It's a fairy tale

Chapter 159. 158. Fork

Chapter 159. 158. Fork

Ye Li woke up early in the morning, and she didn't know why she woke up very happily today who usually only got up after three poles every day.

After thinking about it for a long time, she started working after she hadn't cooked a hearty breakfast by herself, and decided to give Binbin a surprise.

When the sky was completely bright, the busy figure stopped, and it took an hour to make the snacks that children love. Ye Li brought them to the dining table with satisfaction, and was about to call the sleepy Bin Bin when the doorbell It rang.

"Strange, who will be the one early in the morning..."

Ye Li muttered a few words and ran to the door, saw it through the cat's eyes - opened the door excitedly, "Mom and Dad, you are back!"

"Xiao Li, why is it so fast today? We thought you guys weren't getting up yet."

"Hey, I woke up a little early, it seems that I have already hinted that you will come back."

Ye's father and Ye's mother came in with a smile. They didn't bring anything to go out, but they brought a lot of things when they came back. Ye Li looked at a big bag and said with surprise, "Is this bag all for me?"

"Well, yes, it's all small things that accumulate so much that they become so heavy."

"What about this one?" Ye Li asked Ye Xiao again.

"This one is for Binbin, but children have nothing but toys."

"Oh~" Ye Li happily carried two bags, first put his own back in the room and then went to Binbin's room to shake him awake, "Binbin, Binbin!"

"What are you doing, sister?"

"Mom and Dad are back, this is what they brought to you, do you want it?"

Upon hearing this, the child who was originally lying on the bed stood up abruptly, "Think!"

"Think about it, get up soon!" Ye Li shook the bag in her hand and went out leisurely, "Get up quickly and I'll give it to you, otherwise..."

Ye Li said half-threateningly that Binbin used to be a good boy who went to bed early and got up early, but then he didn't know who he learned from and became a person who likes to sleep late and not get up early, and the biggest suspect in this matter seems to be She is the elder sister of Binbin.

"Wow, these are all made by Xiaoli, they look good as usual."

"Of course, it tastes great!" Ye Li followed suit and boasted.

Just as he was talking, Binbin came out, and rushed to the dining table without even thinking about the presents, "I knew my sister was the best for me!"

"We didn't treat you well?" Mother He said pretending to be disappointed.

"No, no, you are all good!"

Seeing the children eating so happily, all three of them laughed.

After breakfast, Ye Li got into her room and surfed the Internet, preparing for studying abroad, but, she was still in trouble, how could she tell Mo Yang about this?
It takes so long to go abroad, will he wait for her?What's more, they haven't reconciled yet.

Even though he said so, when Ye Li heard what Mo Yang said, he had already forgiven him in his heart, but he just didn't know it, and the contradiction was entangled.On the one hand, he was talking about giving up, and on the other hand, he was silently looking forward to their future.

"What should I do, should I tell him?" Ye Li was thinking, when the words An Leilei said suddenly appeared in his mind, "We will go abroad together." So, will he go abroad too? ?


"What's the matter, the voice is so dull?"

"It's nothing." Ye Li sniffed and said in a low voice.

"Are you crying?" Mo Yang asked worriedly.

"No, just a little cold."



"Come out in the afternoon, let's meet."

"Can you not come?"


"Okay, then I'll hang up first."

Staring blankly at the ceiling, it seems that this way he can know the answer he wants, but Ye Li didn't think that way before Ye Xiao proposed to study abroad.She just wanted to go to a good art school and stay in the same city as Mo Yang, but after An Leilei's incident, she wanted to go to another city silently, a city that hadn't told Mo Yang, But when Ye Xiao said that studying abroad was still the country she had longed for, she hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

Ye Li thought that the matter between her and Mo Yang would be over like this, since An Leilei likes him so much, she should give up, not to mention they are childhood sweethearts, but Mo Yang said, "Only you, always only you." It was only then that she gradually turned back. It's not that she hadn't thought about not being with Mo Yang all the time, but now there was a fork and she didn't know how to choose.

After a whole afternoon in a daze, the joy of parents coming back was only replaced by their nagging for a while, but Ye Li was very happy and warm in her heart, and it felt good to have someone taking care of her.

Mo Yang called and gave the meeting address, but Ye Li refused when he said he wanted to pick her up, "I'll just come by myself, just wait for me."

To be honest, Ye Li is actually afraid of Mo Yang being exposed to the sun, because today's weather is really hot.

Ye Li put on her brain after telling her family, and went out with sunglasses.

Before leaving, he was entangled by the little boy again, "Can you take me there?"

"Of course not, stay at home."

Ye Li also turned a blind eye to the little boy's grievance.

What will the meeting be like today, Ye Li imagined the "grand" scene to encourage herself, "I always have to face it, come on!"

Sorry, I was a bit busy yesterday and didn't take care of it. I will continue to be busy today~
(End of this chapter)

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