Chapter 585

Brahma beat Zhu Hu first, and then Zhu Hu was beaten again after Zhu Hu moved the rescuers, so that only half of his life was left, and Zhu Long, who came to the Zhu family for the third time, was undoubtedly the most unlucky one. The strength of the means kept increasing, and when it was Zhu Long's third turn, it naturally took Zhu Long's life.

Every time is more ferocious, and each time is more daring than a master of art.

Not only beat the second young master of the Zhu family twice, but also beheaded the eldest young master of the Zhu family with a single knife. How many people can do this kind of method? I am afraid that even all the onlookers at the scene will not believe these two evil brothers. People will die and be injured.This is undoubtedly an exciting thing for them, but on the other hand they are also worried about Brahma.

Previously they speculated that Brahma might have come from a certain event, but when Brahma admitted that he was a member of the Meng family, everyone suddenly realized that Brahma's true identity was the successor of the Meng family and the future ruler of the Meng family.

Although the identity is precious, it is still undoubtedly the Meng family, and the overall strength of the Meng family is simply not comparable to that of the Zhu family, they all know this.Brahma's removal of harm for them is very satisfying, but once Zhu Long dies, Mengjia will undoubtedly completely offend the Zhu family, and will definitely suffer crazy revenge from the Zhu family. When they think of this, they feel a little regretful, after all, Mengjia is in the nearby generation. The reputation is still very good, but everyone who talks about the Meng family will give a thumbs up and praise without exception. On the contrary, most of the Zhu family can only shake their heads helplessly, because they dare not speak ill of the Zhu family in public.

"Brother Tian, ​​why didn't you reward Zhu Long instead of killing him?"

Along the way, Mengxue followed Brahma all the time, but she couldn't bear the confusion in her heart. She strode forward and said, "You should know the identity of Zhu Long. He is the young master of the Zhu family, the future ruler of the Zhu family. Now that he died at your hands, even though he had killed all the members of the Zhu family just now, there are still so many others watching him, and this matter will definitely spread to the Zhu family. If they know that Zhu Long , was killed by you, can you imagine the consequences?"

"Consequences?" Brahma shrugged and smiled mysteriously, "Mengxue, I, Brahma, have never been the kind of person who doesn't care about the consequences. I know the consequences of this matter very well. If Zhu Long is killed, the Zhu family will definitely go crazy. If you want to find me, seek revenge from Mengjia."

"Brother Tian, ​​since you understand everything, why do you still want to... hey!" Mengxue sighed heavily. It's not that she doesn't support Fantian, but the Zhu family's power is too large, and Mengjia is still facing other problems. A powerful enemy is Daoyu.

If the Meng family is provoking the Zhu family at this juncture, and is being retaliated by the Zhu family madly, then the Meng family is undoubtedly suffering from the enemy, and it is inevitable that they will be injured at that time, and it is even very likely that they will suffer from the genocide. This is a serious situation. Xing Mengxue couldn't afford it, and Brahma, the future ruler of the dream family, couldn't afford it either.

"Mengxue, I don't want to say the same thing again."

Brahma's expression was extremely serious, he stopped in an instant, stared at Mengxue, paused and then said, "I can only tell you that everything I do is under my control, from the moment Zhu Hu appeared, I I have already regarded the Zhu family as my prey. I know what I am thinking, you must be thinking that the Zhu family is very powerful, and it is not something that our Meng family can provoke, right?"


Just as Mengxue opened her mouth, she was forcefully interrupted by Brahma, "Mengxue, believe it or not, today's Mengjia is no longer the previous Mengjia, and Zhu's is nothing in the eyes of today's Mengjia. As long as Zhu If the Zhu family dares to cause trouble, then I will destroy the Zhu family. Of course, if the Zhu family can be provoked, I will not be too aggressive, but it seems that Zhu Long is very important to the Zhu family. He was killed by me, and the Zhu family should I can't bear it, so the demise of the Zhu family is a matter of fate, and it is also a matter of fate. If you want to blame, you can only blame the people of the Zhu family for meeting me in the wrong place at the wrong event."

Mengxue was stunned by Brahma's words. At this moment, she couldn't help but have a thought in her heart. Is it really the right choice to hand over Mengjia to Brahma?
After the two returned to Meng's house, they parted ways. Brahma took the initiative to find Meng Qianyu. At this time, Meng Qianyu was discussing something with Dao Kuang and Dao Chi, but after seeing Brahma, the three suddenly stopped talking. , but also so consistent, virtually added a mysterious color, but also made Brahma somewhat puzzled.

"It's rare to let you rest for a day today, but you took the initiative to find us. Could it be that you have developed the habit of itchy skin after a month?"

Dao Kuang smiled faintly. Among the three, Dao Kuang likes to joke around on weekdays. As for Meng Qianyu, he is the most serious one. After all, Brahma is his successor, and he wants Brahma to achieve something. , strict and serious is a necessary prerequisite.

As for Dao Chi, the number of times he communicated with Brahma within a month is very small, which also made Brahma full of doubts. He had been in contact with Dao Chi for a short time before, and they didn't know each other well, but Dao Chi was auctioned by Hu Liezong. The first impression given to Brahma in the venue was not as always with a straight face like now, at least he had a kind smile on his face at that time.

"Senior Knife Crazy, you are right. After being repaired by you for a whole month, I seem to have really developed an itchy skin problem. It is rare to rest today, but the itchy skin problem broke out on my body. I have no choice but to find someone to vent. No, if you don't pay attention, you will get into trouble."

Brahma smiled mysteriously, and his words were also ambiguous, full of doubts, but at the same time undoubtedly aroused the curiosity of the three sword madmen.

"Trouble? What trouble did you cause?" Meng Qianyu's eyebrows sank, and she asked immediately. From Brahma's expression, she could see that Brahma didn't seem to be lying. In addition to being her apprentice and the future ruler of the Meng family, ordinary people naturally dare not provoke him, but the person who can cause Brahma to cause trouble is really causing trouble.

"Creating trouble?" Dao Kuang shrugged and smiled, "Boy, are you making fun of the three of us? Are you the only kid who will take the initiative to cause trouble?"

"Senior, you really guessed wrong this time." Brahma nodded abruptly, and the smile on his face quickly disappeared, "I moved people from the Zhu family, wounded Zhu Hu, and even beheaded Zhu Long. Isn't it a disaster?"


As soon as Brahma's words came out, the three of them were shocked, especially Meng Qianyu, who was ejected directly from the chair. It can be seen that this matter had a great impact on her, not only her, but also Dao Kuang and Dao Zhi. The reaction of the two of them at this moment was also very strong.

(End of this chapter)

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