It's a fairy tale

Chapter 90 "Discovering" Mo Yang

Chapter 90 "Discovering" Mo Yang

"Mo Yangyang?" Mo Yang raised his eyebrows, it seems that someone really owes a lesson after a long time. . .

Ye Li had a sweet dream, dreaming that Mo Yang came back, and he looked at her with great taste and said, "Do you like Pleasant Goat or Mo Yangyang?"

"Of course Pleasant Goat, how popular he is."

"I'm not bad either."

Ye Li made a grimace, and didn't continue to discuss this issue with him, but saw that Mo Yang was getting stronger and said very seriously, "Besides, I will only be Mo Yangyang for one person."

Woke up from the dream, and it was dawn.I habitually took my mobile phone but found nothing, and I was inevitably disappointed.It was at this time that Binbin ran in, "Sister, look outside the window and it's snowing."

Ye Li turned her head, yes, she was a little excited.

This year's snow seems to be earlier than in the past, is it because of New Year's Eve?The whole family was there, and Mother He started cleaning and tidying up the room early in the morning. Father He also took his wife's orders and went out to do the shopping. There were only two siblings left who were disgusted and kicked out.

The two came to the opposite side very pitifully, but saw Ye Xiao and Chen Ran packing up their things, Ye Li asked in surprise, "Are you going to move?"

"Of course not, why do you pack things in such a small box when moving?" Chen Ran joked.

"That you?"

Ye Xiao smiled and said, "We're going on our honeymoon."

"Honeymoon? But today is thirty, you guys don't have reunion dinner?"

"Eat, let's go on the second day of junior high school."

Ye Li nodded, and said a little depressed, "It doesn't have to be so early." Binbin also stepped in, "Is brother going for a long time?"

Ye Xiao patted Binbin's head and said, "Not for a long time, more than half a month, I'll wait for my brother to come back and bring you a gift."

"Really, I will be obedient and wait for my brother to come back." The child's nature made him happy very quickly, leaving Ye Li to roll his eyes alone.

Chen Ran took Ye Li's hand and said happily, "Oh, why don't you come back with this expression, why don't you go with us?"

As soon as they finished speaking together, they were glared at by someone.Fortunately, Ye Li is not suitable for being a light bulb, so she had to wave her hands, "Forget it, this is your wedding and honeymoon, how could we mix it up, let alone my brother, do you mind if my mother just scolds me?" Pause, I still have this bit of vision.”

"That's right, how could my sister be willing to go out with you?" Ye Xiao shocked.

"Tch, brother, don't think that I didn't see that look in your eyes, saying that you forget your mother after marrying a wife, alas, I think it's almost the same as forgetting your sister." Ye Li shook her head, pretending to say it with emotion.

"Of course not. It's the first time we get married. It's only suitable for your sister-in-law to go out with me. I will definitely take you with me next time."

"And next time?"

"There is another time!"

The two asked in unison, but the tone must be different.Ye Li's words were asking about going on a trip next time, but Chen Ran obviously wanted to go to another place, Ye Li couldn't help gloating and said, "Well, brother, sister-in-law, Binbin and I will leave first, you have a good communication, a good time comminicate."

As soon as the door was closed, Chen Ran looked at Ye Xiao dangerously, "Who will you marry next time?"

"still you."

There is a saying that care makes chaos. Chen Ran knew that he had misheard the wrong words, so he obediently admitted his mistake and said
"Honey, I was wrong..."

"Well, it's good to know, you can clean up these, I'll make up for sleep."

He really left after he said he would leave, leaving behind Chen Ran who was so regretful that he wanted to bite his own tongue.

Leave Binbin behind.Ye Li went out for a stroll by herself.The atmosphere of the New Year emerges little by little, and all the shops are undoubtedly not decorated with festive Chinese red.This is a festival of the Chinese themselves, and it is naturally more lively than those foreign festivals. The most visible on the street is a family driving away with big bags and small bags of New Year's goods. It is full of hawkers, selling all kinds of special snacks.

Walking and walking, we arrived at the "ivory tower", where Ye Li worked.There were not many people in the bookstore as usual, but there was no sign of the old man in front of the counter, "Ye Li? Why are you here?"

Ye Li followed the sound and looked at the person in front of her in surprise, "Yuan Yuan?"

Both of them couldn't help being stunned, and replied at the same time, "This is my grandfather's study."

"This is the bookstore where I work part-time."

At this time, the old man came out, "Oh, it's Xiao Li, why are you here?"

Ye Li smiled shyly, "It's here after just strolling around."

"You and Xiaoyuan are classmates, so you can chat for a while, and grandpa will go out for a while."

Ye Li nodded, watched the grandfather go out before turning to Yuan Yuan, "Is he your own grandfather?"

Yuan Yuan's face was full of black lines, "Nonsense, why am I staying here if it's not my grandpa."

"Strange, why didn't you help grandpa watch the store before then?"

Yuan Yuan blushed strangely, "I also found a part-time job, but it's in County W."

W County, Ye Li thought hard, and finally "ah, isn't Shao Xiaomin's home right there, oh~ so that's how it is..." Ye Li smiled meaningfully.

. . . . . .

"By the way, you're pretty good at chasing after me, and you all ran to other people's houses."

"Stop laughing at me, go find your family, Mo Yang."

His eyes suddenly dimmed, and Ye Li said in a tone of disappointment, "He's not here, he's gone to City J."

"City J? That's not very far away, it's just over four hours by plane."

"Well, it's not far." Ye Li forced a smile, and the two chatted for a while before Ye Li left.

Unexpectedly, it was already afternoon, and the scarf wrapped around his neck quickened his pace of going home.Ye Li thought while walking, "Is it more than four hours? I don't seem to have ever gone out by myself. If I could, would I be crazy once, for him?"

As soon as he walked to a location not far from the community, Ye Li saw a person standing there in front of the door, maybe because of the similarity in his back, he almost blurted out Mo Yang.Shaking his head secretly in his heart, he sneered, "How could it be him, today is New Year's Eve."

Just after entering the gate of the community, I heard someone calling Xiaoli from behind. Ye Li looked back but saw nothing. Just as she was about to continue walking, the voice came again, "Xiaoli, here." Only then did she see clearly that it was the back .

Mo Yang smiled, "Why, you haven't known me for so long?"


"Little glass, you"

A petite body bumped into Mo Yang's embrace, muttering to himself, "It's really you, I, I thought I was wrong again."

Mo Yang gently patted her on the back, "Why isn't it me, how many people have you misidentified, you idiot."

Ye Li rubbed against Mo Yang's chest, looked at him seriously with red eyes and said, "I'll miss anyone whose back looks like you."

"It's okay to admit your mistake, just don't pounce on others like this."

Her face turned red, and Ye Li, who realized what she had done, hurriedly got out of Mo Yang's arm.

Mo Yang looked at her clearly, "Walk with me?"

"Where to go?"

"Anywhere is fine."

It's good to go anywhere with you.

(End of this chapter)

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