War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1237 The Rise of the Evil God, the Revival of the Monster Race 15

Chapter 1237 The Rise of the Evil God, the Revival of the Monster Race 15
When the blood-red sword light that seemed to be enough to split the world came towards him, Yang Jian knew that he had encountered a terrifying existence with rich combat experience.

Every movement, every strength is used to perfection, seemingly violent, but relaxed and unrestrained, like an antelope hanging horns in the sky, without showing the slightest trace!
At this critical moment, Yang Jian also unleashed his endless potential. The Nine-Turn Divine Art was running rapidly, transforming all his spiritual power, and inputting it into the weapon. That kind of simplicity and bleakness?

At this moment, Yang Jian's mind is immersed in a wonderful state. It seems that everything in the outside world has turned into a silent picture, slow and strange, but his thinking is not affected. Show hundreds of possible scenarios to come!
At the same time as the huge roar came out, the three-pointed and two-edged knife was already spinning, suddenly absorbing the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, spiraling out, and a strange, wave-like existence attached to the tip of the knife, making the whole body The weapons are all like in illusion.

Ethereal and eerie!Travel through the blood-red world in an instant.

The violent airflow raged again, but Yang Jian's knife tip had already collided with Lu Wu's knife tip.

Yang Jian's hair flew up like a waterfall, and blood flowed from the seven orifices, but there was a firm and unyielding light in his eyes!Like a demon god!

The tip of the knife is glued together like a magnet. In that short one-hundredth of a second, Yang Jian even had the illusion that he represented a world, and all the power was gathered at the tip of the knife. superior.

The strange feeling that the whole world is under his control is something he has never experienced before, and this is exactly the ultimate way of martial arts that he has been pursuing.

Perfectly mobilize the power of heaven and earth and control the world!
In the next second, the two worlds collapsed at the same time, and unrivaled energy burst out. His body was thrown high by the huge shock force, and bounced back dozens of miles away. There was even a smile in his eyes!

Both Li Kuang and Nezha watched with their hearts fluttering, they couldn't help themselves, this is a battle between masters!

Although there are only a few short moves, almost every move is the condensation of wisdom and experience.

(End of this chapter)

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