It's a fairy tale

Chapter 137 136. An Leilei's Transformation

Chapter 137 136. An Leilei's Transformation
It was night, Ye Li was lying comfortably on the bed and the big stone in her heart finally let go.These days, she has also been caught in the middle of the embarrassment. On this side is Tang Xiaoxiao, who is broken in love, and on the other side is Mo Yang, whom she likes. She has no time for a clone.Often when two people are having dinner, Tang Xiaoxiao calls, or Mo Yang shows up when she goes shopping with Tang Xiaoxiao on the weekend, and takes her away with a force. Ye Li always says goodbye to Tang Xiaoxiao with guilt, but things It's not that bad, because someone will show up in the end, and that person is Li Tian.

I can't say how I feel about Li Tian, ​​but he is someone Tang Xiaoxiao likes. As long as he treats Tang Xiaoxiao well and Ye Li doesn't matter, the matter will be over like this. As for Li Tian's future performance, it is no longer within the scope of their control. . . . . .

The school life is as fast-paced as ever, and the students in the class are becoming more and more familiar without knowing it, including An Leilei who just joined this class not long ago. Instead of being as arrogant and self-righteous as before, he became able to mingle with the people around him, and was able to make jokes with others without any image.

Ye Li felt strange at first, but it's nothing to think about it carefully, after all, An Leilei is a beautiful girl, as long as she shows some friendliness, I believe no one will reject her overtures.In this way, the two changed from ignoring each other to being able to nod and smile even though they didn't speak, and the first person to notice this change of An Leilei should be Mo Yang.

It was still after dinner, and An Leilei was like a pampered princess who never cared about cleaning the table after dinner. Although Mo Yang was slightly surprised by this behavior, it was just that it didn't make Mo Yang curious, because soon Mo Yang's mother asked Mo Yang to go with her, and it was because of this that Mo Yang was a little bit colder towards her, but What was unexpected was that An Leilei refused, and Mo Yang didn't treat her with the demeanor he should have. No matter what Mo Yang's mother said, he just refused to go. After doing this several times, Mo Yang also began to wonder.

"Leilei, it's getting dark, where are you going?"

"Oh, I want to go for a walk, have eaten too much~"

"Let Ayang go with you, and I will rest assured when I come back."

Just as Mo Yang frowned and was about to say that he didn't have time, An Leilei replied one step faster than it, "No need, Auntie, I'll take care of myself, then I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, An Leilei really didn't stop and went out by herself, leaving only the nagging voice of Mo Yang's mother, "I don't know what's wrong with you child, you don't like to see Leilei, when you were young, you helped her to bully her!" The boy in the school gave me a beating, how come he has become so cold-blooded now that he is older, alas, really..."

Mo Yang's mother said something else. Mo Yang listened inadvertently and went out feeling a little irritated. After walking a short distance, he saw An Leilei squatting on the ground. She was stroking a puppy with her hand, and walked in. It was only after she heard her muttering voice, "Is your mother, why did you run away by yourself?" Ren Anleilei, whose fur was milky white and soft, stroked the puppy and barked twice from time to time, as if answering Anleilei. The problem.

"Go home quickly, don't run around outside, if someone takes you away, you won't be able to find your mother."

Of course the puppy couldn't understand human words, but just rubbed his head against her hand, and left after a while because he heard a similar barking sound, so it must be its mother looking for it.

An Leilei thought sadly, she came back from abroad because of Mo Yang, and lived alone in this city without parents, so what if she was close to Mo Yang? His heart is not with her at all, even if, even if she Changing myself for him didn't even attract his attention, but that girl named Ye Li can easily make him happy, sad, and angry. These are the most common emotions that people only have when they meet her. How can this be called People are not jealous.

"Why are you here?" An Leilei asked in surprise looking at Mo Yang who was a few steps away from her.


"I thought you wouldn't come out,"

"Tell me what's on your mind."

An Leilei understood the inexplicable sentence, but the panic was fleeting for a moment, just "I don't understand what you mean."

"Do you think I'll be interested in your sudden change?"

Sure enough, they are the same pride, but they are two completely different people.

"You mean to say that what I did was all to attract your attention, and it was all fake?"

"Do you know it yourself?"

An Leilei shook her head with a wry smile, "Even if you pretend to be me, there's no need to be so complacent. Although I really wanted to change for you at the beginning, but I found that you don't see me at all. It's better to let yourself change than to be like this." It’s better to meet someone else, I don’t have any other thoughts about you now, don’t get me wrong.”

"This is the best." Mo Yang left without giving her a chance to continue.

An Leilei looked at that figure firmly, there was never anything she couldn't get, including people, how could she give up just because of Mo Yang's few words?How could she be willing to wish him and others happiness after liking him for so long? She couldn't do that. So, "Mo Yang, I absolutely can't give up on you."

When they got home, the two met again at the door, and they entered the door one after the other without saying hello, and Mo Yang's mother was dazzled, could it be that his son changed his nature after hearing her words?

"Father, what do you think of Lei Lei?"

"Well, it's alright."

"Tell you seriously, don't be so perfunctory."

Mo's father said seriously, "Then you want to hear what I have to say. Although the child is very proud, he is also a good and polite child, but don't try to make Ayang and her a pair, let alone that the son will turn against you." I also......"

"How about you, you want to turn against me too, right? You've got a lot of skills."

"No, no, I don't agree with Ayang falling in love so early. He is still young and shouldn't delay what he should do because of these things."

"Then you also fell in love early in high school, why didn't you say you were a good leader." Mo Yang's mother said aggressively.

"Well, I didn't say anything, but just remind you that your son will really turn against you."

"Hmph, that's not your concern."

. . . . . .

The status of Mo Yang's father, alas, the obvious strict wife control,,,,,,,

(End of this chapter)

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