War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1425 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy 10

Chapter 1425 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy [-]

"Where is someone!!"

Just when everyone was wondering, Li Qiao's voice suddenly sounded.


Everyone looked down, and sure enough, through the distorted space, everyone finally saw the people of the era of chaos!Or can be called a god!

But, why did that person give everyone a very familiar feeling?

At this moment, the air of black and yellow is permeating, and the whole world is in absolute peace and purity. There are no plants in the world, let alone insects. However, in such an era of extinction, human beings have appeared. , Moreover, this person still feels so familiar to everyone.

All of a sudden, even Lu Wu couldn't help getting excited.

"Brother Li Kuang, is that you?"

Lu Wu's voice sounded like thunder.

The man seemed to have noticed something, but he raised his head and said something that completely stunned everyone: "Flying saucer, there is indeed a flying saucer, take me back quickly, hurry up...I don't want to stay in this place where birds don't lay eggs!" place!"

That person is Li Kuang!

However, he was actually wearing secular clothes, and he was carrying a bag on his back.

Shixuan is very familiar with that kind of close-fitting small bag. In the past, when Xiao Kuang turned into a ghost hero, he always carried such a small bag on his back, which contained various tools.

But at this moment, his attire is the same as when he was in the secular world. He even holds a high-tech electronic master key used by American secret agents in his hand!

Skeleton key?

Shi Xuan was completely stunned!

Xiaokuang is in the chaos, what is he doing with such a useless key for him now?
This kind of key is exactly the special agent equipment used to crack some electronic systems. In today's secular world, with advanced technology, everything is electronic. The slightly important place is either a safe or a computer-controlled high-tech password electronic lock.

American secret agents developed such a powerful unlocking tool because of their needs.

This tool can easily avoid monitoring and open all electronic control doors that one wants to open.

For Li Kuang, who is now in the realm of the Golden Immortal, as long as the divine sense spreads, no matter how complicated your electronic door is, it can be easily opened, and in case of failure, brute force cracking is also the most convenient.

A particle of the Dragon King decomposes, and all doors will be turned into particles.

But at this moment, he is holding such a weird key in his hand, carrying a strange backpack, and has the same hairstyle as in the secular world...

Is this really Li Kuang?

(End of this chapter)

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