Chapter 458

After a little grooming, Brahma left the room with the Jinxiu Knife. With Mengshuang's lessons learned, Brahma specially covered the Jinxiu Knife with a black cloth so as not to be recognized by the arrogant. He had a terrible headache, and if another Meng family came in the process of looking for Mengxue, he couldn't stand it.

As for the reason why Mengshuang came to the door, Brahma guessed that he was seen by the other party when he was looking for Mengxue's whereabouts with the Jinxiu knife. As far as the realm is concerned, it is such a dazzling existence, it is enough to prevent it from appearing in the eyes of everyone.

"Young master, why are you alone?"

After Brahma opened the door, the Eighth Killer had already been waiting outside for a long time. Brahma was used to this, and it was not surprising. However, the question the other party asked made him a little surprised.

Of course, Brahma also understands that the eighth killer refers to Mengshuang, and the eighth killer mistakenly thinks that there is a special relationship between him and Mengshuang. In fact, the two have nothing to do with each other. It was an accident, and he didn't bother to explain it, for fear that it would become darker and darker.

"I left last night." Brahma's tone was flat, as if he didn't take this matter to heart, and Liu Hudong and the rest of the people also came over one after another. After seeing Brahma, they all beat him respectfully. Say hello.

"Come on, go downstairs to fill your stomach. I will go out with Balao and Hudong in a while. As for you guys, if you have nothing to do, you can go out for a stroll, but remember to never cause trouble. Although we The purpose of coming here is to stir up trouble, but now is not the time to stir up trouble, and we don't stir up trivial matters, if we do, we must turn him upside down."

"Please rest assured, young master, we will definitely not cause trouble, we know what we should do and what we should not do."

Those few people expressed their opinions one after another. In fact, Brahma knew in his heart that these people under him should not make troubles indiscriminately. It is very important that there can be no mistakes at all.

Several people randomly ordered a few pastries, filled their stomachs and left the inn one after another. Brahma, the Eighth Killer General and Liu Hudong started looking for Mengxue's whereabouts again. He didn't know, he only knew that Brahma was looking for Mengxue to return the knife to her, but he didn't know anything about the things behind the beautiful knife.

The three searched separately. This time, they even searched all the nearby streets one by one. They even found a lot of inns and other places where they could stay. After a day, but still returned in vain, did not find Mengxue and Bashu.

"Could it be that Mengxue has already left Fengyu City?"

Such a thought suddenly flashed in Brahma's heart, but when he thought about it carefully, he rejected it again. It should be impossible for the other party to leave so quickly. With the Jinxiu knife in his hand, how could the other party leave such a precious thing and leave immediately? ?It is completely impossible and unrealistic.

Since it is impossible for the other party to leave Fengyu City, and he has not been found for two consecutive days, Brahma thought that there might be two possibilities for this situation.

First, they haven't searched thoroughly enough. After all, the entire Phoenix Feather City is so big, it's impossible to do a blanket search in two days, to search every inch of land and every corner.

Second, it has a great connection with the first one, or it can be said that it is based on the first one. Mengxue did not leave Fengyu City, but she is inconvenient to show up now, or there are important things that can't show up. But this possibility seems to be less. After all, no matter how important things are, it seems unlikely that the Jinxiu Knife is as important as the Jinxiu Knife. Mengxue didn't even bother to get the Jinxiu Knife back, so there was only one last possibility left.

She couldn't show up now because she had to. She couldn't show up. It was very likely that she was in trouble or in danger.

Of course, these are all Brahma's guesses. What is the specific situation and why the other party has not appeared for a long time? At present, the specific reason is unknown to Brahma, but the other party has not appeared for a long time, and he can't find it. It is not a good thing for Brahma. With the Splendid Sword in his hand, if he keeps it for one more day, he will feel more crisis. If a master comes one day, he will not be able to keep it even if he wants to.

He got the Splendid Sword from Mengxue. Mengxue is a member of the Meng Family and has an extraordinary relationship with Meng Qianyu. If Mengxue knows that the Splendid Sword was lost in his hands, then I feel that this matter cannot be concealed from Meng Qianyu. , the person who snatches the knife will never escape death, and Brahma will never escape the punishment of Meng Qianyu, and it is very likely that he will lose his life because of it. Because of the snow, let go of the Jinxiu knife, and get rid of this trouble as soon as possible.

The dinner was very sumptuous, but Brahma didn't seem to have much appetite. He just moved a few chopsticks and returned to the room alone. The window has been repaired, and the cost of the repair will naturally be counted on Brahma's head, and the innkeeper also sent a message , must not appear a third time, or the cost will be doubled.

Brahma opened the newly installed wooden windows. Due to the darkness, the pedestrians on the street have become extremely rare at this time, and it may only take a few minutes to see a person passing below.


Just as Brahma was about to close the window, a sneaky figure below caught his attention. He didn't know this person, but this person gave him a hint.

Since you can't find it during the day, why not go out and look for it at night?If Mengxue is inconvenient and unable to show up during the day, will she sneak out at night?

Thinking of this, Brahma jumped down from the window, and that figure quickly disappeared into the street.

For ordinary people, it is undoubtedly more difficult to find people in the dark night, but for Brahma, it is just the opposite. Even Brahma will be affected by the fact that his vision is blocked at night, but there is one advantage of night, that is, there are fewer people , where there are people is more clear at a glance.

Where no one was around, Brahma ran all the way, and when he encountered people, he slowed down a little. He repeated this behavior almost all night, and he did not let go of every street and almost every corner.

Finally, when the sky turned pale, he found Mengxue in an extremely remote dilapidated house. The reason why he was able to find her was completely attracted by the sound of fighting here.

"Surrounded, the two of them will be in danger if this continues."

Brahma was observing in secret. At this time, Mengxue and Bashu were surrounded by seven masked men in black. These men in black were also from the Lin Kun Realm, because each of them held a knife in their hands. It is undoubtedly very unfavorable for Mengxue and Bashu.

"No, I hate this woman, but she must not die. At least I must return the Splendid Knife to her. Whether she lives or dies after that has nothing to do with me."

Brahma's eyes slid quickly, and then covered his face with the black cloth wrapped in the Jinxiu knife. After doing all this, he rushed in with one step.

"It's a Splendid Knife"

A man in black exclaimed, his eyes were fixed on the splendid knife in Brahma's right hand, and the other men in black looked at each other and backed away one after another, canceling the siege of Mengxue and Bashu. Instead, Brahma is surrounded by it.


Seeing such a scene, Brahma didn't show any panic at all, and a sneer sounded, "A group of guys who don't know how to live or die, let you open your eyes and see Lao Tzu's dog-cutting knife."

(End of this chapter)

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