War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1272 Absolutely against the sky, calculating the catastrophe 8

Chapter 1272 Absolutely against the sky, calculating the catastrophe 8
Li Kuangqing sincerely said solemnly that in his heart, he also recognized the identity of Li Qiao's daughter, this is his first real relative!

Li Qiao also felt the deep affection in Li Kuang's heart, her eyes turned red, and big and large crystal tears rolled down, she hugged Li Kuang tightly, and choked up: "Father, Qiaoer will always be yours Good daughter!"

Lu Wu looked at this strange pair of father and daughter in surprise, and was very surprised in his heart. He knew Qiaoer's origin very well, but he never expected that he would have a real family relationship with a human being, which is really incredible up!
It seems that my brother is really not simple!

The main body of the artifact is in Li Kuang's body, and the two of them can convey their hearts with just one thought. After hearing Li Kuang's plan, Li Qiao's eyes flashed suddenly, she giggled coquettishly, and kissed Li Kuang's cheeks fiercely. , drool all over his face.

"Father, you are not stupid! Such a whimsical plan is truly astonishing, it is so great!"

Li Kuang said with a chuckle: "Qiaoer, can you integrate the Transcending Tribulation Altar and the Grand Formation to form a platform that can be freely controlled?"

Li Qiao said: "The main body of the artifact is now in Dad's body. The entire super formation is actually under Dad's control. As long as Dad refines the Tribulation Altar, it can be placed anywhere."

Li Kuang said with a bitter face: "But your father, I don't have any spiritual resources now. How can I refine the Transcending Tribulation Altar, and how can I control the formation? Besides, I don't understand at all. Wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss if I ruined the formation? ?”

Li Qiao thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll take care of this matter, but Dad, why don't you find someone to test it first? If it doesn't work, the Evil God Valley will be in danger."

Li Kuang, on the other hand, looked calm and calm while holding the wisdom pearl, and said with a calm smile: "Don't worry, this is the result I have obtained after countless deduction, and the success rate should be above [-]%."

"Eighty percent? Then you can try it!"

Li Qiao didn't expect her father to have a wise side, so she couldn't help but think to herself, it turns out that her father is not a simple gorilla, he is also very handsome when he is serious!
Regarding this experimenter, Li Kuang really didn't have any good candidates. Of course, the few cultivators from Kunlun would definitely not work, especially Batian. Li Kuang was still very moved by his dedication.

(End of this chapter)

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