Chapter 462

Mengshuang's sudden approach made Brahma instinctively take two steps back. He could vividly remember Mengshuang's previous attitude. Although Mengxue and Mengshuang were completely two people, there was some blood relationship after all. God, would it be possible? How could he bear such a thing?

"Who doesn't know you?" Meng Xue pouted, "We have met twice, and we fought once, and now you have saved my life, and now you and I have something to do with Jinxiu Dao, Can you say that the two of us have nothing to do? Also, am I so scary that it makes sense to hide from me like this? "

"Afraid? There's nothing to be afraid of. You're not a tigress."

Brahma smiled naively, but his eyes never looked at Mengxue squarely. As for the distance between the two, I don't know whether Brahma was intentional or not. Anyway, he always kept it at about two steps. Once Mengxue quickened his pace, he would follow suit. The speed was a lot faster, which made Mengxue behind her gnash her teeth, so angry that she almost had the urge to slash someone with a knife.

Along the way, apart from Mengxue's strange expression, there was another person who also had a rather strange expression. Of course, this person was not Brahma, but the same Bashu as Mengxue.

Along the way, Bashu kept blinking at Mengxue, and pointed Brahma with his fingers from time to time, no doubt wanting to give Mengxue some kind of hint, but Mengxue was angry, and once a woman got angry, she would appear a little irrational, so how could she think of Bashu? Such weird behavior is to give her a hint.

"Here, I live here now."

Brahma walked into the inn first, and Mengxue followed behind without any consideration. Seeing this scene, Bashu smiled lightly, stopped walking and shook his head slightly, "It seems that this is the legendary quarrel between enemies. After arguing, this young man is a genius. Since he has a relationship with Miss Mengxue, he must find a way to draw him into Mengjia. He shouldn't say no."

In Bashu's mind, he was thinking about how to pull Brahma into Mengjia, but at this moment, Brahma was thinking about how to get rid of Mengxue and Bashu as soon as possible.

"Son, give them two rooms"

After entering the inn, Brahma greeted the child and walked up to the second floor alone.


It was late at night, and there was no other figure on the first floor of the inn except for a lonely waiter, and the waiter was basically dozed off on the table. After seeing Brahma and the three of them, he barely cheered up. Customers are the first, this Theory and even the innkeeper have always instilled in him the existence of first and foremost compliance.

Even if it is pretending, you have to put on an appearance in front of people, so that you can retain people and have repeat customers. The reason why this inn is booming is still closely related to this.

"One room is enough." Mengxue stretched out a jade finger at the waiter.

"One room?" Bashu's eyebrows drooped sharply, "Miss Mengxue, I'm afraid this room is inappropriate. I am your personal bodyguard now, but there is always a difference between men and women, so I will inevitably not be gossiped about. I really don't care, I'm afraid of ruining your reputation, Miss Mengxue."

"Bashu, you think too much." Mengxue's face suddenly became a little stiff, and even the smile on the corner of her mouth was so unnatural, "I want a room, it is for you, I can I never said that I wanted to share a room with you."

Seeing Mengxue walking up to the second floor quickly, Bashu looked confused, and it took him a long time to react, followed by a smile, "Miss Mengxue is different, is she going to take the initiative? That's fine, as shown in the hexagram of the young master Mengxi, the two have always been destined to be together, it's just a matter of time, it's just a matter of time, and it's best that Miss Mengxue can pull him into Mengjia. A family How powerful would it be if there were two saints?"

Bashu's idea is good, but he still doesn't understand Brahma. Even if Brahma and Mengxue really have a relationship between men and women as Mengxi said, if they take a step back, even if they eventually become that kind of relationship, But it is absolutely impossible for Brahma to join Meng's family, even if he was not as strong as Meng Qianyu at that time, even if Meng Qianyu put a knife on his neck, he would still say no.

No one can force Brahma to do anything except himself, not ordinary people, not even Meng Qianyu.

"Why do you keep following me?"

Fantian stopped at the door. Although Fantian agreed to let Mengxue go with him, Mengxue followed him as closely as a plaster along the way, which made him a little uncomfortable. Now that he has arrived at the inn, he has to follow him like this after booking a room , he really couldn't bear it.

"Not with you or anyone."

Mengxue wasn't frightened by Brahma's stern face, on the contrary, she smiled sweetly, and then took a step ahead of Brahma, opened the door and walked in grandiosely, leaving Brahma behind him almost stunned.

After recovering, he walked in with big strides, "This seems to be my room, you seem to have gone by the wrong way."

"I didn't go wrong, I know this is your room." Meng Xue giggled, "I will sleep here tonight."

"You sleep here?" Brahma's eyebrows sank quickly, "Miss, let alone this is my room, do you know that there is only one bed here, if you sleep here, where should I sleep?"

Mengxue touched the wooden bed with her right hand, "This bed is quite big, two people should sleep comfortably. I don't mind you sleeping next to me, so I will feel more secure."

"Miss Mengxue, please respect yourself!"

First there was Mengshuang, and then Mengxue. The two girls gave Brahma a very bad impression.

In fact, Fantian really wronged Mengxue, don't look at Mengxue's provocative words, she is very bold, but usually she is not like this, and she has never been touched by another man when she is so old. If it wasn't for Meng Xi who did the fortune telling for her, and figured out that her trip to Fengyuan had a reason and fate, and she believed that the person was Brahma, that's why she made such a bold move.

"Please behave?"

As soon as Fantian said this, the smile on Mengxue's face disappeared suddenly, and there was undoubtedly a trace of anger in the eyes looking at Fantian.

However, after only a few breaths of effort, a smile appeared on Mengxue's face again, and the smile at the corner of her mouth made Brahma feel uncomfortable, as if some kind of conspiracy was brewing.

"I have decided, I will live in this room tonight"

Mengxue smiled faintly at Brahma, but there was an extremely slight snort in it, and then she walked straight towards the bed, and quickly fell on the bed in front of Brahma.

"What's the situation?" Looking at Mengxue's figure on the bed, Brahma could only shake his head and sigh, "Well, you sleep here, I'll go."

"Don't go!"


Just as Brahma turned around and wanted to leave the room, Mengxue's shout suddenly sounded behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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