It's a fairy tale

Chapter 162 161. People Are Here

Chapter 162 161. People Are Here
"Uncle, sit down first and say don't worry." Ye Li persuaded.

"Is it true that Huanhuan didn't come to see you? Where can she go so late!" Tang Sen said worriedly, unable to sit down for almost a moment.

"Really not, why can't I find the good ones? Didn't she go home?"

"Go back." Tang Sen sighed.

"Clarify the matter clearly, otherwise how can we help you find it." He Ruge said calmly.

"Huanhuan, her mother found a letter when she was cleaning the room. The letter was written to Huanhuan. It was a love letter. Then Hua Yin talked to Huanhuan. Huanhuan thought it was Hua Yin who was rummaging through her things. So the two quarreled, and Huanhuan ran away after the quarrel, Hua Yin thought she was just angry for a while and would come back after a while, who would have thought that the child has not come home until now, it is dark today, Hua Yin and I I'm worried to death"

"Hua Yin said what's wrong with Huanhuan, and they actually started arguing?"

"What else can a parent say, it's nothing more than saying that you can't fall in love early, maybe it's a bit too much, and the child can't bear it, so he ran away." Tang Sen sighed again, as if he was very regretful. .

"Uncle, weren't you there?"

"I went out, and when I came back, your aunt called me and said that the child could not be found. I made all the phone calls that should be made, but there was no news of her. Where could she go?"

Looking at the anxious Tang Sen Yeli, she already had an idea in her heart, but what should I say, wouldn't the situation be worse if this matter was exposed?

Ye Li thought about Zaisan and said, "Uncle, you wait here for a while, I remember Huanhuan has a very good friend, I'll go find her."

"Uncle will go with you." Tang Sen said anxiously.

"No, Huanhuan and I have a good relationship. If she is there, I will call you. If she is not, you can go look for her. Otherwise, if you have no direction, you will not be able to find her."


Without giving Tang Sen a chance to speak, Ye Li quickly changed her shoes and said "I'll go first" and the door closed.

After coming out, Ye Li hurriedly called Mo Yang, asked Chen Xing's phone number and then hung up quickly, "I'll explain to you later, I'm a little anxious."

Chenxing's number was picked up shortly after she dialed out, "Hello, who is it?"

"Chen Xing, I'm Ye Li, is your brother Chen Guang at home?"

"Chen Guang went out and hasn't come back yet, what do you need to do with him?"

"Well, hurry up and tell me Chenguang's mobile phone number, I'm in a hurry."

Chen Xing also quickly reported Chen Guang's mobile phone number when he heard the words, Ye Li hurriedly said thank you and hung up, leaving the confused Chen Xing to ponder over there, "Could it be that the kid caused something again..."

"Strange, why is no one answering?" Ye Li said to herself.

Called several times in a row but still no one answered, Ye Li had no choice but to call Chen Xing again, "Hey, Chen Xing, do you know where your brother is?"

"I didn't say where he went, but what happened to you so eager to find him? Did he cause trouble again?"

"No, Huanhuan can't find it like this. I think she must be with Chenguang. Her family is going crazy. Do you really not know where Chenguang is?"

"Huanhuan ran away from home?" Chen Xing's heart that had just been let go was raised again, what a joke, this kid turned out to abduct people from home, isn't it more serious!
"Well, it's almost like this, can you help me contact Chen Guang?" Ye Li asked eagerly again.

"It's easy to handle this way. I may know where that kid has gone. You can take the car to the 'Lijing Building' and wait for me below when you arrive. I'll be there soon."

"Okay, see you later."


Chen Xing heaved a sigh of relief. Only the two brothers knew where he was coming from. According to his younger brother's personality, he would have taken him there. Thinking of this, the phone rang again just after leaving the house. Chen Xing looked at the caller ID and smiled, and then But he showed a regretful expression, "Oh, it's really not the time to joke this time..."

"Mo Yang, what's the matter?"

"Well, she called you." Affirmative tone.

"Her sister can't be found, and I'm going to meet her."


"Lijing Building." Chen Xing sighed silently in his heart and said truthfully.


"Huh?! Just hang up like this. You really value sex over friends..."

Ye Li soon arrived at the place Chen Xing said, walking back and forth anxiously and looking around from time to time, there was nothing but street lights.

About 10 minutes later, a person finally came, Ye Li hurried over to take a closer look, "Why is it you?" Then he looked hard behind Mo Yang, but there was no one.

"Disappointed to see me?"

Mo Yang's awkward look made Ye Li, who was in a hurry at this time, have an urge to laugh, "What kind of vinegar is there, I have a very urgent matter."

"He's on his way and should be here soon."

"Yeah, I see, how about you, it's so late to come out!"

"Your tone is so urgent, just come out and have a look."

The subtext is to say "I'm worried about you." Although Ye Li has been touched many times, her heart is still warm. Mo Yang always does what he does rather than what he says.

"You guys are so fast, go and follow me."

A series of footsteps came along with Chen Xing's voice, Ye Li quickly came back to his senses, "Let's go."

I don’t know how the two brothers found this place. The place they went was not inside the building, but an old building on the back of the building. Walking through the narrow wooden stairs, a rooftop appeared in front of them. The scenery above Amazing, Ye Li couldn't help but praised, "It's so beautiful."

Standing on the rooftop, the starlight all over the sky looks extraordinarily beautiful, as if a world of its own is illusory, not to mention there is a wicker chair on the rooftop, and there are two people snuggled up on the chair at this time, it seems to be Tang Huanhuan And Chen Guang.

"She got tired of crying and fell asleep."

Ye Li nodded and squatted down, looking at this little face that was still stained with tears, the scolding that she had planned in her heart disappeared immediately, "Huanhuan, Huanhuan." Ye Li called out softly.

Eyelashes fluttered a few times, and Tang Huanhuan frowned subconsciously.

Ye Li said again, "Huanhuan, wake up." He gently shook her arm with his hand, and finally opened his eyes this time, Tang Huanhuan, who was half-closed, muttered dissatisfiedly, "Chenguang, why don't you let me sleep .”

As soon as this remark came out, all three of them laughed, and Chen Guang said innocently, "I don't dare, open your eyes to see who it is."

"Who is it?" Huanhuan opened his eyes completely but was startled by the person in front of him, "Miss Li?" Then he sat up reflexively, distanced himself from Chenguang.

Ye Li smiled, "I've seen it a long time ago, what's the use of getting rid of it now."

"Sister Xiaoli..." Huanhuan pursed her lips and looked at her with a pitiful expression.

"Hey, come home with me, uncles and aunts are worried about you to death."

"I'm not going back!"

I wish you a nice weekend!
(End of this chapter)

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