Chapter 148.
The weather in the morning was not so good and there was a light rain. Hearing the sound of the rain, Ye Li lay lazily on the bed for a long time, until her stomach protested with dissatisfaction before getting up slowly.

When the window was opened, the mixed smell of rainwater and soil came blowing in. The early morning was really good. Ye Li simply made a nutritious breakfast and started to pack the painting utensils for going out to sketch.

The rain was dripping down the wall, and Ye Li stretched comfortably, looking at the mirror-like sky washed by the rain, and sighed, "It's sunny after the rain, I'm in a good mood."

It's really a bit of an artist's demeanor. I set off with a picture clip and a simple small schoolbag on my back.The smile on my face along the way has never been restrained. This is the first time I have gone out to sketch alone. Of course it is not easy to express my mood.

Because of the weather, many boats docked by the lake, Ye Li found a very classic looking boat, discussed the time and price with the boatman, and went up.

The boatman said that at least two people will be pulled up, so Ye Li thought to go up by himself first and pick a better position near the bow, which is good for painting, so he moved a small chair by himself and sat down on the bow to wait quietly. with other passengers.

"I'm going to start, where are you going to play today?"

Ye Li sent a text message to Mo Yang in a good mood, since she was idle anyway.It's just that, unlike Ye Li's imagining that he waited for 5 minutes and still hasn't come back, the behavior of staring at the time beating on the phone is really silly.

After a while, two more people came up, a man and a woman looked like a couple, Ye Li smiled at the two of them friendly and immersed himself in his own world, the boat was finally leaving.

It takes about two hours to go around the lake, and Ye Li is just planning to draw and take pictures at will. The blank paper will be replaced by the surrounding lush scenery in a short while, but it seems a bit monotonous with only scenery and no figures. After thinking about it, he drew a lake in the center of the paper with a few pens. The rippling water revealed waves and lingering lake water. Ye Li smiled with satisfaction.

"It would be better to draw a small boat." The strange boy beside him said with a smile.

"Uh, let me try."

Ye Li smiled back, and then traced lightly and shallowly with a pen on the deeper part of the lake. She seemed to feel a pair of eyes watching her paint, and she was a little nervous but more serious.

About half an hour later, the preliminary drawing of Yiye Bingzhou was completed, Ye Li turned around and the strange boy was still there, sincerely said to Ye Li, "The effect is much better, just focus on the ink color of the hull." In the words It is an appreciation that cannot be concealed.

"um. Thank you."

The strange boy nodded, turned and walked towards his girlfriend.

Ye Li breathed a sigh of relief, the feeling of being stared at by someone is really uncomfortable, but... that person's drawing level is quite high.

According to the boy's reminder, Ye Li once again completed the creation of the whole painting in one go. The painting style is extremely delicate and shows the life of the fishermen after the rain and the leisurely boating with a fresh attitude. Ye Li is very happy about this After all, the trip to the lake was not in vain, and I created a picture I like.

Turning around to look for the strange boy with high level of painting skills, but seeing a picture that makes people blush and heartbeat, the boy and his girlfriend are sitting on the small stool in the boat and kissing deeply, Ye Li only saw it for a moment He turned his head back and looked at the lake unnaturally.

Ye Li put away the painting he made before and changed a piece of paper. The blank paper urgently needs to be filled by the owner, but Ye Li doesn't know what to draw. After all, the scene left in his mind is still going on. hit her heart.

"What should I draw?" Ye Li said to himself.

"Can you draw a picture for me?" Ye Li, who was thinking wildly, was startled by the sudden voice again, "What did you say?"

"I said, can you draw a picture for us?"

"Ah, me, I'm not very good at painting, let's forget it." Ye Li quickly replied, what a joke, why is she showing off in front of people with superb painting skills, isn't that just throwing a stone at her own foot? .

"How can you be so unconfident? I think your painting just now is very good and has the potential of a painter."

"How did you find out?" Ye Li asked knowingly.

"It's like this. My girlfriend and I are both sophomores at the Academy of Fine Arts, and we traveled during the summer vacation."

In the Academy of Fine Arts, Ye Li quit after hearing this, how could she paint for the students of the Academy of Fine Arts with her basic painting skills, she herself felt that she was not at this level.

"Then I don't dare to draw anymore, and besides, it's time for boating."

The boy confidently threw a "wait" look at Ye Li and went to find the boatman, adding another two hours to the time.When the strange boy told Ye Li the news, she just wanted to scold him, "Painting is also a waste of energy, plus she didn't eat much in the morning, so she was already hungry right now.

"Just practice your drawing skills. It's great for the two of us to be your models."

Ye Li gritted her teeth, we don't know each other very well, who gave you the right to make you so thick-skinned!

"The painting is not good, don't blame me."

"Well, I believe you."

The boy hugged his girlfriend intimately, and the silent girlfriend let him do what he did, but with a shy and pitiful smile on his face, Ye Li comforted himself, "Just think of it as helping this girl."

If things go wrong in the future, this painting can also remind the boy of the sweet past with his girlfriend at any time.

However, Ye Li really wanted to say, "Is it really okay for you to show affection like this and still block the face of me, a minor?"

For nearly an hour, Ye Li was carefully drawing the faces of the two of them, with extremely serious expressions, but the pair of embracing lovers smiled sweetly, and the boy even said something to the girl from time to time, but the girl He just smiled lightly and didn't reply.

"Little sister, you must apply to the Academy of Fine Arts in the future."

"Not necessarily, let's see." Ye Li said patiently.

"I think you should apply to the Academy of Fine Arts. It's a pity that people like you don't apply to the Academy of Fine Arts."

Ye Li just smiled and continued to paint on the panel.

"What I said is true, and seeing you come out to sketch, you can see that you must like painting very much. In this case, you must not give up on it." At the end of the words, there was a bit of seriousness, Ye Li couldn't help but Just as Xie wanted to find something in the boy's eyes, he returned to his true nature of a hippie smile.

When the boat was about to reach the lake, Ye Li finally took the painting out of the clip, "The painting is not very good, you can take it if you want."

"It's very good, it's really good." The boy praised, and then took it to the girl beside him to see the tenderness in his eyes, "How about it, isn't it more handsome than a real person?"

The girl smiled as usual, Xiaoli punched the boy and then pointed at Ye Li, making a series of gestures that Ye Li could not understand, the boy nodded, turned to Ye Li and said, "My girlfriend said, you are very spiritual. , The overall painting style also makes people feel comfortable, as if it has a warm tone that makes the painting beautiful. I hope you can continue to stick to your own painting style, and thank you for painting for us.

After listening to this passage, Ye Li became very dull, all the previous grievances and reluctance were covered by a kind of sympathy, it turned out that the girl was dumb, and that boy---Ye Li looked again, could It must be a good person to spoil a dumb girlfriend like this.

Ye Li's attitude changed a lot, and she said relaxedly, "It's okay, I'm willing to add a touch to your love as long as you don't dislike it, but you must continue to be happy like this."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and nodded to Ye Li at the same time. The final boat fare was Ye Li, but it was their help. Looking at the backs of the two embracing and leaving from a distance, Ye Li said silently in her heart, "I hope I will pay you back next time." I can meet you."

The sun gradually revealed a corner, and it finally looked like it should be at noon. Ye Li took out the mobile phone in his trouser pocket and yelled, "Oops, I forgot to charge it again!"

(End of this chapter)

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