War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1437 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy 24

Chapter 1437 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy [-]

"Long live Pan Gu, Pan Gu is mighty..."

"Pangu is invincible, Pangu will never be defeated!"


Ahead, the flow of people gradually crowded, and the sound of cheers made the sky buzz.

This kind of power is enough to see Pangu's influence among the clan.

After all the crowd squeezed to the front, they saw a tall, handsome man full of strength and beauty standing on the side of the towering crack.

This man was also dressed in animal skins, but his long hair was tied with an unknown ribbon, fluttering in the wind, looking extremely chic!

From the looks of it, this is Pan Gu, who is famous in the Three Realms and who will live forever.

At this moment, the man seemed to feel the eyes of everyone, and suddenly turned around. In an instant, everyone was shocked and speechless as if they had been hit by a thunderbolt!

Because although the man was dressed differently, his face, figure, and smile all gave off an extremely familiar feeling.

"Little mad..."

"Li Kuang..."


The three women and Lu Wu couldn't help exclaiming together, they could hardly believe their eyes, they were worried about the vastness of time and space, and there was no way to find them, but they didn't expect to meet them so easily, is this God's will?

But at the same time, everyone also thought of the situation after Fairy Chang'e transformed into Empress Nuwa, and their hearts sank.

Xiao Kuang probably also lost his own memory!

All of a sudden, everyone felt strange and inexplicable, uneasy.

Great God Pangu looked back and smiled, his eyes piercing like sharp arrows, and he seemed to be smiling slightly at everyone.

Nuwa smiled and said: "Senior Brother Pangu is right. You are really members of the Celestial Clan. It seems that there is a possibility that there is another world outside this world. It's just a pity..."

An inexplicable light flashed in the corner of her eyes, she seemed a little sad, her lips were moving, but she didn't say anything more about the pity.

Shixuan was in the middle, and the three girls were trembling as they held each other's hands tightly.

"Brother Li Kuang, we are here!"

In the eyes of pure Qing Lan, Li Kuang is all hers, so she waved a jade hand and desperately greeted Li Kuang in the distance.

Liu Feng and Shi Xuan are also full of expectations.

However, they are not as nympho as Qing Lan, rationality tells them that the possibility of Li Kuang being Pan Gu is extremely small.

(End of this chapter)

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