Chapter 465
There are more than twenty men in black, all holding big knives in their hands. There is no doubt that they are all swordsmen in the realm of Lin Kun. Just as Brahma imagined, these men in black are not coming for him. The goal is even Mengxue.

"Hand over the Splendid Knife, and spare your lives."

The leader of the men in black shouted together, but his words were undoubtedly like fart in the eyes of Brahma, and they disappeared as soon as they were released.

More than twenty men in black, this lineup can make Brahma fear?In Chuzhou City, he had fought with more than 20 blood guards and blood guard coaches. Compared with them, these twenty or so men in black were nothing.

"The tone is not small, spare us not to die?" Brahma looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "With your virtue, you have no face to face others, and you have to cover your face. It is still unknown who will die and who will fall to the ground."

Brahma doesn't know how to do it. He already has some understanding of the sword skills in Lin Kun's Realm, and after getting Meng Qianyu's inheritance hidden in the Splendid Sword, he can definitely be regarded as a swordsman now. It is estimated that he will also become a powerful swordsman.

"No shame, you are only about ten people, I have more than twenty people, more than twice the number of you, I really want to toast and not drink fine wine, I think I want to let you live in the face of Meng Sheng , if that’s the case, don’t blame me.”

"You are brazen!" Mengxue glared at the man in black, and then shouted angrily, "The person who knows that I am Mengsheng still dares to think about me, and even dare to think about Jinxiu Dao, you guys! He is courting death."

"Meng Sheng is indeed very powerful, but is there only one Meng Sheng in Lin Kun's realm?"

As soon as the man in black said this, Brahma's eyes couldn't help but slide quickly. He could tell that the man in black was definitely not joking. This also meant that there was a holy master behind these men in black, which could also explain Why did they dare to be so bold, they couldn't help but want to kill Mengxue, and even took away the Jinxiu knife.

"You want to scare me, did Miss Ben get scared?"

Mengxue snorted, and immediately pointed at Brahma with her jade hand, "I want to touch Miss Ben, have you asked me about my man?"

"When did Mengxue from the Meng family have a man?" The head man in black lowered his brows. Although his face was covered with a black cloth, his confused eyes could be seen clearly.

Brahma glanced at Mengxue from the corner of his eye, and sighed helplessly. He didn't bother to explain, these black-clothed men came to make trouble, and if they said nothing, they were dead. In his eyes, these black-clothed men were undoubtedly dead, so why bother with dead to explain?

"Hmph, whether it's your man or not, you're all going to die, fuck me!"

"More than people?" Brahma smiled lightly, and immediately pointed with his right hand to the position behind the man in black, "Don't think that only you have people, and I also have people."

As soon as Brahma finished speaking, more than a dozen figures quickly approached. These people were naturally Du Long and the other two small teams led by Ten 34, all of whom were his subordinates.


Those men in black were also shocked by the sudden arrival of Dulong and his gang, and their intuition told them that these people in front of them are not easy to deal with, and their strength is not weak.

"Do you still think you have the upper hand in terms of numbers now?" Brahma shrugged and smiled, the people led by the poisonous dragon plus the people led by the ten 34 killing generals, those people under him are all gathered together now, although there is still a gap in the number of people , but it is only a few gaps, it is not obvious.

"Hmph!" The leading man in black snorted coldly in response to Brahma, "So what if there are people coming, I still have five more on my side, cut the nonsense, come one and cut one, come two and cut one pair."

"Did you hear that?" Brahma raised his voice a few decibels, "Since he thinks you are useless, I will give you a chance, use your timing to repay them, let them know how wrong it is to belittle you one thing."

During the speech, Brahma raised his index finger slightly, "Half, I only want half of you to fight."

"Young master, I am willing to fight"

"Young master, we are willing to fight"

"Young master, let me come, I want to show them some color"

As soon as Brahma's words fell, everyone rose up and volunteered. Everyone wanted to fight. The battle in Chuzhou City made them a little bit aggrieved. Everyone suppressed a fire in their hearts and wanted to completely explode this group. Now is the perfect time.

"You, you, and you..."

Brahma quickly named ten people, and those who were not selected seemed a little disappointed, while those who were selected by Brahma had high fighting spirit. The rest of them were fighting swordsmen for the first time. Although it was not the first time, they didn't have any fear.

They are disciples of the Slaughter Gate and followers of Brahma, no matter what their identities are, they can't tolerate them pretending to be cowardly.

"Come on, chop them into meat paste for me."

Brahma's choice was undoubtedly to despise those men in black, which naturally annoyed the man in black at the head, and immediately waved his right arm and issued an order to kill Wushe directly.

Ten people against 25 people, it is almost a one-vs-three situation. Brahma stood there expressionless. It was a bold move for him to make this decision. To be honest, he had no bottom in his heart, but he was still willing. I believe that these people under his hands can win the final victory, even if it is one against three, they can kill all of them.

In fact, there is a bigger purpose hidden in Brahma's doing this. He always has to leave the Slaughter Gate to leave the Fengyuan Realm, and he must go to the Lin Kun Realm, because there is still an enemy waiting for him to deal with.In Lin Kun's realm, there will inevitably be friction, and if there is friction, there will be battles, so now it can be regarded as a means of familiarizing his subordinates with swordsmen in Lin Kun's realm in advance.

"Why are you like this, they are your subordinates?"

Brahma was engrossed in watching, when Mengxue suddenly opened his mouth and disturbed his thoughts.

"Is there a problem?" Brahma frowned slightly.

"Of course there is a problem." Mengxue didn't know which tendon had a problem, but she yelled in front of Brahma for no reason, "Since they are your subordinates, how can you watch them fall into danger? There are so many people No, but you only let ten people play, you are making fun of their lives."

"Because they are my people, I will do this on purpose. If you don't have the strength, you will get away with it this time, but what about next time? What about the next time? If you are not strong enough, there will always be one time you will stumble, and the price you pay may be It's fate, since there is Meng Sheng in your Meng family, don't you understand this truth?"

After Mengxue heard this, she was stunned on the spot. Someone had told her what Brahma just said, and it was almost exactly the same, and this person was Meng Qianyu, the pillar of the Meng Family.

"Who, sneaky, now is not the time to watch a good show, get out!"

Then at this moment, Brahma's sight instantly locked on a bush in the southwest, because he discovered that there was a master hidden there.

(End of this chapter)

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