War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1300 Qin Zhen is loyal, Nezha returns to the throne 7

Chapter 1300 Qin Zhen is loyal, Nezha returns to the throne 7
Alas, it's not my fault that I'm handsome, why can't every man and woman who see me be so involuntary?
Little Nezha complained, and said quietly: "Evil God Boss, although I know you can't help it, but it's daytime, and there are so many people, can you bear with it...?"

Not only Li Kuang was stunned, but even Qin Zhen and Yang Jian looked like they could stuff eggs into their mouths.

After a while, the serious Erlangshen was the first to laugh out loud, followed by Qin Zhen, who couldn't hold back his laughter, but was worried about Li Kuang's face, so it was very hard to hold back.

"What did you say... what?"

Rao is a strong man like Li Kuang, but he can't turn the corner. Is his current behavior really so ambiguous?
Nezha was half-kneeling, with big innocent eyes flickering, looking like an official I was afraid of, while Li Kuang looked strong, with one hand hooked on his shoulder and the other on his dantian .

This posture, my day!

Li Kuang let go of Nezha like lightning, jumped to the side, sweating coldly.

"Little Nezha, I didn't expect you to be so good. Although our Cthulhu Valley is a free country, we are still very resistant to such avant-garde things. I hope you will discipline yourself."

Li Kuangyi scolded Nezha sternly, feeling a chill in his heart, this kid really had an affair with Erlang God!This expression, this feeling, is quite a bit of a treat! ~
Nezha seemed to be stupefied by the fright, and he got up from the ground after a while, looking at the crowd depressed, slandering in his heart, it seems that Lao Tzu is the victim!

"Nezha, it seems that you haven't taken the casting pill that Li Er sent, where is the pill now, can you lend me a look?"

The important thing is, there is still no Nascent Soul in Nezha's body, and there are no abnormalities in the meridians, so Li Kuang is relieved. It seems that this kid is also quite clever, knowing that the old fox, Taishang Laojun, is insidious and cunning, and has no good intentions.

In fact, the conscience of heaven and earth, the reason why Nezha did not take Zhushen Pill for a long time was only because this magic pill exceeded his moral bottom line. With his IQ and ability, he still couldn't see what Li Er had done in the pill. hands and feet.

Nezha was taken aback: "How do you know I have the God Casting Pill?"

This thing is the product of a secret transaction between Yang Jian and Tianting, and it is impossible for outsiders to know about it.

(End of this chapter)

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