War of the Three Realms

Chapter 117 The Insidious Curator, The Vicious Trick 2

Chapter 117 The Insidious Curator, The Vicious Trick 2
"Easy to do! That is to eliminate the potential danger before I leave!"

Li Kuang asked in confusion: "How to eliminate it?"

Si Mu lightly patted Li Kuang on the shoulder, and said: "Xiao Feng is sinister and vicious, he will definitely choose you, a blind man, to attack first! Although they are not taking any action now, they must be looking for an opportunity."

Li Kuang said nervously: "Brother Simu is here, how dare Xiao Feng act recklessly!"

Si Mu smiled and said: "What will I do after I leave? They will definitely attack you, so the best way is to lure them to attack, and then I will attack them all, so that future troubles will be eliminated forever."

Si Mu finally revealed his purpose, which is to use Li Kuang as a bait to cooperate with him to get rid of Xiao Feng.

Li Kuang sneered secretly in his heart, but his mouth said excitedly: "Brother is a good planner! In this way, after you leave, we can rest easy! But, what should I do to lure Xiao Feng into the bait?"

Si Mu obviously had plans in advance, and said in a deep voice: "We have already released the news that you will travel to Pioneer Mountain tomorrow, and they will definitely not let go of this good opportunity! At that time, you only need to find a secluded and sinister place Just wait here!"

Li Kuang felt a chill in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Okay! Since Brother Simu has already made arrangements, then everything is just as you order, and Xiao Kuang will never complain."

Si Mu sneered and said: "After we get the evidence that Xiao Feng wants to murder you, we will notify Xiao Ling to negotiate in person. Naturally, all dangers will be resolved! You don't have to worry about their revenge anymore."

Li Kuang said: "You mean to let Xiao Feng constitute the fact of murder?"

Si Mu smiled and said: "That's right, otherwise, how can we blackmail Xiao Ling? Don't worry, we have set up cameras around and will record everything, and the Xiao family can't deny it! I know Xiao Kuang's skills are good , such a disguise should not be a problem!"

He stood up suddenly, approached Li Kuang's ear, and said with a soft smile, "Brother Guixia, am I right?"

"You... What ghost are you talking about? I don't know!"

Li Kuang almost stood up in shock. He didn't expect Si Mu to see through his perfect disguise. With a thought, he finally understood the root cause. It turned out that Si Mu really was secretly protecting sister Shixuan!He was undoubtedly the one who rescued his sister by the river!

(End of this chapter)

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