War of the Three Realms

Chapter 129 The Disciple of Seeking Fragrance, Fought in the Same Room 3

Chapter 129 The Disciple of Seeking Fragrance, Fought in the Same Room 3
Si Mu was shocked and said: "Senior brother, I think you have gone mad! Such crooked ways will not have good results...Could it be that the lady was caught by you..."

After talking about it, Si Mu suddenly came to his senses, and couldn't help but look at Ling Muran in shock, his eyes full of shock and disbelief.He really didn't expect Ling Muran to find another shortcut after failing in cultivation, and the method was so evil!
This has completely violated the basic essence of the "Passionate Questions of Heaven"!

"Passionate Questions to Heaven" is based on "love", through deliberate experience of its ups and downs to hone the state of mind, in the final analysis, it is a kind of state of mind cultivation.

Ling Muran sneered contemptuously and said: "What evil heretics? Are you using other people's feelings to cultivate, isn't it evil? Isn't it despicable? Hmph! Such deliberate deception is probably more shameless than the behavior of a traitor like me! This in itself It’s just a despicable and selfish practice, but you still want to put a layer of justice on him, it’s really ridiculous.”

Si Mu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, unexpectedly unable to refute his words.

"Brother, no matter what, you were also a disciple of 'Xunxiang Valley', so you won't just watch this signboard smashed! As long as you hand in the skills, I promise not to make things difficult for you."

Si Mu could only put forward his request directly, because he was afraid that if he continued, he would be persuaded by him, and it would be bad to fall into the evil way.

"Junior brother, you are so naive. Since I, Ling Muran, am no longer a disciple of Xunxianggu, what obligation do I have to hand over my skills? Besides, since you have come to me, why don't I treat you well as a senior brother?" If you don't, wouldn't you have failed Master and his old man's wishes?"

Ling Muran's tone was calm, but his eyes changed drastically, as if they were freezing, getting colder and colder, which made people's heart tremble.

Si Mu couldn't help but tense his heartstrings, and said in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

Ling Muran sneered and said, "That's exactly what I want to ask you. You have managed to invite me to this dangerous place. What exactly do you want to do?"

Si Mu took a step forward and said with a sneer: "So, Senior Brother Ling isn't going to hand over the kung fu formula?"

Ling Muran sighed quietly, and said: "If I say yes, are you going to threaten me with Xiao Feng's life? And if I still don't agree, you will scold me for being heartless and unworthy of being a father Yes or no?"

(End of this chapter)

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