Chapter 580
The person who made the sudden move was naturally Brahma, and Mengxue was from the Meng family, not to mention the relationship between the two. With his current status, the successor of Meng Sheng, and the future ruler of the Meng family, how could he tolerate being bullied by others? door?
No matter how bad Brahma was, he was still a man, a pure man, how could he see the other party flirting with Mengxue, and immediately stepped forward to drink, and then quickly kicked Zhu Hu away, the whole process did not have any messy behavior.

Zhu Hu was kicked into the air, and instantly fell to the ground. After seeing this scene, countless bystanders were surprised. Some timid ones even screamed on the spot, as if it wasn't Zhu Hu kicked by Brahma, but them.

In fact, the reaction of these people was so strong that it was understandable, Mengxue and the others knew each other, and the two daughters of the Meng family were highly talented, referring to Mengxue and Mengshuang, so Mengxue was a celebrity as young as she was.As for Zhu Hu, although his strength is not good, but he is in the Zhu family, relying on the great power behind him, he is rampant and domineering everywhere on weekdays, and the people he bullies are probably incalculable.

Logically, Mengxue could easily repel Zhu Hu, but the reason why she didn't do it was because Zhu Hu was not only Zhu Hu, but also the second child of Zhu Wudun, the head of the Zhu family. Compared with the Zhu family, it is still a little insufficient. Once Zhu Hu is moved, it is equivalent to moving the Zhu family.

"Brother Tian, ​​you got into trouble."

Mengxue frowned, and approached Brahma subconsciously, "Hurry up, we're still fast. Although this Zhu Hu is not a good guy, he is the second young master of the Zhu family after all. We'd better not provoke him."

"It's okay!"

Brahma raised his right hand, showing no sign of fear, so what if the opponent is the Zhu family?Today's Mengjia is no longer the original Mengjia. In addition to Meng Qianyu, there are two holy-level masters, Dao Kuang and Dao Chi, who are in charge. This is unknown to the outside world, and not many people in Mengjia know about it.

Not only that, but Mengjia also owns Yi Zhongtian now. Apart from Yi Zhongtian, Brahma has also reached agreement with the seven masters. Now Mengjia's power seems to have no change on the surface, but in fact, qualitative changes have already taken place. A Mengjia There are also seven major forces behind it. Perhaps most of these seven major forces are not as powerful as the Zhu family's, but the seven major forces plus changes will give the Zhu family 1 courage and dare not touch the Meng family. The Zhu family was moved, there was absolutely only one end, and the family could not escape the disaster of extermination.

"Brother Tian, ​​let's go, Zhu Hu is a lunatic!"

Mengxue kept her eyebrows tightly frowned, watching Zhu Hu barely get up from the ground, her heart was undoubtedly nervous, and even a trace of fear appeared in her heart, she could personally offend Zhu Hu, but she couldn't implicate the entire Meng Family, Ruo Meng Her family was oppressed by the Zhu family, she is a big sinner.

"It's okay, I'm here, let me see who dares to touch you and who dares to touch Mengjia!"

Brahma patted Mengxue on the shoulder lightly, signaling her not to be too nervous, and at the same time his voice suddenly increased, which was also a signal to everyone.

"Who is this person, is he also from the Meng Family?"

"This person has a big tone. The Meng family is quite powerful, but after all, it can't compare with the Zhu family. This person injured Zhu Hu. It seems that he will suffer a big loss, and maybe the Meng family will also be affected."

None of the onlookers knew Brahma. It's no wonder that Brahma became the successor of Mengjiamengsage. Many people knew about it. Those who don't know him, including Zhu Hu, of course.

If Zhu Hu's father, Zhu Wudun, was present at this moment, he would have recognized Brahma. A month ago, the Meng family held a banquet, and Zhu Wudun was on the guest list, so he had naturally seen Brahma and remembered this face.Brahma is the future successor of the Meng family, and the Zhu family is so close to the Meng family, how can it not worry him to have such an excellent successor of the Meng family.

"How dare you attack me, how dare you injure me?"

Zhu Hu got up from the ground, his whole body became extremely angry, especially when he looked into Brahma's eyes, he felt that he could burst into flames.

In Zhu Hu's concept, the Meng family is not as powerful as their Zhu family, so the members of the Meng family will naturally bow their heads in front of the Zhu family, and he is the second young master of the Zhu family. It was far from enough to see in front of him, so he not only ignored Mengxue, but even uttered words and even teased her.

Originally, he thought that everything was reasonable and everything would go smoothly. Unexpectedly, a strange man appeared suddenly and even dared to kick him to the ground. How could he bear it?

"Give it to me, why are you just staring blankly, give it to me, I'll be the one who beats him to death, and whoever kills him will get ten times the salary this month."

Zhu Hu yelled loudly, and five or six people under him rushed forward and surrounded Brahma in an instant. These people were originally the dogs around Zhu Hu, and they often bit people on weekdays. At this moment, under the temptation of ten times the salary Next, it seems even more crazy.

"What I hate the most in my life is dog fighting against people." Brahma's slender gaze quickly swept over the six people surrounding him. The six people surrounding him are undoubtedly six vicious dogs, relying on Zhu Hu as the backer to bite people everywhere. , since he was targeted, he would naturally not be lenient.

"Today, I have abolished a few of your vicious dogs, which can be regarded as exterminating harm in the name of!"

As soon as the words fell, Brahma's body swayed slightly, a seemingly inconspicuous small move, but in front of these six people, it became a brilliant move that could not see his reality clearly, because the strength gap between these six people and Brahma was too great. The disparity, the disparity to the point of one sky and one earth, as long as Brahma is willing, even one finger is enough to kill them.

Brahma quickly drew out his saber, and the blood in his hand was like a dancing elf. With a flash of the saber, all six fell to the ground crying in pain.

With one blow, Brahma did not kill the six people, but after the blow, the six people were useless.Relying on the backing of Zhu Hu, these six people have done too many outrageous things. Death is definitely too cheap for them. After the six people are deposed, they will definitely be expelled from the Zhu family. One can have complaints, complaints and revenge, such punishment is definitely several times more painful than death.

"You, you actually abolished them?"

Zhu Hu exclaimed in surprise, obviously he was also suppressed by Brahma's means, if kicking him earlier was a big deal, then it is not a normal thing to cripple six of his subordinates in front of him now , which undoubtedly raised the severity of the situation to more than one level.

"You wait, don't run if you have the guts." Zhu Hu retreated while talking, he is not stupid, even leaving a thug under him can't stop Brahma's knife, if he is aimed at him, he will definitely become the seventh cripple .

"Run, why should I run?" Brahma shrugged and smiled, as if he didn't take Zhu Hu seriously at all, and then pointed with his right hand to the Fulai Restaurant not far away, "This young master is eating here, I hope you don't make me wait Too long."

(End of this chapter)

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