Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 621 Trapped

Chapter 621 Trapped
The Killing Gate retreated steadily, the dead died, the injured wounded, the surrendered surrendered, the retreated retreated, rather than retreating, it is more appropriate to use the word escape.

It can be said that so far, the joint army of Fengyuan Realm and Brahma's troops have achieved a huge advantage, but as the so-called strike while the iron is hot, it is obvious that the combined army of Fengyuan Realm does not want to stop here, and neither does Brahma give up.

The head of the Slaughtering Sect didn't show up, and even Murong Bai hasn't shown up so far, so how could Brahma just let it go?

"Chase, kill me!"

Ouyang Lin yelled together, and the coalition army quickly chased after him, and rushed towards the main hall.

As for the people on Brahma's side, they didn't chase after him, because they were waiting for Brahma's order.After a brief meditation, Brahma also gave an order to chase after him. Although the uneasy thought in his heart has not been eliminated so far, he still chooses to go to the main hall, where he may meet the head of the Slaughter Gate. Only after seeing this person and eliminating him can he be done once and for all.

Of course there is also Murong Bai, Brahma will never forget that the other party plotted against him, and he will definitely accept Murong Bai's life.

The main hall of the Killing Gate, this is the place where the owner of the Killing Gate lives. It looks spectacular from the outside, but the space inside is even more ridiculous.

With the retreat of the Slaughter Gate and the influx of all the people under Brahma's subordinates from the United Army, there is still a lot of room for them.

The battle started again, and in just a short moment, many people were killed or injured, and the ground was instantly stained red with blood.


right now
Brahma's eyebrows suddenly tightened, his eyes fixed on the ground, and then he squatted down, carefully looking at the ground.The ground here is different from the outside, it is not a land of mud, but a material similar to rocks, and the surface is very smooth and bright, even reflecting figures like a mirror.

"No, why did this happen, blood, why is the blood gone?"

Brahma discovered a strange phenomenon. In fact, this phenomenon had already happened on the outside battlefield before, but there were too many people, it was very messy, and the ground was muddy with potholes and many weeds. He didn't pay much attention either.

The inside of the main hall is different, and he, who is careful about everything, naturally discovered this quickly, "Could it be that the blood has been absorbed? How could this be the case? Even if the material on the ground is very permeable, blood can seep into it, but it is absolutely not It could be that fast."

Brahma kept scanning his surroundings, and he found that any blood that fell on the ground would be absorbed immediately. Countless people were fighting in the entire battlefield, and the number of casualties could not be counted in a short time. If the blood is red.

But the fact is that the ground is still clean. If it weren't for the people who were still fighting and fighting with the corpses strewn all over the ground, if it was just such a clean ground, no one would have thought that a terrible bloody battle was taking place here.

"Is this a trap?"

Such a thought quickly flashed through Brahma's mind. From the moment he entered the killing gate, he had been shrouded in an unintended premonition. Seeing such a scene now, he felt that the strange phenomenon on the ground might be an ominous omen in his heart. Start.

"What should I do, do I want to leave here?"

Brahma quickly figured out the countermeasures in his mind. He is only unilaterally guessing and guessing, and he is not 100% sure whether it is a trap. If he persuades everyone to leave based on just a suspicious guess, I am afraid that not many people will believe him.Furthermore, he himself is not willing to leave just now. This time, he has planned carefully and meticulously, in order to destroy the Killing Gate. Now that the Killing Gate has not been completely eliminated, and Murong Bai has not yet done it, he cannot leave yet.

In the end, Brahma gave up the thought of leaving in his heart, but his whole body was already tense, and he kept looking around to prevent sudden changes from happening suddenly.

"Could it be that you are overthinking?"

The phenomenon of the blood being absorbed by the ground in an instant has not been interrupted, but there have been no sudden changes during the period. He thinks that maybe he is too worried.

Unexpectedly, just as he was slowly relaxing, what he was worried about finally happened, and the ground suddenly began to shake.

Brahma suddenly exclaimed in his heart, and immediately shouted at the crowd, "Quick, get out of here, it's dangerous!"

Brahma stayed in the Slaughter Gate for a very short time, but this short period of time also made him realize that there are many dangers in the Slaughter Gate, and if he is not careful, his life will be lost. If May hadn't existed in his body, I'm afraid He has already died countless times.

He knew that the base camp of the Killing Gate was built in a huge relic, that is to say, the main hall where they are now is also a part of the entire relic. If this is the case, it is natural that there are organs in the main hall, which is also what Brahma was worried about earlier. place.

"Escape, did you escape?"

Just when everyone was in a panic, a deep voice suddenly sounded, and two figures appeared in everyone's sight. In fact, it should be one person and one shadow, because the other one really doesn't look like a person, only one can be seen Shadowy silhouette.

When Brahma saw these two people, his whole body trembled suddenly. One was the head of the Slaughtering Sect, and the other was Murong Bai. These two people finally appeared.

"Since you're here, don't think about leaving today!"

As soon as the head of the Slaughtering Gate finished speaking, a jaw-dropping scene appeared. A bucket of thick and thin red liquid sprayed out from the ground, followed by the second and third ones in rapid succession. Completed at the same time, and in a short period of time, there are dozens of them.

The red liquid is like a pillar, but it is in a liquid shape. What is even more weird is that there are arm-thick red lines between each pillar, linking all the pillars to form a whole.

"This is?"

Brahma seems to have known this scene before, the head of the Ma Family Blood Guard had used a similar method back then, but this one was definitely much bigger, there was no comparison between the two.

"Don't touch!"

A member of the Fengyuan Realm United Army reached out and wanted to touch the pillar. Brahma immediately shouted to stop him, but it was still a step too late. The man's hand touched the pillar, and at this moment, his whole body began to dry up. , In an instant, he changed from a person to a mummy with bones and skin.

This scene came too suddenly and was too terrifying. It was so terrifying that everyone present felt suffocated. They were now trapped and couldn't touch those pillars, which also meant that they had become caged birds now.

"Oops, I'm trapped." Brahma exclaimed inwardly, but at the same time, his eyes kept scanning back and forth, trying to find a breakthrough point to get out of the trap.

(End of this chapter)

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