Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 396 The Battle of Trapped Beasts

Chapter 396 The Battle of Trapped Beasts
The group of people under Brahma retreated one after another, especially those brought out from the killing gate. Except for one who was seriously injured, the rest left quickly under the leadership of the three killing generals.Seeing such a scene, Brahma finally breathed a sigh of relief. As for the others, it wasn't that he was cruel, and he could still get local information on how many people died.

Right now, he needs to face many Blood Guard coaches alone. Even if he knows he is invincible, at least he cannot retreat in a short time. He needs to delay the time for those who have just left. Those are his foundations. I don't want those people to have an accident. The serious injury just now made him very heartbroken.

"Boy, are you a human or a monster, and your whole body is covered with scales?"

As the head of the blood guards of the Ma family, these people are definitely people who have seen the world, but it is definitely the first time even they have seen such a change in Brahma. If it weren't for the huge number of people now Advantages, I am afraid that even if they are the feared blood guard coaches, if they meet the dragon-formed Brahma alone, they will probably only have to escape.

"It's not just the scales. Look at his hands. Even his hands have undergone such a huge mutation. I don't think this kid is human at all. Maybe he is a strange beast, or half-human and half-animal."

"Don't talk such useless nonsense. Since this kid is so special, why don't we take him back, maybe there is still some research value."


Brahma lightly uttered a word, and then stepped back quickly, trying to break free from the opponent's encirclement. Even if he wanted to fight the opponent, if he couldn't leave the encirclement, he would undoubtedly be surrounded and beaten, which would be very unfavorable to him.

One-on-one, Brahma can definitely solve the blood guard coach, but it is not a one-on-one situation right now. His speed is fast, but the speed of those blood guard coaches is not slow. There is no choice but to return to the center of the encirclement again.

Brahma kept glancing back and forth from the corner of his eye. He didn't give up after one failed attempt. His body swayed slowly, as if he was going to break through from the front, but after two steps, his body turned around rapidly. There was a [-]-degree change in direction. All this happened so suddenly, and the blood guard coaches were obviously shocked.

"Not good, move quickly."

One of the blood guard coaches shouted loudly, and the rest changed their positions as quickly as possible.

Brahma was tense, and this scene happened so fast that when he approached the blood guard coach, only one blood guard coach came over in time to support him.Faced with the pincer attack of the two blood guard coaches, Brahma is absolutely confident that he can successfully break through. Once he breaks through, he can choose to leave, and lead these blood guard coaches to the eighth kill to retreat in the opposite direction, and then use the advantage of speed to fight against the dragon. Please escape from these blood guard coaches before the transformation state disappears.

"It worked"

After successfully dodging the pincer attacks of the two blood guard coaches, the corner of Brahma's mouth finally raised slightly. However, what he never expected was that he had successfully escaped only three steps away, but he suddenly found himself in the middle of several blood guards. within the surrounding circle.

"What's going on, I just got rid of it."

Brahma's brows were furrowed, and the changes made him a little hard to understand. He obviously passed through the pincer attack of two blood guard coaches, and he had already escaped from the encirclement, but why did he choose to enter the opponent's encirclement in a blink of an eye?
"Little monster, don't waste your time in vain, do you know why we chose to keep six people to deal with you?" A blood guard coach said with a smile, "Don't underestimate our Ma family blood guards, let alone belittle us!" After seeing our blood guard coach, you are now in our Liuhe blood formation, and it is not easy to get out of trouble. All you can do now is to fight us, but I advise you to save some effort, because your final ending There is only one, and that is to be captured by us, and to be captured and studied.”


Brahma was definitely hearing this name for the first time. He didn't know much about the blood guards of the Ma family. The head of the blood guards knew nothing except that he was very powerful.Now that the Liuhe blood formation can trap him and cannot get out of it, it is enough to show its uniqueness, but if he wants to leave, he must face the Liuhe blood formation, not only that, but also break it , so that you can leave when you have the opportunity.

"Little monster, you don't have to think about escaping. You can't. It was just a small attempt to surround you just now. Now let you taste what it's really like to be trapped."

"Blood prison!"

The six blood guard coaches made the same gesture almost at the same time, within less than a breath, Brahma felt the ground start to tremble non-stop, and then red light beams shot out from the ground, a total of six, It seems that each bunch represents a blood guard master.

Six thick blood-colored light beams shot up from the ground, and after shooting about five meters from the ground, they suddenly moved inward, and then gathered together. Looking at it from a distance, Brahma seemed to be a bird, and at this moment was imprisoned in a blood-colored light beam. Inside the weird birdcage.

"Little monster, the blood prison is starting, you have nowhere to escape, just grab it." Brahma still had the idea of ​​breaking out before, but now that the blood prison is together, he also knows that today he wants to forcefully break out of the blood prison. has become unrealistic.

"Is it a blood prison? Are there countless escapes?"

Faced with such an unfavorable situation, Brahma turned up to the sky and burst out laughing. These actions undoubtedly made the blood guard coaches feel confused, but more than confusion was anger. This move was obviously understood by them as a provocative move.

"What are you laughing at, I wanted to keep you alive, but since you are so ungrateful, there is no need to keep you alive. Even if you bring a corpse back, it is still worth studying."

"I laugh at you for being too arrogant and making a very stupid mistake."

Brahma accepted the smile, and quickly glanced at the six blood guard coaches, "You all used the blood prison to trap me, but you should never stay in the blood prison, since you want to try the trap of the beast Dou, then I will show you how terrifying a wild beast is."

The six blood guard coaches used the blood prison to trap Brahma in it, but they themselves did not choose to leave the blood prison, which also meant that Brahma had a chance to defeat these six people.

"Gravity Martial Soul!"

Brahma resolutely used the Gravity Martial Soul, and with the activation of the Gravity Martial Soul, the real bloody battle between Brahma and the six blood guard coaches broke out, and they were all in a space of less than ten square meters, obviously there were many restrictions , but this has become a unique advantage for Brahma.

(End of this chapter)

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