It's a fairy tale

Chapter 166 165. The Warmth at Home

Chapter 166 165. The Warmth at Home

After Ye Li sent n many text messages to no avail, she finally called Mo Yang in anger. The long background music showed that there was no one answering the phone, so Ye Li had no choice but to hang up.

"What the hell are people doing? Why are there no one in the past few days? Do you know that I'm leaving tomorrow!"

Ye Li angrily threw her mobile phone on the bed, and left the room in a very unhappy mood. Now she needs something cold to suppress her fiery mood.Xu Shi opened the refrigerator a bit loudly, and brother Ye Xiao, who was playing games with Binbin in Binbin's room, came out, "What's the matter, are you in a bad mood?"

"No, it's too hot, let's spread the fire."

Ye Xiao just smiled. How could he not know what his sister was bothering about? After talking with Mo Yang, he found out that he was also preparing to study abroad. Every day he was busy preparing materials and running around in various places. Ye Xiao was surprised I asked him why he didn't ask his family to help with it, and he only answered that it was his own business and he was capable of it.

However, he shouldn't be the one to tell Ye Li these things. How could he destroy Mo Yang's promise to surprise her in advance?

"Really? Why do I feel so cool."

Ye Li had no time to answer, sitting cross-legged on the sofa and eating the cold ice cream in his hand, with white circles rubbed against his mouth, he was still enjoying eating, Ye Xiao could only shake his head and smile when he saw it , but Binbin who didn't know when ran out came forward and wiped Ye Li with a tissue, "Sister is so stupid, she made her mouth full after eating something, Binbin won't be like this anymore."

The childish voice of the little boy made Ye Li, who was eating ice cream, feel tighter. She felt guilty that she hadn't appeared for a long time. She only thought about Mo Yang but forgot about Binbin. When she thought that she would not see him for a long time Also gave birth to reluctance.

"Your sister hasn't grown up yet, she's still a child." Ye Xiao teased.

"Then why doesn't sister play with me? We are all children." Tong Yan Wuji's words really made Ye Li feel more guilty. In the past, she would accompany the children to go out to play and eat, but now...

"Binbin, let's go out together, will my sister take you to a barbecue?"

"We won't be having dinner later, what kind of barbecue are we having?" Before the little boy could answer, Ye Xiao interjected again.

Ye Li didn't care, just looked at the little boy, "Will you go?"

"Go, go, I'll go wherever my sister takes me." Ye Li proudly threw her brother a look.

"We're skipping dinner, we're going out for BBQ!"

After grabbing their coats, the two of them were ready to go out. Unexpectedly, another Cheng Yaojin appeared on the way, and Chen Ran came back.

"Where are you guys going?"

"Let's go eat barbecue."

"Barbecue, ah, I want to eat too, can you bring me?" Chen Ran said pitifully.

Ye Li and Binbin turned their heads to look at Ye Xiao tacitly, meaning that it depends on your family.

Sure enough, Ye Xiao said flatly, "Don't go anywhere, give me a good meal."

Uh, Brother Ye Xiao, are you training your daughter-in-law or your children? Why are you so authoritarian?
"Why? I haven't eaten for a long time..."

"You need to take good care of your body now, and you can't eat those unnutritious things now."

"What does it mean to be unnutritious! It's fine if it tastes good!" Ye Li was unhappy, and said excitedly and indignantly.

"It's delicious, okay, besides, none of you are allowed to go." Brother Ye Xiao said domineeringly.

Seeing the momentum, Ye Li pulled Binbin and was about to slip away without loyalty. Before leaving, she didn't forget to say to Chen Ran, "You take care of yourself, I wish you good luck!"

"No loyalty!" Chen Ran said angrily, without any appearance of what an adult should be.

"You don't let me go to barbecue, you cook!"

"it is good."

Hey, seeing Brother Ye Xiao's response so quickly, Chen Ran was overjoyed and then pushed forward even more, "Then you also have to take the initiative to clean up the table and wash the dishes."

initiative?Ye Xiao's eyes were full of light. Who didn't know that her little girl would take the initiative to clean up the dishes after every meal in order to get closer to her mother-in-law, but she always asked him to wash them when she got home, and now, How could he condone Ye Xiao's behavior at brother Ye Xiao's mother's house?Didn't that lower his status in the family?Impossible!
"Okay, I can do the dishes, so you don't have to go to work tomorrow."

"What do you mean?" Chen Ran asked cautiously.

"Well, I don't seem to have..."

"I'll wash, I'll wash, you don't need to bother, young master, I'll do it." Chen Ran said flatteringly, she despises and despises herself very much for this behavior of destroying her prestige, but...compared to someone not letting herself The act of sleeping is tolerable, tolerable...

Ye Li didn't take Binbin to the barbecue shop, but went to the snack street. The stalls there are much more delicious than the ones in the store, and there are many types.

Don't think that all the stalls are unhygienic, in fact, there are a few that are very good, such as the one that Ye Li went to.

After ordering some snacks and drinks from the proprietress, I took Binbin to pick out barbecue food.

"You can choose what you want to eat. My sister may not be able to eat with you for a long time."

"elder sister……"

"What's wrong?" Seeing Binbin hesitant to speak, Ye Li asked.

"Is it because of that person that you are unhappy these days?"

"That person? Which person?" Ye Li asked suspiciously.

"That's right, that brother." Binbin frowned, as if he was very reluctant to call him brother.

"How do you know this man?"

"That's right, I won't tell you, sister, aren't you happy now?"

Ye Li didn't argue with the child about that issue, and said naturally, "Of course not, my sister is very happy with Binbin."

"Really?" The child's eyes sparkled, full of anticipation.

"It must be true, hurry up and get some food."

Ye Li patted Binbin's head, and picked it up first, "Do you want this?"


"What about this?"

"Yes, I want to eat this."



The voice gradually faded away, no one knew what the little boy was thinking in his heart, if his sister treated her well, he would treat his sister well in the future, would he also like the person his sister likes?
Uh... A child's world is simple and full of innocence. He doesn't know what specific liking is, but he knows that he must like people who treat him well, such as Ye's father and Ye's mother, such as his brother and sister-in-law, such as his sister.

"Binbin, do you have to know your sister well when you grow up?"

He is still young, but he believes that when he grows up, he will definitely protect his sister, just like Ye Xiao before but also now.

Love lasts, that's all.

(End of this chapter)

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