Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 443 The Powerful Efficacy of Blood

Chapter 443 The Powerful Efficacy of Blood
Brahma himself is invulnerable to all poisons, the reason why he is so completely dependent on the unique blood power in his body, and so on, he has a bold hypothesis, maybe the blood in his body can also be effective after being taken by others, although it cannot be done A hundred poisons are invulnerable, but at least it should be able to achieve the effect of detoxification.

"Young master, if you can really remove the poison in my body, you will undoubtedly be the reborn parents of my poisonous dragon."

On the surface, Dulong is the second young master of the Slaughter Gate, with a high status, but most of the people in the Slaughter Gate would nod and bend over to get close to him when they saw him, but he knew the real situation very well.What about the Second Young Master who is the Slaughter Gate?The body is not poisonous as usual, and it still needs to take antidote regularly to alleviate the toxicity. To put it bluntly, he is also a puppet, a puppet with some status.

"Dulong, since you have truly become my follower, then I have the ability to detoxify you, which is what I should do. Why should I be so polite, I can't bear the rebirth of parents." Brahma helped Dulong to the bed again, " You lie down first, I will go out for a while, and I will be right back."


The poisonous dragon lying on the bed promised softly. Looking at Brahma's leaving back, he couldn't calm down for a long time, "I don't know if it can really dissolve the poison in the body. If it can, it will undoubtedly be equivalent to regaining freedom."

When Brahma returned again, he had a large melon in his hand, which made Dulong feel very confused.What Brahma holds in his hand is a green sweet fruit, which is as big as his head. The emerald green flesh is sweet and juicy. It is a good kind of fruit, but it is just a fruit. Fruit can also detoxify?

"Young master, this is a green sweet fruit, don't you tell me that eating this can detoxify my body?"

"Who told you to eat this?"

Brahma smiled foolishly, and tapped the half of the emerald green sweet fruit in his right hand, "There is no bowl here, so I can only use local materials and use it as a container. I will help you up first, and you can drink the liquid in it later." , it may be possible to dissolve the poison in your body."

"The liquid in it?"

Dulong's eyebrows sank slightly, but when Brahma supported him, and when he saw the bright red liquid in the emerald green sweet fruit, he was stunned.

The emerald green sweet fruit itself has a strong aroma, so Dulong didn't smell the bloody smell at first, but now that he was so close, he could smell the bloody smell, and with the bright red liquid, he could smell it again. Any fool knows that the liquid inside is blood, but they don't know what kind of blood it is, whether it is a human or a strange beast.

There are many kinds of alien beasts, and the color of their blood is also different, but the blood of some alien beasts is still as bright red as human beings.

"There is no need for such a surprised look."

Brahma smiled faintly, "As you can see, this is indeed blood, human blood, and freshly baked human blood, drink it quickly."

"Young master, you let me drink human blood?" Du Long's throat choked up. He had killed many people, but he had never drank human blood. That was not something normal people could do.

"If you want to drink it, you can drink it. This blood is not something that ordinary people can drink." Brahma stuffed the emerald green sweet fruit filled with blood into the hands of the poisonous dragon. At this time, the sharp-eyed poisonous dragon saw a wound on Brahma's wrist. A new wound seemed to have just healed. Seeing such a scene not only reminded Du Long of some associations.

"Young master, could this blood be..."

"It's my blood," Brahma said, "you can drink it if you tell me to drink it. Do you still remember that when you used the Poison Martial Soul to deal with me, I was not affected at all, because I am almost invulnerable to all poisons, and the reason why I Not afraid of poison, it is inseparably related to my blood, that's why I let you drink my blood. Well, I've said everything I want to say, you can choose whether to drink it, but I can say ugly things first, chance But only this time, don't expect me to let you drink blood next time, my blood is very precious."

"I drink, I drink"

Brahma has already talked about this, how could the poisonous dragon not violate Brahma's intention, even if it has no effect at all, as long as Brahma let him drink it, he would drink it without hesitation.Furthermore, he has personally experienced the fact that Brahma is not afraid of poison, but now he has great expectations for this blood. Before drinking it, he feels that this blood can dissolve the poison in his body.

The poisonous dragon's lips were close to the nipples of the emerald sweet fruit, and then he raised his right hand and tilted the emerald green sweet fruit upwards. Gulu Gulu drank all the blood in it in one breath. After drinking, his face seemed to be Also a gesture of indecision.

"Do you feel anything?" Brahma asked.

"It seems to have"

Du Long's expression was a little dull, but only for a moment, his reaction was amazing, and his hands were involuntarily scratching at his chest.

"Hot, so hot, so hot, it feels like my stomach is on fire."

In just a few breaths, Dulong's forehead was covered with sweat, his hands were covering his abdomen, and he fell off the wooden bed, rolling back and forth on the ground, his expression seemed extremely painful.

"No, how could this be?"

This sudden scene made Brahma go crazy. It was completely different from what he had imagined before. He assumed that blood could save people, but the pained expression of the poisonous dragon now has no miraculous effect. On the contrary, this posture is more like taking poison .

"Dulong, don't let anything happen to you."

As time went by, Dulong rolled on the ground more and more frequently, and the ground was already wet. These water marks were all sweat from Dulong's body.

"No, if this continues, the poisonous dragon may not be able to bear it anymore. The elixir, go to the old man to get some healing elixir."

Just as Brahma was about to turn around and leave, Dulong's body stopped rolling. At the same time, a mouthful of liquid was ejected from its mouth. It was similar to blood, but the color was very dark, almost to the point of blackening.

"This, is this poisonous blood?"

Seeing the pool of black blood on the ground, Brahma's pupils dilated rapidly, and he stepped forward quickly, helping the poisonous dragon on the ground to get up from the ground.

"Young, young master, I, I'm fine."

Before Brahma asked, Dulong reported himself safe.

"What happened just now, your reaction scared me."

"Young master, let me go, I seem to be able to stand up by myself."

"Are you sure?" Brahma let go of his supporting hands with slightly doubtful eyes. Not only did the poisonous dragon not fall down, but he stood firmly. Not only that, Brahma noticed that the other party's face was completely different from before. , became rosy and bloody, which undoubtedly confirmed one point, his blood should have worked.

"It seems that my guess should be right, my blood is indeed effective."

(End of this chapter)

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