Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 376 Analysis of Dragon Transformation

Chapter 376 Analysis of Dragon Transformation

The area of ​​the dragon scale on Brahma's chest was not that big, but now it has become the same size as his palm. What's more terrible is that it gives him the feeling that this dragon scale is a part of his body, almost inseparable The presence.

How can this not shock him, and even fear in his heart, the dragon scale can spread, does this mean that the size of the palm is not its limit, if it continues to let it develop, it will definitely become a very Human monster.

"Before this dragon scale was fine and there was no change, why is it spreading for no reason now?"

After a short period of contemplation, Brahma's whole body trembled suddenly, and his eyes slid quickly, "Could it be caused by the dragon transformation? It must be like this. I just felt a burst of pain in my chest after performing the dragon transformation."

"Senior, senior." Brahma tried to communicate with the god-level dragon master in his body, "Is the change of the dragon scale on my chest closely related to the dragon transformation I performed before?"


The god-level dragon master in Brahma's body gave a clear answer, "When you attacked Majia Qiutong's distribution of power, that is, when you passively used Dragon Transformation for the first time, I wanted to explain this to you. It's just you At the beginning, I was too anxious and didn't wait for me to finish my sentence."

"that time?"

Brahma's eyebrows sank. In fact, it's not surprising that he couldn't blame him. At that time, his eyebrows were burning. He couldn't control so much. He must have a way to solve the crisis after he transformed into a dragon. How could he have so many scruples.

"Senior, at that time you also knew that your life would be in danger at any time, why would I think about other things?"

"Indeed" the god-level dragon master said, "At that time, you were indeed very dangerous. If you hadn't activated the dragon gene in your body in time to help you complete the first dragon transformation, you might have died. Of course, the premise is that the senior did not make a move. in the case of."

The senior mentioned by the god-level dragon master is naturally Wuyue. He is as clear as Brahma. As long as Wuyue is willing to make a move, Brahma will not be in any danger at all, but the fact is that Brahma has tried countless times to communicate with Wuyue. , but as a result, Wuyue did not respond, and I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional.

"Senior, can you tell me about Dragon Transformation in detail now? Will there be side effects once it is cast?" Brahma wants to know the most now, and that is whether the dragon scale on his chest will continue to spread , and once diffused, is there a way to make it return to its original size and area again.

"Yes, you naturally have the right to know about this." The god-level dragon master said, "First of all, the reason why you can transform into a dragon is because of the dragon scale on your body, and also because of the special blood in your body The power to guide part of the dragon genes in the dragon scales to flow into your body and truly become a part of your body, so you can successfully transform into a dragon with the help of the dragon ball. You should be clear about this, but what you don't know is This dragon transformation was originally created by our dragon clan for those half-dragons with impure blood, the purpose is to completely activate the dragon genes in their bodies, so that they can transform into dragon clan completely or as much as possible."

"According to what you said, senior, then after I perform dragon transformation, I may become a member of your dragon clan?" Brahma shook his head again and again. Although the dragon clan is strong, it is obvious that he still prefers to be a person. I am used to the words and deeds of a person, if I become a dragon, it is absolutely inappropriate and I will not adapt.

"You can say that, but you don't have to say that." The answer of the god-level dragon master made Brahma a little speechless, and such ambiguous answers undoubtedly made him feel even more crazy.

"Little brother, let me tell you straight. If you don't want to become a dragon, then it's best not to use dragon transformation in the future. Every time you use it, the dragon genes in your body will be induced and even split and grow. The spread of dragon scales is the best proof, once you perform dragon transformation many times, by then, I am afraid that the dragon scales will not be just as big as the palm of your hand."

"Senior, do you mean that I can no longer perform dragon transformation?"

Brahma forced an awkward smile on his face. Originally, he was still a burst of joy in his heart. The strength after the dragon transformation was absolutely formidable, but now he realized that the dragon transformation is definitely a huge hole, even worse than the blood madness. Blood Madness can still be used once a month, but although this Dragon Transformation may be used again after a day or two, he can't afford the accompanying effects after casting it.

For those half-dragons, dragon transformation is definitely a dream existence, but for Brahma, it is undoubtedly a nightmare, he just wants to be a person, not a dragon.

There is such a golden mountain in front of him, but now he can only look at it with his eyes every day instead of touching it with his hands. Naturally, the feeling will not be pleasant.

"Little brother, this is still up to you to decide. If you care about becoming a dragon in the end, then you can naturally use it at will. If you don't want to become a dragon, then I still advise you not to use it as much as possible, or not to use it in the future."

"Don't use it in the future?" Both eyebrows frowned, "Senior, I only used it twice before it was the size of a palm. I don't think I will become a dragon if I use it once or twice, right?"

"It's hard to say, it's absolutely impossible under normal circumstances, but your situation is quite special." The god-level dragon master said, "Do you know that your first dragon form covered almost 90.00% of the body area, this point Even a half-dragon can't do it, so I also estimate how many times you need to cast it to completely transform into a dragon, maybe a dozen times, but maybe you only need to cast it again."

Brahma was silent, which was obviously not the result he wanted to know, but fortunately, there was also a blessing in the misfortune, that is, the dragon scale would not spread as long as it did not perform dragon transformation, it did not spread by itself, Rather, it can be controlled.

"The big deal is that I won't perform dragon transformation in the future, and it's the same if there is a blood madness. But then again, these are still false. Only when the real strength is improved, that is the kingly way."

Suddenly, without any warning, Brahma's whole body trembled, "No, why did I forget about this in a moment of pique just now, I really almost missed a big deal."

Brahma quickly left the room and came out of Tang Yun's room again, but at this time Tang Yun's room was closed again. Brahma hesitated for a long time at the door, but Tang Yun's gaze in the room was It has been fixed on the door, obviously he knows that there is Brahma behind this door.

(End of this chapter)

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