Chapter 32 The Rhythm of Confession
"Why can't I be here." The tone was flat, taking it for granted.

"You don't sit in so many places, why do you sit here!" Ye Li said reluctantly.

"We are partners." Quietly watched Ye Li approach slightly and said these words, Mo Yang's smiling eyebrows made Ye Li's heart flutter again, and even the expectations that were shattered not long ago were ignited again rising trend.

Ye Li struggled in her heart, and said awkwardly, "Don't get so close to me." The lowered head showed her contradiction.

Mo Yang smiled, sat upright obediently, leaned back on the chair leisurely, and closed his eyes.

"Why am I impressed by him again, Ye Li, sober up!" I said to myself in this way, but my eyes still looked at him unconsciously, one, two, until the third, Mo Yang seemed like Sensing it, he opened his eyes, just in time to meet Ye Li who had no time to look away—there was a soft light in his clear eyes that he couldn't dodge.

Ye Li was a little guilty, and stammered, "I...I..." She was thinking hard about a lie that could be believed to be true, when she accidentally saw the music teacher, and shouted loudly, "Teacher, here! "Ye Li then said to Mo Yang, "I was just looking for the teacher again, and I happened to see her in the direction behind you." The somewhat panicked face suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo Yang nodded noncommittally, and didn't expose Ye Li's little trick. He couldn't help thinking that she was very cute. Isn't this 300 taels of silver here?

Because of Ye Li's call, the music teacher came over quickly, "So you are here, don't be nervous about the rehearsal later. Our program number is the eighth, and there are twelve programs in total. The lineup is pretty good for you guys, just sit here first, and I'll call you later." The teacher who was called said a lot, and Ye Li who called the teacher stood there without saying a word , Before the two of them could react, the music teacher ran away in a hurry.

Looking at the embarrassing scene again, Ye Li was extremely annoyed.I didn't know how long I stood there, before she was still thinking about something else, Mo Yang reminded me, "You like to be punished so much?"

"Huh?" Ye Li looked at Mo Yang unresponsively.

"The rehearsal is about to begin, please sit down."

Looking around, most people have already taken their seats, only a few are still looking for seats, and the only one like Ye Li who has a seat and stands stupidly is herself.

The little face was blushing, Ye Li sat on the seat embarrassedly and still did not forget to glare at Mo Yang.Surprisingly, Mo Yang didn't ignore her, instead... instead, he looked at Ye Li tenderly, and said softly, "After the rehearsal is over, come with me."

Ye Li looked at him with astonished eyes, but there was nothing to say.I couldn't help muttering in my heart, "What's the mystery..."


The rehearsal officially started, and the first program was poetry reading.Ye Li was lying on the table boredly, kicking her feet around restlessly.Listening to the unnutritious poetry recitation, even Mo Yang lay on the table, but no matter how you look at it, his posture is very elegant, it doesn't look like...

After a while, the show has reached the seventh. Under the leadership of the music teacher, the two came to the backstage to prepare, "Don't be nervous, Ye Li, there is still a screen in front of you, although you can't see it. But your every move can be clearly seen, so you have to dance well and not have small movements, you know?"

"Oh, I see."

The teacher turned to Mo Yang again, opened his mouth but didn't say anything, Ye Li curled his lips, "Cut, I'll let you know later that I can't be underestimated."

After a while, the curtain came from the front of the stage, and the music teacher was more nervous than both of them, "Come on, come on!"

The stage was huge, Ye Li stood behind the screen and made some moves, that angle was just looking at Mo Yang.He sat down gracefully, put his hands on the keys, and before the sound of the piano sounded, "Come on" just passed into Ye Li's ears, and then the prelude sounded.

Ye Li was not nervous at all, as if she had returned to the scene where the two of them were rehearsing in the rehearsal room in the past, following the rhythm and comprehending the melody and melody, once again being there, there was a touch of sadness in her heart, and the dance steps at the end of the song Suddenly stopped, there was warm applause in the multi-functional hall where there were not many people.

The two bowed together and stepped back.

"It's great! Ye Li, I didn't see it, she danced very well." The music teacher said happily, "The audience's response is quite lively, and I will perform like today tomorrow."

"Teacher, can I leave?"

"Mo Yang, who has always been silent, actually opened his mouth?" The teacher thought in amazement, and answered repeatedly, "Of course, you can leave school early, or you can stay to watch the show as you please."

Mo Yang nodded.

They left the multi-functional hall together, and it was the third class in terms of time, Mo Yang asked Ye Li next to him, "What do you want to eat?"

"Ah?" asked a little confused, "What did you say?"

"I said, what do you want to eat?"

"Whatever you want," he added after thinking for a while, "you can eat whatever you want."

"Yeah." He answered and walked forward.

"Hey, why are you going?"

"Didn't you say eat?" Looking at Ye Li who was still standing there blankly, Mo Yang frowned and said, "Follow me quickly."

"Oh, good!"

Half an hour later, a somewhat depressed park appeared in front of Ye Li's eyes.The cobblestone path is covered with leaves at this time, and a pavilion with ancient charm stands not far away, and there are various stone carvings.Ye Li silently thought, the small park must have been beautiful before.

Mo Yang didn't stop and led her to continue walking in. After turning a corner, Ye Li happily shouted "Wow, it's a swing~" and ran over cheerfully.Although the swing looks a bit old, it doesn't hinder Ye Li's good mood.

"How did you find out about this place?" Mo Yang looked at Mo Yang with some surprise.

"This is a small park near my home before, but I seldom come here after I moved."

"It's very quiet. Although it's a bit deserted, it used to have a beautiful view."

"Well, there were a lot of people back then." As if recalling, there was deep nostalgia on his face.

Mo Yang sat on another swing, opened the bag in his hand and handed it over, "Here,"

"So much, I've finished eating"

"Eat slowly, it's still early."

"Then why don't we come back after eating in the store?" Ye Li asked curiously
"Don't you feel comfortable eating here?"

"An Yi?" Ye Li was thinking a little depressed, "Why does it feel like I want to hide away from the world of mortals and hide in the mountains..."

"Well," raised the phone, "Do you want to watch it?"


"What you wanted to see last time."

"Give it to me!" Ye Li looked at Mo Yang with glowing eyes, "I finally know what's inside."

He took the phone excitedly, and said dissatisfiedly, "Why did you just give it to me now?" In fact, he was already happy in his heart, "He hasn't forgotten".

"Because it's not yet time."

"Why..." Ye Li was stunned before she finished speaking.After unlocking the phone, a photo came into view.That person is none other than himself.

Ye Li on the screen was sitting on the ground thinking about something and was fascinated, with a quiet smile on his face, it can be seen that the owner who captured this photo had excellent photography skills.

Ye Li said incoherently, "You, me, no, you took this picture?"

"En." Mo Yang nodded.

"You... why did you shoot me?"

Mo Yang looked at Ye Li, didn't answer this question, but mentioned another thing, "Are you in a bad mood the day you asked me if I cared about you?"

"Yeah," Ye Li smiled wryly, "I thought you cared so much about me and felt the same as me, but I didn't expect that I was being passionate." As if going all out, Ye Li continued, "Since today You brought up this topic, so let's make it clear, yes, I've always wanted to tell you, I..."

"Wait!" Mo Yang interrupted in a very puzzled manner, "Listen to me first."

(End of this chapter)

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