War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1454 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy 41

Chapter 1454 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy [-]

At this moment, although the Moonlight Treasure Box has absorbed enough power of time and space, the surrounding space is in chaos.

Under such circumstances, if you forcefully travel through, it may cause a more terrifying space-time storm. At that time, it will not only be wiped out as simple as space!

"Pangu, is this your foolproof great plan?"

Hun Peng let out a loud roar from a distance, his narrow eyes were full of murderous intent, and suddenly shot out a light that was as sharp as the essence.

The light directly crossed a distance of [-] meters, like a bullet piercing through the space, and there was a substantive sound of explosion!

Just the eyes have such magical power, it's really scary!
But Lu Wu, who had been prepared for a long time, would not lose his composure like last time.

With a sneer, his hands quickly formed several complicated handprints in the air. Following his movements, the surrounding space trembled suddenly, as if some kind of change had taken place.

Silently, the space vibrated violently, and everyone felt trembling involuntarily, as if they were sitting on a bumpy boat.

A circle of ripples slowly dissipated in the void.

Lu Wu sneered: "The so-called gangster is nothing more than that."

"Ants dare to challenge the prestige of this god, what a court of death!"

Hun Peng was originally very tyrannical, but when he saw that Lu Wu actually blocked his attack, he immediately felt as if he had been greatly insulted.

With a flick of his body on the ground, he didn't care what caused the spiritual turmoil, and directly turned into a phantom, which was already approaching in a flash.

The big hand opened, like a phantom, suddenly enlarged hundreds of times, like a hill, and immediately covered everyone's heads.

Seeing that his thin body turned into such a huge giant palm, Lu Wu couldn't help but change his face in shock.

The air was directly squeezed by a powerful force, and there were continuous explosions, which was extremely terrifying.


As soon as Lu Wu gritted his teeth, he brazenly launched the immature space teleportation technique, and everyone escaped a hundred meters away in a nick of time.

After all, Lu Wu's comprehension of space has not yet reached the level of real ease of use. This time he used it forcibly, and was immediately stimulated by the backlash to spurt a mouthful of blood.

"Fifth brother, how are you? Don't force yourself!"

Li Kuang struggled to sit up, but his expression changed, as if he had caused an injury in his body, he couldn't help but groaned in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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