War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1452 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy 39

Chapter 1452 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy [-]

What exploded at the same time was the miniature space attached to it!
That situation is like a comet colliding with the earth. Two different planets, two different space barriers and rules collide violently together, and the consequences are almost catastrophic.

That is annihilation, complete annihilation!
As if it were an illusion, in the next second, the space fragments that were spreading rapidly, suddenly swelled, and then strangely sank in the middle, forming a huge vortex in the blink of an eye!

As a result, the space storm that originally spread wildly outwards rushed towards the vortex strangely.

It worked!
Seeing that the Moonlight Treasure Box is on the edge of the vortex, the lid is opened, and the multicolored light suddenly shrinks, like an octopus preying on it. The bright rays of light are like tentacles, quickly absorbing the power of time and space!

Li Kuang was overjoyed in his heart, but felt that all the bones in his body seemed to be broken, and the pain was unbearable, and he exhausted his spiritual power at the same time after exhausting Pangu's divine power, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he almost fell to the ground .

Shixuan, who was close at hand, had wanted to get close to Li Kuang for a long time. Seeing him fall down, she suddenly felt anxious, and she reached out to support him, with a flash of concern in her eyes: "Little Kuang, are you okay?" !"

Li Kuang smiled slightly: "Of course it's okay, with you guys by my side, even big things won't trouble me."

He pointed at the Moonlight Treasure Box and said, "Hurry up, call it back quickly, otherwise it will be over if you get sucked into the space-time tunnel!"

At this moment, the space collapsed, and the power of time and space in the entire space gathered in the vortex, and the Moonlight Treasure Box absorbed enough power of time and space in just an instant.

That vortex is the pseudo black hole caused by the collision of two spaces.

This pseudo-black hole is extremely miraculous. Although it is extremely terrifying, it implies the truth of the universe. It also has a special power of time and space, and it is very possible to be able to travel through it.

A real black hole is naturally extremely terrifying, it can absorb all matter, and even light cannot escape, but this pseudo black hole is different. Although it also has the characteristic of absorbing all energy, as long as it is strong enough, this artificially created black hole can naturally off!

At this moment, the whole world was pulled up, and the sealing formation was blocked for a second, and then started to operate again, but there was a loophole in it, which caused the entire formation to go into chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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