War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1227 The Rise of the Evil God, the Revival of the Monster Race 5

Chapter 1227 The Rise of the Evil God, the Revival of the Monster Race 5
There are ambitions in the roar, but also unwillingness and pain.

He hated his parents for being ruthless, hated the injustice of the law of heaven, and even more hated himself for being weak, unable to fulfill his ideals, and unable to change the world.

He will never forget that in front of the Nantian Gate, the cruel father prostrated himself in front of the hypocritical Heavenly Emperor, and said loudly in panic, "I, Li Jing, have driven this rebellious son out of the house long ago. What he did has nothing to do with the Li family... "

He also couldn't forget that in front of the Hundred Thousand Heavenly Soldiers, the young man held a three-pointed double-edged knife and said calmly to the Hundred Thousand Heavenly Soldiers: "He is my brother, and will always be!"

I just want real freedom, is it so difficult?

The anger in Nezha's heart gradually rose, and the roar was like the roar of a ferocious beast trapped in a cage. Although he knew that there was no future, his unyielding fighting spirit kept rising.

You can destroy my body and destroy my godhead, but my pursuit of freedom remains the same. Even if there are many difficulties and dangers, I will not be afraid. If you want me to surrender, unless the world is destroyed!

Nezha laughed wildly, his figure was like a missile piercing through the air, under the berserk force, all the trees along the way were turned into powder, and he, like a road opener, opened up a straight road in the forest, extending far away , has no beginning and no end, just like his current destiny.

The condor neighed in the sky, as if affected by Nezha's unyielding fighting spirit, he completely forgot his mission.

"Fifth brother, who is this? There is such a strong hatred and fighting spirit?"

After repeated teleportation, Li Kuang and Lu Wu rushed towards the Valley of the Cthulhu.

One year, one year!
I don't know what's going on in the Cthulhu Valley, how is Shixuan?Is Qing Lan okay?How is everyone else?
Li Kuang was like a wanderer after a long absence. When he was about to return home, he was excited, but also had a trace of fear.

"Brother, there seems to be something wrong! There seem to be heavenly soldiers stationed there!"

Li Kuang's complexion changed, and the sky eyes finally couldn't help opening up. With the eyes of all things in the world, the soul power spread out in an instant, and spread thousands of miles away in an instant.

Scary sparks suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Heavenly Court really did something, and even called my attention of the evil god valley, hmph! This kid must be their spy, fifth brother, catch him and let's interrogate him." .”

(End of this chapter)

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