War of the Three Realms

Chapter 105: Gui Yin Joins Forces, Dominating Yunzhou 13

Chapter 105: Gui Yin Joins Forces, Dominating Yunzhou 13
"No, someone sneak attack!"

This almost impossible thought flashed across Sang Kun's mind. The rich experience gained from years of rolling on the edge of life and death made him habitually react the most naturally...the whole person fell to the ground!
The cold light flew close to his neck, and with a click, the special window glass shattered, and the fine glass fragments scattered all over him.

Attack fast and hard!
Sang Kun was startled into a cold sweat. If he had moved a little slower just now, he might have been stabbed by this sharp thing.

He really couldn't think of anyone who would launch such a terrifying attack on him without a sound, but before he could react, a phantom flashed in front of his eyes, and a black shadow suddenly flashed like lightning, and huge fists were constantly in front of him. It grew bigger, and finally only heard a loud bang, and he felt as if his whole body was exploded into pieces. After a while, the severe pain began to spread!

The shrill screams suddenly pierced the silent night, and under the shocked gazes of the coolies, a group of black shadows suddenly rushed down on the hillside like a god, man, and general.


When the black shadow uttered a cold stern voice, a few cold stars had already scattered flowers, centered on him, and shot forward in a fan shape!
Whoosh whoosh!
The air was pierced by the sharp attack, and there was a frightening scream, which was soul-stirring.

Not only the four younger brothers, but also Li Kuang became the focus of care.

"Damn, didn't you agree that you would be two and I would be three? Retaliation!"

Li Kuang felt the rain of hidden weapons flying towards him indiscriminately, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. This Yin Xia definitely did it on purpose, didn't he just hit his little PPm, did he need such bitterness and hatred?
Immediately, he didn't bother to check Sang Kun's life and death, rolled on the spot, and jumped to the other side of the car in an instant. Using the car as a cover, he escaped the rain of hidden weapons.

clap clap clap!
Poor Sang Kun's Mercedes, amidst the crackling sound, was like a scarecrow who had just been hit by a hailstorm. It was so miserable that it was full of pits.

Not to mention the glass, as if it was swept by a submachine gun, it turned into glass rain.

"Hey, you are really too much, you can't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and even sneak attack on my companion!"

(End of this chapter)

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