Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 422 Lesson to Ma Zhong

Chapter 422 Lesson to Ma Zhong
The poisonous dragon will be transferred in a short time. Hearing this news, Brahma's heart is undoubtedly in a mess. This also means that his rescue plan must be advanced, at least to rescue the other party before the poisonous dragon is transferred, or wait for the poisonous dragon to be transferred. Transferred to Ma's headquarters, no matter how capable he is, he can only stare at it.

The only thing to be thankful for right now is that the man who interrogated Dulong returned to the Ma family headquarters, and the interrogation work has been handed over to Ma Defu these days, so that Brahma can see Dulong, of course, the premise is that the other party is willing to wait for him to pass.

"My lord, if you go out in person, no matter how hard that guy's mouth is, he will still open his mouth."

"You boy." Ma Defu smiled faintly, "You are flattering me too much, but after a while I really want to try my own means, maybe I can really learn a thing or two from the other party. Also, just now Did I tell you, you can call me Uncle Fu when no one is around."

After "Uncle Fu" hesitated for a while, Brahma nodded and said, "Uncle Fu, I'll go to the dungeon later, can you take me to that felon's place with me? The little one is really curious about whether he has three heads and six arms, and how capable he is? "

"This is..."

Ma Defu rested his chin on his right hand, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"The little one is just mentioning it casually." Brahma had thought of this at first, and he said it now that he was retreating. If he kept insisting, it would only arouse Ma Defu's suspicion in the end.

"No problem!" Ma Defu raised his right hand, "Anyway, that lord has already gone to the headquarters of the Ma family, and this place will be handed over to me for management. You are now my follower, so it may not be impossible for me to take you in, but you just entered You have to stay there honestly, don’t touch what you shouldn’t touch, don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, otherwise you may bring trouble to yourself, or even kill yourself.”

"Uncle Fu, are you going to kill me?" Brahma took a few steps back consciously, and then shook his head violently, "I'm not going, I won't do things that will lose my head."

Ma Defu glared at Brahma fiercely, "Look at your prospects, so you are so afraid of death, then why were you so stubborn in front of Ma Zhongmian back then, and dared to contradict you like this, not even afraid of death?"

"Uncle Fu, these are two different things." Brahma smiled awkwardly, "I was cornered by Ma Zhong at that time, so I had no choice. But now I have a choice, if I will be killed by you at any time, then I might as well not go, curiosity can be there, but the premise is to save my life."

"You're really a little slippery boy." Ma Defu said, "But there is one thing you think wrong, you are my follower, and I, Ma Defu, will not kill my follower at will. What I said earlier refers to you It's not me who's dying, it's the adults who took care of the felon."


In fact, Brahma would not have thought of this. Even if a master like Dulong is arrested, the people of the Ma family will never let down their vigilance. Among the people guarding the poisonous dragon, there should definitely be the blood guard instructor. His guess should be almost the same. As for the truth, he will have an answer in a while.

"Are you full?" Ma Defu asked, "Come with me to the training ground when you're full. Ma Zhong can't take your anger out on you and will definitely transfer his anger to other people. I recruited those people anyway." , help them as much as you can.”

"Uncle Fu, does Ma Zhong's brother have a high status here?"

Brahma said that it was Ma Zhong. He is now with Ma Defu, so it can be said that he has already opposed Ma Zhong, so naturally he will not add the word "adult". Brahma naturally didn't expect this to lose Madford's face.

"Since you mentioned it, let me explain to you a little bit." Ma Defu said, "The reason why Ma Zhong can be so arrogant is entirely because of his brother Ma Hou."

"Ma Zhong, Ma Hou?" Brahma sneered, "Their parents are quite good at naming names, and this flattery is not ordinary."

"Boy, you really guessed right. Apart from his own hard work, Ma Hou's achievements today are more or less related to this name. When the two brothers took this name, they don't know what happened*** *Fortunately, it happened to be found out by a high-ranking member of the Ma family. As soon as the high-level person was happy, he recognized Ma Hou as his god-grandson. Therefore, Ma Hou had almost smooth sailing in the Ma family since he was a child. I'm afraid Ma Hou wouldn't show up in Chuzhou City at all. But even so, no one in the Ma family would take the initiative to provoke him, because he also has a great godbrother, Ma Yuanshan, the number one genius recognized by the Ma family. .”

"The relationship is quite complicated. You will be a grandfather for a while, and a younger brother for a while. To put it bluntly, you still rely on your background to get in the position."

Brahma seems to have only one attitude to respond to this kind of person, and that is contempt.You can’t stand a big hat without a big head, as long as there is a wind, the hat on your head will be blown away at any time if it is slightly bigger.


Ma Defu subconsciously looked around quickly, and then made a quiet shut-up gesture to Brahma, "Tianfan, you can't talk nonsense in the future, although Ma Yuanshan does not want to recognize Ma Hou as a brother, but Ma Hou is his brother. It is an iron-clad fact that grandpa recognizes his grandson, and most people in the Ma family know it. Because of this relationship, once someone provokes Ma Hou, he will undoubtedly not give Ma Yuanshan face. How many people in the Ma family will Stupid enough to ask the Ma family for a job on the first day? To put it bluntly, the Ma family is very likely to be Ma Yuanshan's Ma family, and that is the future Patriarch, who can offend?"

"The first genius in the Ma family?"

Brahma sneered in his heart. As soon as he walked out of Donglin, Brahma saw too many so-called geniuses, but in the end, without exception, these so-called geniuses were far behind him, even if it was the existence that Brahma could only look up to. It won't take long for the roles of the two to switch to each other, and they can't even capture the figure of Brahma.

"Let's go, go to the training ground." With a wave of his right hand, Ma Defu got up and walked ahead, "Tian Fan, don't pay too much attention to it. Although Ma Zhong is arrogant and domineering, Ma Hou's character is not bad. It has something to do with Ma Yuanshan, if Ma Hou is as arrogant and domineering as Ma Zhong, Ma Yuanshan will be the first to deal with him."

"Oh" Brahma replied softly. He doesn't have the time to pay attention to those things now. To put it bluntly, he has only a few days left in his stay here. Ma Zhong is still Ma Hou, I am afraid that there will only be one end at that time, and that is to be decapitated.

"That is…"

Brahma followed Ma Defu to the training ground, but before he arrived at the training ground, his eyebrows sank rapidly, because he saw that Ma Zhong was mad at a person, punching and kicking constantly, this man Brahma was very impressed Deep, it was the first person who stood up and spoke for him that day.

"Ma Zhong, stop it!"

A shout sounded, but the source of the voice was not Ma Defu, but Brahma. He even called Ma Zhong's name in public, and even shouted at him angrily.

 Some readers may already know that Laolong has been hospitalized for the past two days, and was turned upside down by two stones in his body. It is really miserable. From today onwards, he will officially resume the update, and he has the cheek to ask for it. How awesome are you all from tomorrow to the end of the month, old man The dragon will give more strength, give up his life to accompany the gentleman, fight hard!
(End of this chapter)

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