. Why do you think he makes me so embarrassed , any girl can do it! Why is she the only one? How can I continue to be friends with her as if nothing happened, do you think I can do it?"

"Xiaoxiao, you don't have to embarrass yourself."

"I know. The moment I broke up with him, I decided not to embarrass myself. I will change seats. I can't say any words to bless them."

"Xiaoxiao, you still have me."

(End of this chapter)

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