Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 379 Deterrence

Chapter 379 Deterrence
In Tang Yun's eyes, Brahma's actions are undoubtedly extremely stupid. Not to mention that flying beasts are difficult to subdue, even capturing them is a very difficult process, because flying beasts can fly, and humans can only fly at best. Able to jump, except for peerless masters who can forcibly fly and soar, ordinary people, even those with strong strength, may only have to look up when faced with the scene of flying beasts flying into the sky.

"Liu Liu, why are you so stupid? You can see that such a smile definitely disturbed all the strange beasts around here."

Tang Yun's words were true. The senses of the alien beasts themselves were stronger than those of humans. Moreover, it was very quiet in the middle of the night. Even the slightest movement could disturb these alien beasts, not to mention Brahma's laughter.

It was only a few breaths before and after, and although there were not many strange beasts in the surrounding generation, almost all of them had rioted.No one came to this place itself. Furthermore, the alien beasts had an inherent resistance to humans, and many alien beasts began to run towards Brahma quickly.

As for those flying beasts, they flapped their wings one after another at this moment and began to take off into the air, which made Tang Yun very depressed. Whichever flying beast came to subdue it, it was here to make trouble. Brahma's loud laugh made those flying beasts The beasts were all in the air, and for the two of them, that meant looking up stupidly.

"Third brother, don't worry, I said I can subdue as many flying beasts as there are."

Even though those flying beasts flew into the low sky, Brahma still looked calm, even with a slight smile, looking up at the flying beasts in the night sky, his eyes were full of confidence.

And the reason why Brahma is so confident is not without reason, just because he secretly made an agreement with a god-level dragon master to let the other party help him with this matter. The dragon race is a higher race, but strictly speaking, the dragon race It can also be regarded as a kind of alien beast.Therefore, the aura of the dragon clan is absolutely fatal to those low-level beasts, enough to make them feel terrified in their hearts, and even control everything about them.

"Senior, please take action."

Brahma knew that now was the best time to make a move. Before he made such a big move, he just wanted to see how many flying beasts there were, but the result was a bit beyond his expectation. There were fifteen flying beasts. There were so many, and what surprised him the most was that besides the ten, there was actually a flying beast with a small size. There was no doubt that this one had evolved into a king.

This is not just as simple as increasing in size, but his speed has also been raised by almost a level. The most important point is that he has evolved into a king's flying beast. He already has attack capabilities, while ordinary flying beasts do not have attack capabilities. Or there is but the attack power is very weak.

"I don't know what kind of flying beast it is?"

Brahma frowned, staring at the flying beasts hovering in the sky, feeling uncertain in his heart.There are many kinds of flying beasts, naturally there are high and low, and there is also a gap in speed. I think the flying beast that Brahma rode in the clubhouse in Donglin Longyuan City was the lowest-level kind, but even so, the speed was very fast.


The god-level dragon master responded together, even if he released an aura, it was the special aura of the dragon clan. A simple aura is countless times stronger, and it was released by a god-level dragon master. , all the beasts, whether they were stationary or running, subconsciously stopped their pace and prostrated their bodies on the ground. This behavior is undoubtedly a kind of fear of low-level beasts born to high-level beasts. .

Not only the alien beasts on the ground, but also the flying alien beasts in the air, they are the target of Brahma's trip.The moment those flying beasts felt this aura, their bodies changed. Some timid ones fell directly from the sky, and some struggled for a while and fell slowly. The king of the flying beasts , was the last flying beast that fell, and they were only low-altitude before they lifted into the air, so even those that fell directly to the ground, none of them were injured.

"Let me see what kind of flying beasts you are."

Brahma looked excited, strode forward, and almost went straight to the place where the flying beasts fell at the fastest speed, but at this moment, Tang Yun behind him looked solemnly, looking at Brahma The back, the eyes are extremely complicated.

"The aura just now was terrifying. This is definitely not the aura that Lao Liu can release, and this aura is very strange. The aura does not seem to be from the human race." Tang Yun's eyes slid quickly, "Before in Lao Liu's room, I also I felt a unique aura, which was very similar to the one just now, but it was much weaker in comparison, and it should be released by Lao Liu himself."

"Even with my current strength, if I forcefully release my aura or even fully release my aura, I'm afraid I won't be able to achieve this effect. Although the aura just now was terrifying, its real power is very weak. If so, why would there be such an effect? ?”

"Could it be..." Tang Yun's whole body trembled suddenly, "The subordinates submit to the superiors?"

Tang Yun suddenly thought of something. For the alien beasts of the lower races, compared with the alien beasts of the higher races, they are born with fear and submission. , high-level alien beast, then the scene just now can be explained.

"Is Lao Liu not a human race? Impossible, I can be 100% sure that Lao Liu is a human race, but in this case, how to explain the breath in Lao Liu's room before and the scene just now? I still underestimated Lao Liu too much, It seems that I have to re-evaluate the sixth child, let him grow up and at the same time pay attention to myself."

While Tang Yun dared to feel doubts about Brahma, Brahma on the other side came to the place where the flying beasts fell with a face full of excitement. Seeing the flying beasts on the ground, Brahma absolutely couldn't help it. Use the word excitement to describe it.

Getting so close, Brahma finally saw the whole picture of the flying beasts, which definitely surprised him again and again. These flying beasts are not the lowest and most common kind, but speed eagles, all black in body, no wonder Brahma couldn't see his face clearly before, but under the cover of night and it was black, it would be strange if he could see clearly.

After scanning around, Brahma's gaze finally settled on the biggest one, and he slowly walked towards him with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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