Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 450 Splendid Knife

Chapter 450 Splendid Knife
Mengxue kept muttering about Brahma in her heart, and only then did she recover from the fact that the other party took away her knife and did not return it to her. It was not an ordinary knife, and it meant a lot to her. She had to find the Splendid Knife.

But when she turned around, she looked around to see where there was Brahma on the street, and after searching along the road, she still couldn't find Brahma, so she stomped her feet in anger.

"Miss, I don't know if I should say something or not."

Just when Mengxue was extremely anxious, Bashu spoke in a creaking voice.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Mengxue said perfunctorily.

"Miss, this is what you said, and the subordinate will speak up." Bashu suddenly became a little mysterious, even though Mengxue had promised to let him speak, but he still hesitated, and he spoke again after a long time, "Miss, can you speak?" I remember the words that Young Master Mengyi said to you before leaving home."

"Cousin Mengxi?" Mengxue's willow-leaf eyebrows sank slowly, and her eyes turned slightly, "It seems that she said something to me, but I don't remember much, but she asked you to protect me. I remember it very well. You don’t listen to me, and when I go back, I must go to my cousin to complain and let her take care of you.”

Bashu smiled awkwardly, "Miss, this subordinate dares to remind you, Young Master Mengyi said at the time that she told you to seize the opportunity and don't miss it."


Mengxue exclaimed inexplicably, "Bashu, I almost forgot if you didn't mention it, my cousin did tell me this, I don't understand why, what does it mean to seize the opportunity, don't miss it. I don't even understand what she is referring to, what is a good opportunity?"


Bashu's eyes suddenly became a little weird, and his eyes became a little erratic, and he didn't dare to look directly at Mengxue.This made Mengxue suspicious, and she thought Bashu should know the reason.

"Bashu, tell me the truth, do you know the secret behind it?" Mengxue stared wide-eyed, and immediately approached Bashu step by step, with that posture and terrifying eyes, as if she wanted to extract a confession.

"You asked me to tell you this, so I'll tell you everything I know." Bashu said, "Actually, before you left home this time, Young Master Mengyi had a calculation with you, and she calculated that you will meet during this trip. To someone with predestined relationship."

"Wait, what is a destined person?" Mengxue asked curiously.

"It's your other half, and that's one of the reasons why Young Master Mengyao agreed to let you come to Fengyuan." Ba Shu paused, looking at the direction where Brahma had disappeared before, "Looking at it now, the hexagrams of Young Master Mengyao It seems to have come true, I think Miss, your other half should have appeared, it is very likely to be the young man just now, at least for now, it seems that he fits the character described by the young master Mengyao, a handsome man with extraordinary strength, as for the mysterious birth, I’m afraid we’ll have to wait until we get in touch to understand this.”

"Fateful person, the other half?"

Mengxue's stiff face reluctantly moved a few times, "Bashu, are you kidding me? My cousin must have never done a fortune-telling for me, let alone calculate such a fortune-telling phenomenon."

"Miss Mengxue, this matter is absolutely true, this subordinate can swear to the sky, there is absolutely no intention of concealing or deceiving."

Seeing Bashu's attitude, Mengxue was stunned. Mengyao was very talented, and she was accepted as a disciple by the divinatory sage Yuxuan. Whenever she fortune-telling, there is at least a chance that it will be effective if it is above the ninth floor. Meng Yan really made a fortune for her, and the fortune-telling shows that she will meet the other half during her trip to Fengyuan, so it is probably true.

"Could it really be him?" Mengxue's mind immediately flashed Brahma's appearance, recalling the previous scene of Brahma helping her out, but just thinking of being held in Brahma's arms, her cheeks could not help but blush slightly.

"Impossible, even if I meet my other half during this trip to Fengyuan, it will definitely not be that cheeky guy who can't help but take advantage of me, and even snatched my Splendid Knife. Next time I see him, I must give him a good meal. No, he seems to be stronger than me, I can't beat him. No matter, anyway, when we meet again, I just want to fix him. If I can't beat him, Bashu is still there. If Bashu can't, let my brother be by his side Grandpa Tie makes a move, as long as Grandpa Tie is willing to make a move, that kid will be suppressed immediately."

After parting from Mengxue, Brahma and the three quickly returned to the inn. Brahma didn't say a word the whole time, obviously because of Mengxue's relationship, he felt a little unhappy, otherwise he would have lost all interest in shopping.He was unhappy and didn't speak, and the eighth assassin who accompanied him and Liu Hudong naturally frowned all the time, and they still didn't speak a word after returning to the inn.

"Hudong, go downstairs and say hello to the waiter, and ask him to prepare a table of wine and food."

Seeing Brahma finally opened his mouth, Liu Hudong heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded quickly, "Understood the young master, I'll go down and talk to the waiter."

"Young master, are you still angry about what happened earlier?"

Liu Hudong left the room, and there were only Brahma and the Eighth Killer left, which made the atmosphere a lot easier.

"Ba Lao, come to judge, do you think that woman is unreasonable?" Brahma looked angry, "I saved her with good intentions, and she was fine, but she didn't even have a word of thanks, not only rewarded me A slap in the face, and even threatened to kill me, I was so angry that my lungs would explode."


Brahma sank his right hand to the table, but he was surprised by the strange impact sound. He lowered his head and glanced at his right hand, and a surprised shout suddenly sounded, "This, isn't this her dagger? How could it be in my hand? superior?"

"Young master, you forgot that you took the knife to save her life earlier, and you didn't return the knife to her after taking the knife, so the knife is still in your hands. Don't tell me that you don't even know about it?"

"I tell you that I really don't know, do you believe it?" Brahma smiled awkwardly, and because of Mengxue's unreasonable response, he was so angry that he really forgot about it for a while.

"Young master, this subordinate thought you didn't return him on purpose." The eighth killer also smiled, but the smile was a little weird. He could see the short knife in Brahma's hand, but he thought it was Brahma's intention. He didn't return it because Mengxue's attitude was so bad that even he was a little annoyed by it.So even though he watched Brahma holding the dagger in his hand all the way, he didn't make much noise.

"I'm not so stingy. Besides, I don't know how to use a knife. What's the use of a knife, and it's a short knife used by women."

"Young Master, can you show me this knife?" The Eighth Killer suddenly became interested in the short knife in Brahma's hand, and his eyes were fixed on the short knife without blinking.

"Could it be that you, the eighth elder, also know knives?" Brahma handed the dagger in his hand to the eighth killer.

The Eighth Killer General took the dagger from Brahma's hand and looked it over carefully. However, after a few breaths, the Eighth Killer General's expression changed rapidly, and his expression became extremely dignified.

"No, this is the Splendid Knife!"

(End of this chapter)

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