War of the Three Realms

Chapter 124 The Secret Explosion, What a Huge Love 2

Chapter 124 The Secret Explosion, What a Huge Love 2
"What did you say... Xiao Kuang is Ghost Man? How is it possible? How is it possible... Xiao Kuang!"

Shocked, Shixuan's face changed drastically, and she ran towards the cliff nervously.

Si Mu grabbed her and said in a deep voice, "Shixuan, don't fall for his tricks!"

Xiao Feng said with a sinister smile: "Little beauty Shixuan, have you prepared all the things I asked you to prepare? Look, the scenery here is so beautiful. We use the sky and the earth as our bed, sit on the sky and the earth, and indulge in joy and joy. We are really human beings." The greatest enjoyment in the world! I can't wait!"

"Shameless and obscene, you hateful bastard, I'll kill you!"

Shixuan's eyes were burning with flames of anger, her delicate body trembled, and it was already difficult for her to control her emotions.

Xiao Kuang is actually a ghost man, such a shocking news made her both surprised and happy, and she was a little disappointed, but what broke her down even more was that Xiao Kuang fell off a cliff.

How could she endure such great sorrow and joy?

Fierce murderous aura fixed on Xiao Feng, Shi Xuan was like a furious lioness, exuding a frightening and dangerous aura all over her body.

The man in black hurriedly stopped Xiao Feng in front of him vigilantly, and prepared to deal with it.

"You want revenge?"

"Yes, please help me, I must kill this bastard to avenge Xiaokuang!"

Shixuan's eyes were firm, but her tone was uncontrollably trembling. It was obvious that she had reached the critical point of her emotions.

"Okay! I can help you!" Si Mu looked at his watch, with an unpredictable smile on the corner of his mouth: "Leave the man in black to me, you can go take revenge without worry!"

Xiao Feng didn't know that his death was imminent, so he was still talking nonsense: "Shixuan, have you figured it out? Your little lives are in my hands, be obedient, I guarantee you will never miss leaving, otherwise, it will be hell on earth! "

"Skinny Monkey, go to hell for me!"

With a roar, Shi Xuan broke free from Si Mu's hand, and threw herself fiercely at the two of them.

"Hmph, something that doesn't know how to live or die, seek death!"

The man in black saw at a glance that Shi Xuan's state was just that, so he couldn't help but sneer, with a twist of his body, his hands changed, like a phantom, a palm image appeared, and he ruthlessly greeted Shi Xuan.

Although Shixuan's attack looked extremely fierce, she was more than brave but not strong enough. She would definitely be severely injured in a head-to-head encounter. In this regard, the man in black was very confident.

(End of this chapter)

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