Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 382 The Angry Ma Family

Chapter 382 The Angry Ma Family
The announcement of the Ma family alliance formed by Tie Zong, Qi family, and Feng family caused repercussions, but many people thought that Tie Zong and Qi family followed the Feng family. Clearly, but there is one thing they absolutely know, that is, this so-called alliance is not at the same level as the Ma family.

However, when Tie Wuqing released the news that the Majia Qiutong branch and the Majia Yunqi branch had been wiped out, everyone was shocked. Many people immediately went to the Majia Qiutong branch to watch from a distance. Seeing the disarray of the Ma family's stronghold in Qiutong, it suddenly dawned on me that this so-called alliance is not very weak, at least two branches of the Ma family have been wiped out.

For a while, all the major forces became abnormal, and they were obviously watching the changes. However, at this moment, the alliance against the Ma family suddenly took action. They followed Brahma's instructions and targeted the relationship between Qiutong City and the Ma family. The better forces launched a violent attack.

These forces are not very powerful, and the reason why they are able to enjoy it is entirely because they curry favor with the Ma family, so the people led by Tie Wuqing are almost wiped out without any effort.In less than an hour, almost all the forces related to the Ma family were patronized by the alliance one by one.

Most of them are people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. People above the eighth floor have chosen to surrender. As for those who did not surrender, they will all be wiped out naturally, and there will be no survivors.

And these actions, Tie Wuqing made a lot of noise on purpose, the purpose is to let the other forces see clearly that their so-called crusade against the Ma family alliance is not a joke, but they really have the strength and decision. Ma's do it.

Less than an hour later, several people in power from small forces successively came to the alliance against the Ma family. It is a good thing that someone comes, and this is what Tie Wuqing would like to see the most. He bragged in front of these people , almost gave Brahma to the myth, and the super power behind Brahma, who is blowing hype, in fact, he has never seen what the real power behind Brahma is, but he has to say this now, so that he can be more convincing People, let them join without any worries.After some words, these people were all baptized by Tie Wuqing, and they readily nodded and agreed to join the Majia Alliance.

Two hours later, almost all the forces above the eighth floor in Qiutong City joined the alliance to crusade against the Ma family. It was obvious that Tie Wuqing was very surprised to be able to respond so quickly, but in the final analysis, it was the Ma family's own problem. If you can convince people, even if you get it on their necks, there will probably be some people who don't agree, instead of joining like this, almost one after another.

For a while, the atmosphere in Qiutong City became extremely depressing, and even ordinary people knew that the sky in Qiutong City might be changing, and it was no longer the Ma family's world.

It was smooth sailing for Tie Wuqing to recruit other forces in Qiutong City, but he was still kept in the dark by Brahma. It's no wonder that he was busy all afternoon, almost without stopping, so he couldn't care less about other things; moreover, Even if he stopped, at most he was thinking about when Brahma would come to the alliance again. It was impossible for him to think that Brahma had left Qiutong, let alone think that he was just a pawn, and an abandoned pawn.

The group of people under Brahma, including Tang Yun Dulong, all left Qiutong City in the middle of the night, and he only set off in the afternoon, so there was a gap of several hours between them, but fortunately he was traveling on a fast Eagle King, its speed is almost twice that of ordinary speed eagles, so even if he can't catch up with those people, at least he won't be much behind them.

Ma's Headquarters
Not long after, the core members of the Ma family gathered in the meeting hall again. Because of the relationship with the sacred tree, the great god was sent away with great difficulty. It didn't take long for everyone to relax. News that made them very angry.

Ma Jiayunqi's branch power point was wiped out, and it was wiped out a few days ago, and the news was only received at this moment. This is obviously unreasonable, but it is also enough to show that this matter is extraordinary, not to mention the other party. To be able to destroy the forces of Yunqi's branch is to suppress and block news for so many days afterwards, and it is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

"Everyone, what do you think about this matter?" The head of the Ma family asked.

"It must be severely punished, and all those people must be killed. They dare to attack our Ma family. I am really impatient. Not only will they die, but their family members will also be buried with them."

"Third Elder, your fiery temper is still the same as before. Those people deserve to die, but so far we don't even know who they are and which force they belong to. These people dare to attack our Ma family, and The fact that the news can be blocked for several days afterwards is enough to show that they also have extraordinary backgrounds, what I am worried about is..." Another elder of the Ma family spoke slowly.

"Fourth elder, are you worried about them?" said the second elder of the Ma family.

The fourth elder of the Ma family nodded silently, "I think in the territory of Fengyuan, apart from those few forces, I am afraid that there is no other force that dares to blatantly target our Ma family. If it is really them, then this matter will be a bit tricky, but the key The problem is that for so many years, our Ma family and them have been doing nothing, so why did they target us for no reason?"

"No matter which force they belong to, our Ma family is definitely not that easy to bully." The third elder of the Ma family said angrily, "That is a branch force, and our Ma family has only four major branch power points, which have been wiped out. One, if the revenge is not reported, how will you meet people after it gets out?"

While these people were discussing, a figure walked in slowly.

"Elder Murong, you are late." The head of the Ma family said.

The person who came was Brahma's elder brother Murong Bai. After he entered, he found a seat and sat down without any haste, but he didn't know that many people present cast unfriendly glances at him.

"Elder Murong, as the only elder with a different surname, you are even late for such an important event. I think your position as an elder may not be stable." The third elder of the Ma family snorted coldly at Murong Bai, with a look in his eyes All are not cut.

Murong Bai just responded with a slight smile, "I'm sorry everyone, it's a bit late. I just received an unfortunate news that our Ma family's branch in Qiutong was also wiped out."

"What?" The head of the Ma family stood up suddenly. At this moment, he was no longer in the mood to sit in his seat. He was very annoyed by the destruction of one branch power point, and now there was news that another branch power point had been destroyed. , which made him simply unacceptable.


Just at this moment, the fiery third elder of the Ma family slapped the table violently, and the whole table was shattered into pieces of wood and fell on the ground.

For a moment, the entire Ma family meeting was filled with monstrous anger, and everyone exuded a strong murderous aura.

(End of this chapter)

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