Chapter 389

Fuyu's identity was originally the focus, but at this moment, this remark caused a frenzy on the scene. Longyang's addiction is absolutely special, and many people present may have heard of it, but people above the ninth floor Absolutely never seen it with my own eyes.

"Young master, that's from the Ma family." The subordinate next to Brahma recognized Fu Yu as a member of the Ma family at a glance. They arrived nearly two and a half hours earlier than Brahma. During this period, they had already investigated the affairs of the Ma family in Chuzhou. It is more comprehensive, and Fuyu, as the son of the person in charge of the Ma family branch in Chuzhou, is naturally understood by them.

"Sure enough, it's from the Ma family." Brahma sneered. In fact, he had already guessed this before, and this was another reason why he could still hold back from making a move.

Fantian's subordinate quickly approached Fantian, "Young master, that man is not only a member of the Ma family, but also the son and only son of Ma Hui, who is in power in the Chuzhou distribution of the Ma family."

"Oh? It's such a coincidence?" Brahma's brows sank, and his eyes quickly slid back and forth, whispering to the subordinate's ear, "Go back and tell my third senior brother to take someone to ambush on the way to Fengyue Tower , the Ma family will bring people to show up later, and then they will all be intercepted and killed."

Although this subordinate didn't know why Brahma said these words, he nodded seriously, and then left quickly. His task was very clear, as long as Brahma's words were passed on to Tang Yun.

After watching this subordinate leave, Brahma turned around slowly, but there was a smile on his face. Normally, there is only one explanation for such a smile on Brahma's face. Someone is going to be in bad luck. At this moment, this person is obviously Ma Fuyu .

"Sorry, I didn't hear what you said just now, can you say it again?" Fantian said with a smile.

"You have the obsession with Longyang." Ma Fuyu looked up to the sky and laughed, "This is Fengyue Tower, and all the gentlemen who come here are looking for flowers and willows. You, a person with Longyang addiction, came here undoubtedly to have fun. This young master has done a good deed, and I will find you a man right away, and when you perform in public, I will definitely..."


Before Ma Fuyu finished speaking, a clear and pleasant voice sounded, and Ma Fuyu was instantly slapped and slapped away by Brahma, "I told you very clearly before, those who offend me will not end well, now If it was you who delivered it to your door, then I can’t help it.”

"No way, he actually slapped Master Fuyu away?"

"I'm not dazzled, am I? Someone dares to hit Master Fuyu. Could it be that he doesn't know that Master Fuyu exists like a prince in Chuzhou. If it's over, this person is definitely dead."

"How could this be?"

Xia Xiang, who came after her, came to see the scene of Brahma being repaired and insulted by Ma Fuyu in public. Unexpectedly, when she came downstairs, she saw the terrifying scene of Brahma slapping Ma Fuyu away, which made it difficult for her to accept.Not only her, but even Wushuang was dumbfounded. She felt that Brahma was not simple in the private room before, but she never thought that she would slap Ma Fuyu away in front of her hand. Such behavior is undoubtedly a provocation to the Ma family. All they got in return was the Ma family's ruthless and crazy revenge.


Uncle Qiu beside Ma Fuyu immediately blocked Brahma's way, and he did not expect Brahma to attack so suddenly before, and his strength was at most comparable to Brahma's, so naturally he couldn't stop him in time.

"If you tell me to stop, I'll stop. Then what's my face?" Brahma sneered at Uncle Qiu. No matter who it is, as long as he offends him, he will not pay attention to him. How could his followers stop him?

On the surface, Brahma's strength seems to be about the same as that of Uncle Qiu next to Ma Fuyu, but don't forget that Brahma also has a series of trump cards. It is absolutely easy to kill this follower in front of him in seconds, so he naturally doesn't take him seriously.

"If you want to die, you can do it." Uncle Qiu said, "Master Fuyu and even the members of the Ma family are the only son of Lord Ma Hui. If you kneel down and admit your mistakes to Master Fuyu in front of everyone, you may save your life." ,otherwise…"

"What else?" Before Uncle Qiu could finish his sentence, Brahma interrupted him, "To tell you the truth, there are many people who want to kill me, but most of them died in my life. In my hand, today I thought I would let him go for Miss Wushuang's sake, but he is so ignorant that he has to seek his own death, can you blame me? What about the Ma family, I will let you know today The signboard of the Ma family is not a panacea."

Arrogant, absolutely arrogant, there has never been anyone who can comment on the Ma family like this in the Ma family's territory. Brahma is definitely the first, and his words naturally made these people present guess his origin.

"Uncle Qiu, what are you still doing in a daze, kill him quickly, I want him to die without a whole body." Ma Fuyu who fell on the ground reluctantly got up, glared at Brahma and gritted his teeth.

"Death without a whole body?" Brahma raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Since you want to choose this way of death, then I will do my best to help you."

As soon as Brahma took a step forward with his right foot, Uncle Qiu launched the first attack. He knew that if he didn't intervene, Brahma would definitely attack Ma Fuyu again.

"Can you stop me?"

The two sides punched each other, and each of them took a step back.

"You and I are equal in strength. If I fight you desperately, you will definitely be injured, but once our Ma family arrives, you will definitely die." Uncle Qiu said, "If I were you, I would leave now , maybe there is still a ray of life."

"Thank you for your kindness. Just based on your words, your life is saved tonight."

Brahma kicked his right foot, and he jumped up. Uncle Qiu was not to be outdone. He already had a preliminary understanding of Brahma's strength with the punch just now, so he didn't have too many worries about punching again.

However, it was only when he faced Brahma's punch that he realized that his thoughts were so naive. Brahma secretly performed a layer of Nine-turned Azure Dragon Art, and the power of this punch was two or three times stronger than the previous punch. Just a face-to-face, his whole body was like a kite with a broken string, he flew out in an instant, knocked over a few tables and rolled on the ground for a few times before stopping his body.

"No way, that's the master next to Master Fu Yu, how could he be so vulnerable, who is that young man, and why is he so strong?"

Just when everyone was immersed in the power of Brahma's punch, Brahma struck again, and another slap knocked Ma Fuyu to the ground, and then stepped on Ma Fuyu's chest with his right foot.

Immediately, there was a clear sound of bone cracking, accompanied by Ma Fuyu's scream of killing a pig.

(End of this chapter)

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