Chapter 1 Preface
Without medication or surgery, the eyesight is 0.01 and the glasses can be completely removed
magic!One way to clear all eye diseases

The vision training in this book is aimed at general myopia and presbyopia, and can basically achieve 100% recovery.

In the past, I had achieved impressive results in the vision recovery symposium planned and held by the magazine "YUHOBIKA". I helped 50 participants aged 20 to 80 to improve their eyesight, which aroused great repercussions.

In addition to improving vision, I have also helped many patients with floaters, dry eyes, strabismus, glaucoma that may lead to blindness, cataracts, macular degeneration, and eye discomfort for which no cause can be found in the hospital.

So far, from a 3-year-old boy to a 99-year-old grandmother, I have solved eye troubles for more than 50000 patients, and I am very popular because of this.

The method adopted in this book combines traditional Chinese medicine with a history of more than 2000 years and the knowledge of acupoint and meridian therapy recognized by WHO (World Health Organization).Moreover, the actual method is simple to operate, and eye problems can be improved by simple actions such as jumping, rubbing, pressing, and patting, and children can also operate it by themselves, which is safe and has no side effects.

Moreover, this method can also relieve the symptoms of sore shoulders, headaches, insomnia and fatigue, help to lose weight, and make people feel cheerful after the operation.Many people's lives have been changed while their eyesight is restored!
30 minutes!The eye disease that can't be cured by the hospital is amazingly improved
A few days ago, a man in his 30s came to my clinic.

He told me that when he was a child, his eyesight was 1.5, but now it suddenly dropped below 0.01... Not only does he have difficulty watching computer screens, but he also often feels exhausted, and his daily life is miserable.He went to many hospitals, but was told that there was no cure.

His unaided vision is indeed very low, so low that he can't even see the floor under his feet.

The good news is that the moment he received the first treatment I gave him, his eyesight was so bad, he yelled loudly: "Ah! I can see the pattern!"

When he arrived at the clinic just 30 minutes ago, he couldn't even see the pattern on the indoor slippers.But after treatment, he was able to see it!
What's more, the exhaustion from his whole body disappeared, and his eyes sparkled as if he had been reborn.

The secret - trust the self-healing power of the eyes
When we scrape our knees, we usually wait for the wound to heal naturally after cleaning the wound.

The same is true when there is a fracture, as long as it is not a serious injury, you only need to fix it with plaster, and then rest at ease, waiting for the bones to join together naturally.

But why do people only refuse to believe that the eyes have natural recovery ability, always thinking "I have to wear glasses for a lifetime"?
The Konno-style vision recovery training method I invented is based on 100% trust in the self-healing power of the human body, and solves the eye problems that plague people by stimulating the awakening of this power of the human body.

Therefore, no matter how old you are, as long as you master scientific and reasonable recovery methods, your eyesight will definitely return to its original state.

Witness the miracle of vision recovery from 3 to 99 years old
A 75-year-old man with severe myopia since he was a child came to my clinic and said to me with great anticipation: "I want to experience the life of taking off my glasses once in my life!"

In fact, at that time he suffered from presbyopia in addition to myopia.

But after three months of "Kono-style vision recovery training", he can already take off his glasses and walk.

Myopia and presbyopia, which had been bothering him for decades, have all improved, and his eyesight has returned to normal.He himself said that his personality has become more cheerful, and his memory has also improved.

The eyes get better, the whole body gets better
It is generally believed that the information received by vision in a day accounts for [-]% of the total amount of information received by the five senses of people—sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

In other words, activating vision can activate [-]% of the nerves in the brain.

When eyesight improves, concentration will also improve, and our work and study will be smoother.

Small stains and dust are clearly visible, cleaning will be cleaner than ever, and makeup will be better than ever.

Improved eyesight can even allow you to see through the other person's psychology.When the other party's expression is fully visible, the information transmitted to the brain also increases, and it is natural to be able to see through the heart.

In addition, some people's dynamic vision (the ability of the eyes to capture, decompose, and perceive images when observing moving objects) is improved, and the motor nerves are also improved.

The brain makes judgments by observing things through the eyes, and then drives the body to move. Therefore, if the dynamic vision is improved, the brain's response speed will also be faster.

However, the most important point after improving eyesight is that the spirit will improve and the mood will be refreshed.

"After recovering my eyesight, I successfully passed the stewardess exam!" "Now I'm in a great mood when I go out to greet people!" "The intraocular pressure has dropped to the normal value, and I don't have to worry about going blind. I'm really happy!"

Today, every day I hear the voices of surprise from users of the Konno-style Vision Restoration Training Method.Recently, more ophthalmologists have come to consult me.

Next, it's your turn to really feel the magical power of this vision restoration training method.I sincerely hope that everyone can enjoy a happy and fulfilling life with bright eyes.

1. Simple!Children love to do it, and mothers benefit from doing it together

Akiko Yamamoto 40-year-old housewife

My 11-year-old son's eyesight was 0.9 when he was in the first grade of elementary school, but when he was preparing for the primary school entrance examination, his eyesight dropped to 0.5.

Since then, the child has been inseparable from glasses, and often complains that "the lenses will fog up when wearing a mask", "the glasses are in the way when exercising, but if you take them off, you can't see the ball"... I have always wanted to help my child get rid of the glasses trouble.One day, I saw an introduction in a magazine about "Simple ways to improve eyesight that can be done at home", so I signed up for Konno-sensei's lecture.

The eldest son who participated together was very interested. After he tried it a few times, he happily said: "It's super comfortable!"

Mr. Konno said that it is best for mothers to be with their children as much as possible, like playing a game, while enjoying and exercising.In addition, he also told me about the impact of desk lamps on children's eyesight (for details, please refer to pages 40, 136, and 137 of this book).

The child has been exercising during school breaks. His vision, which was originally only 0.5, has risen to 3 after 1.0 months of exercise, and he no longer needs glasses.

And my eyesight has also increased from 0.2 to 0.4 after training with me all the time.

Although I still need to wear glasses, the sore shoulders that have been bothering me have disappeared, and I wake up very refreshed in the morning, and I can clearly feel that my body has improved.

2. Amazing!Visual acuity ranged from 0.1 to 1.0, and diabetes was under control. Ruyo Uemura, a 59-year-old housewife, has low vision not only caused by myopia and presbyopia.I think there should be many people in the world like me who have eye problems due to complications of other diseases. I even feared going blind.I thought my experience might be a light of hope for these people, so I wrote this experience report.

After I was diagnosed with diabetes 3 years ago, my health deteriorated, and I gradually developed numbness in my hands and feet, cerebral infarction, etc., and I was continuously discharged from the hospital.Normal people's fasting blood sugar should be 3.9~5.6 mmol/L, but my fasting blood sugar is as high as 9.0 mmol/L.I think such a high blood sugar level should be one of the triggers for the complications.

As my physical condition deteriorated, so did my eyesight.The original vision of 1.0 has dropped to 0.1.

I worry all day that my eyes might go blind.At this time, my husband saw an article in a magazine recommending Mr. Konno's clinic.

Luckily, I used to love sports, so Kono-style vision recovery training was not at all hard for me.

Mr. Konno instructed me: "In addition to recovery training, it is best to take a walk in the evening, 15 minutes a day is enough. Then you should use the plastic bottle breathing method frequently (see page 105 of this book), and eat more regularly. Attention (refer to pages 120~122 of this book)."

Afterwards, whenever I have free time, I will do Paida, Kneading, and Shiatsu exercises, and I will do plastic bottle breathing training every morning, and gradually develop a good habit that is beneficial to the eyes.

The training has achieved very good results. After only one month, I felt obvious changes: my vision became wider and brighter, and the words on the newspaper could be read clearly.

After seeing the results, I was suddenly motivated to exercise more every day.

After half a year, my eyesight recovered from 0.1 to 0.8.

It's not just vision that has changed dramatically.Thanks to the usual hard work, my measurements have shrunk to less than 100, the long-awaited waist curve has also appeared, and the size of my clothes has dropped from size 15 to size 9!
Although I occasionally eat some sweets, my weight has dropped from 65 kg to 55 kg. The symptoms of diabetes have also been alleviated, and the fasting blood sugar level has also dropped significantly, which is basically maintained at 6.0 mmol/L.

The Konno-style vision recovery training method of "glowing vitality from within" is really amazing.

The recovery training method also contains many elements that are helpful to beauty, it can be said to be a woman's best friend!

3. Comfortable!More reliable than surgery,
No recurrence, no pain, 1 month to cure eye disease
Kenji Yoshino
38-year-old employee of a real estate company
Since about 2 years ago, some things like black dots have always flashed in front of my eyes, but my eyes don't feel pain.In addition, I was busy at that time, so I just left it alone.

As a result, more and more black spots flashed before my eyes, and after 1 year my vision became almost blurred.

I thought to myself that this was not good, so I hurried to find a doctor.

However, after talking with the ophthalmologist, I was told that the cause of floaters has not been found out, and we can only focus on the progress of the disease.

I couldn't help becoming anxious. If the black spots continued to increase like this, I wouldn't be able to work.At this time, an acquaintance told me that the United States can perform surgery to remove floaters.

This operation requires special skills, and it cannot be done in Japan. It will cost 500 million yen to do it abroad.Although the price was quite high, I thought I finally saw hope, so I went to the United States to undergo surgery.After the operation, my vision became very clear, and my mood immediately improved. I thought: "Finally, I have let go of the big stone in my heart! Now I can continue to work." However, the good times did not last long. Then, some black dots began to appear in my field of vision again.

Moreover, the black spots are still increasing.In panic, I saw the introduction of Mr. Konno's clinic on the Internet, so I went to ask for help.

Mr. Konno explained to me in detail why I get floaters, why floaters recur after surgery, and how to improve them.

Later, Konno-sensei told me, who was socializing late every day, that if I continued my current life, I would have to walk with an oxygen tank on my back in 10 years. He asked me to change my lifestyle.Then, the teacher taught me the Konno-style vision recovery training method (refer to Chapter 4 of this book).

I figured I had no way out, so I started seriously improving my diet and recovery training.After 1 month like this, the fatigue in my eyes disappeared, and the speed of blurred vision also slowed down. After 3 months, my vision is half as blurry as it was before the surgery.

Also, I cut down on the number of times I went out to drink.Thanks to this, I also lost 6 kg in weight.People around me enviously say that I have become younger.

After this incident, I realized that health cannot be bought with money, and decided to cherish my body from now on.

I hope everyone must cherish the precious wealth that money can't buy back!

(End of this chapter)

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