Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 399 Lost consciousness

Chapter 399 Lost consciousness
The thing that Brahma was most worried about happened. He was still worried before turning on the dragon transformation state, but after turning on the dragon transformation state, he found that it was still the same as last time, and his head had not changed, which undoubtedly made him feel relieved.It's just that he didn't expect that what was supposed to come would come after all, and his head had also undergone a mutation.


Brahma exclaimed inwardly, even he himself felt the change, not only that, but what made it worse was that his consciousness was gradually receding, which was definitely not a good sign.

"Senior, what should I do?" Brahma's first thought was the god-level dragon master in his body. In the final analysis, the dragon transformation was taught to him by the other party. The other party definitely knew dragon transformation better than him, and only the other party could help him.

"Little brother, I'm sorry I can't do anything about it." The god-level dragon masters sighed together, "Although I taught you dragon transformation, it was not created by me, and I haven't cultivated and can't cultivate. What I know is only the basics. .”

"It doesn't matter, let's deal with and kill the five blood guard coaches in front of us while we still have consciousness."

The current situation can no longer allow Brahma to think about it, and the only thing he can do now is to kill the five blood guard coaches in front of him as much as possible before his consciousness disappears, and break out if possible leave.


Brahma ejected a killing word from his mouth, and even his voice became extremely low after the complete mutation.As soon as his legs exerted strength, the whole body left only an afterimage in place, and the speed was unimaginable even for himself.

"So fast"

The five blood guard coaches were shocked when they saw this. Brahma's martial spirit had disappeared, but now the speed has not weakened, but has accelerated a lot. They believe that this is definitely caused by Brahma's mutation again, and they even think that this This change is definitely more than just speed.

"Be careful, try to get rid of him, don't let him get close, once you get close, it will be troublesome." A blood guard coach reminded.

"If you say you can't get close, then I can't get close, so don't I lose face?" Brahma sneered, and now his speed is much faster than before under the effect of the Gravity Martial Soul. Self-confidence can be faster than the pace of the five blood guard coaches.

Brahma fixed his eyes on the central position of the five blood guard coaches, and his intention was very clear. Even if he couldn't catch them all at once, he would forcibly disperse these five people, so that his chances of success would increase exponentially.

"Hurry up."

Seeing Brahma rushing in violently, the five blood guard coaches had no choice but to disperse, with Brahma as the center, three left and two right.

"good chance"

Brahma's body turned around rapidly. At this moment, almost all of his strength was transferred to his right leg. With a violent kick, a small pit appeared on the ground. When he reappeared, the blood guard coach was shocked to find that Brahma was less than half a meter away from him, almost face to face.

"No, go back!"

"It's too late, let's die."

Brahma's right hand turned into claws, and violently poked at the chest of the blood guard coach. The hands after the dragon transformation were almost miniature dragon claws. The moment the sharp claws touched the body of the blood guard coach, it was You can't get in directly, it feels like a layer of paper, which is so thin that it penetrates in an instant.

"Okay, amazing."

The head of the blood guard's eyes were wide open, and before he died, he faintly confided four words, looking at Brahma with eyes that were absolutely unwilling to die.

"Four left."

Seeing the blood guard coach fell to the ground, Brahma didn't take a second look at all. His chest and heart were pierced by him, and even the heart was crushed by him in an instant. He was absolutely dead.

"If this continues, we are doomed. Hurry up and untie the blood prison." A blood guard coach of the Ma family said, he has already felt a strong breath of death in front of Brahma, and two of his companions have already died in Brahma's hands , If you continue to stay in this blood prison, in such a narrow space, if you are caught and killed by Brahma, it will be a matter of time, and it will definitely not be too long.

However, just as the four blood guard coaches were hesitating whether to release the blood prison, Brahma's body changed again. He staggered and almost failed to stand still, and immediately covered his head with his hands.

"it hurts!"

Brahma felt that there were ten thousand ants gnawing on his head, and that kind of heart-wrenching feeling made life worse than death, "No, is it because the consciousness is going to disappear? No, there are still four blood guard coaches. , How could I lose consciousness at this time."

Brahma was surprised by his teeth, and immediately beat his chest continuously with his hands. He had suffered serious injuries there. He didn't hit it once, but there was a severe pain in his chest. He was using pain to heal the pain. Maintain your consciousness and try not to let your consciousness lose too quickly.

"What is he doing, is he masturbating himself?"

Brahma's weird behavior naturally attracted the attention of the four blood guard coaches, and it was precisely because of this behavior that they gave up the idea of ​​temporarily opening the blood prison.

"He seems to be in pain, and he won't be able to hold on for long. Let's deal with him again. It's okay to open the blood prison when it's in danger. Don't forget the order from above. It's best to capture this kid alive."

"Death, death"

Brahma shook his head violently, his original red eyes were gradually replaced by black, the all-black eyes made Brahma even more weird, not only that, his speed increased a lot, a blood guard coach also Before he could react in time in the future, he was stopped by Brahma, and his hands grabbed the opponent's body from left to right.


Brahma actually split the blood guard coach into two and tore it alive. That scene was absolutely bloody and violent. Even the blood guard coach of the Ma family who existed for killing trembled when he saw this scene.

"Okay, it's scary. Is this the real strength of Lao Liu?"

The poisonous dragon on the side was stunned for a moment after seeing this scene. He was no longer regretful, but fearful. After all, he had offended Brahma once. If Brahma turned over the old score with him, how could he save his life?

"Quickly, quickly release the blood prison, hurry up and go."

The remaining three blood guard coaches hurriedly released the blood prison, but one of the blood guard coaches seemed to have no intention of leaving.

"Hurry up and leave. With his current strength, even if the blood prison is lifted, we will not be able to escape. If he killed my brother, even if he takes my own life, I will ask him to pay my brother compensation."

The head of the blood guard glanced at one of the fallen corpses from the corner of his eye. That person was his own younger brother, but he had been killed by Brahma. In addition, if the remaining three were to survive, one of them would have to sacrifice himself. Secret technique, obviously he voluntarily died, in addition to exchanging the lives of his two companions, he also wanted to avenge his dead brother.

(End of this chapter)

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