Chapter 594
There are less than two months before the opening of the martial arts competition. Brahma knows that his current strength is not enough to hold the championship with absolute certainty, and he still needs to constantly improve his strength.There is not much time left for him now, less than two months, so he must seize every day and seize every opportunity that allows him to improve his strength.

"What kind of special training will the second stage of special training be?"

At night, Brahma lay in bed thinking about this question all the time. He imagined countless ways of special training out of thin air, but he rejected them all in the end. He felt that if he could guess it, he would not be worthy of the title. The above is hell-style special training.

"Since it has come, it will be safe, and it will be revealed tomorrow when you close your eyes and open it."

Brahma persuaded himself not to think too much, and slowly closed his eyes, but the excitement in his heart that was always ready to move had already completely driven away his drowsiness. Although he closed his eyes for a whole night, he didn't feel sleepy at all. , simply with his current strength, he can still be full of energy even if he doesn't sleep for a few days.

The next day, when the sky was slightly bright, Brahma got up early from the bed, took a quick wash and left the room, but the moment he stepped out of the room, he immediately remained vigilant.

Over the past month or so, he has often been ambushed by Meng Qianyu, Dao Kuang, and Dao Chi. Several times he was ambushed as soon as he left the door, and several times it was even worse, he was directly in the room before he came out He was attacked and beaten violently. Fortunately, his skin is thick and rough, but even so, his nose is still bruised and swollen. It is almost commonplace to have several wounds on his body every day.

"Strange, didn't you mean the second stage of special training? Why was it so peaceful along the way?"

In the past, Brahma had at least been attacked after completing these journeys, but today until he walked into the courtyard, there was no sign of any of Meng Qianyu, Dao Kuang, or Dao Chi. do not adapt.

"Is it a trap?"

For some reason, the more this happened, the more uneasy Brahma felt in his heart. It was said that the eve of a storm is often the quietest existence. Isn't this unusual calm at this moment the prelude to the coming storm?

Just as Brahma was deep in thought, two figures quietly appeared behind him. When he reacted, the two figures were less than one meter away from him.If the opponent launches an attack at this distance, let alone two people, even one Brahma cannot dodge.

"Your boy can also be distracted"

However, unexpectedly, none of the two of them shot at Brahma, which undoubtedly made Brahma, who was already a little confused, even more confused.

"Senior Sword Crazy, Senior Sword Crazy!"

Brahma greeted Dao Kuang and Dao Chi very politely, but his eyes seemed a little erratic, because he was looking for another person, that is Meng Qianyu.

"Boy, don't look for it, Meng Sheng will not participate in the next second stage of special training."

"Won't Meng Sheng participate in the second stage of special training?" Brahma frowned slightly, and one of the three was missing, but he felt that this was not a good thing, at least Meng Qianyu was still gentle to him, and compared Under the knife maniac, especially the knife maniac, there can only be three words to describe him, that is 'improper person'.

"Kid, take it easy." Dao Kuang smiled mysteriously, "Actually, the so-called second-stage special training is not as scary as you imagined, and it may seem easy to you. Of course, if you can't reach The request of the two of us, I am afraid that the end will be miserable, at least much worse than the first stage of special training."

"Senior, I'm timid, don't scare me." Brahma frowned, with a bitter face.

"Don't be so talkative." Dao Chi shouted, "From today onwards, the morning will belong to Dao Mad, and the afternoon will belong to me."

Dao Chi turned around and left after leaving a word, but Brahma could only watch Dao Chi's gradually away figure with confused eyes.

"Don't worry, you will know the content of the second stage of special training in a while."

Dao Kuang's expression suddenly became a little serious, "Boy, let me ask you, what do you think of my sword skills?"

Brahma lowered his head slightly, and answered carefully after a short period of thought, "Senior, your strength is strong, and your sword skills are naturally powerful, but in the final analysis, it can be described in one word, that is fast!"

What Brahma said is true. Dao Kuang's sword technique is only one word, that is, fast, the speed is ridiculously fast. Dao Chi's strength is stronger than Dao Kuang's, but in terms of the speed of Dao Maniac's moves, I am afraid that it is a sword. Chi is also willing to bow down in front of the knife maniac.

"That's right, it's the word fast!" Dao Kuang nodded in satisfaction, "My sword technique focuses on speed, and it can be said that no one at the same level can surpass my sword technique just because of the speed. , so I can often win by surprise, I am not bragging, I am afraid that ninety-nine out of ten people of the same level will not be my opponent."

"I believe!" Brahma nodded abruptly. As the saying goes, one fast equals three slows. Fastness can not only catch the opponent off guard, but also increase the power of the sword technique. Brahma has a deep understanding of this. The principle of quick cutting in an instant, combined with the combination of fast, accurate and ruthless, has a huge deterrent effect.

"From now on, I'm going to teach you how to make your sword skills faster. There are less than two months left. How much you can comprehend and control depends on your own good luck." Dao Kuang said, "And My elder brother Dao Chi, his sword skills are more focused on defense, he can use his sword skills to make himself impenetrable, not only that, he can also counterattack instantly while defending, that is the most terrifying existence, and he will teach him next How can you protect yourself and defend yourself as much as possible with the knife technique."

"Wait, senior, do you mean that the two of you want to teach me..."

"That's right!" Brahma was interrupted by Dao Kuang in the middle of his words, "The two of us will spare no effort to pass on what we have learned. How much you can learn by then is up to you."

"Teaching everything?" Brahma exclaimed together, what kind of concept is that, even if it is an ordinary master-student relationship, it may not be possible to teach each other, and now Brahma is not a sword-crazy or sword-crazy apprentice , how can it not surprise him that these two people want to teach him everything?

"Boy, don't look at me with such surprised eyes, our two brothers actually have a small purpose in doing this."

"Purpose?" Brahma asked suspiciously, "Senior, how can this junior be able to let you two seniors teach you everything. If there is any request, this junior will definitely not refuse."

"Your words are enough, as for our request..."

After a pause, Dao Kuangshen said mysteriously, "Our request is very simple to you, but at the same time it is also very complicated. But the first prerequisite is that you must win the championship of the martial arts competition, otherwise everything will be in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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