War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1461 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy 48

Chapter 1461 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy [-]

That is Nuwa's original five-element divine power!
Li Kuang's running body couldn't help shaking, and suddenly it became bright, as if he had turned into a colorful lantern man, and he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Following this exclamation, a mouthful of colored flames burst out suddenly, burning the space in front of him into a haze, and his eyes were even more terrifying, the eyeballs seemed to protrude, and they turned out to be dazzlingly colorful!
Nuwa never thought that Pangu, who had saved her once, would be a counterfeit, and thought that his strength was higher than her own.

The output of the Five Elements Spiritual Aggregation this time is almost [-]% of hers.

Such a huge spiritual accumulation, even if the real Pangu is alive, it is not easy to digest, let alone Li Kuang?

Although Li Kuang also has a super physique with no attributes, he rarely stores the five elements' original spiritual aggregates in his body, or in other words, does not store such advanced spiritual aggregates at all.

Even Pangu's power was sealed in his body by Pangu's secret method, and it took time to unravel it. With his golden immortal strength, he couldn't control such a super spirit at all.

The huge spiritual energy poured in, just like a river in flood season suddenly poured into a large reservoir that had not yet been dammed firmly.

Large reservoirs may seem huge, but they are actually extremely fragile.

Almost at the same time, Li Kuang's whole body was pierced by the powerful spirit, like a balloon with tens of thousands of needles pierced. He was riddled with holes, and his body exploded with terrifying wounds. The continuous overflow from his body looks even more soul-stirring.

As soon as Li Kuang was hit by this berserk force, he jumped up immediately, his speed was unknown how many times faster than before.

Seeing the colorful light in front of him getting bigger and bigger, Li Kuang bled all over his body, but he suddenly held up Mie Shen and roared, "Open, sky, smash, earth!"

The five-colored spirit was like a torrent, and it went directly along his body and directly gathered in the hand holding the knife.

And Li Kuang's meridians were destroyed by this powerful five-colored spirit aggregate almost at the same time. Starting from the soles of his feet, his body began to melt into nothingness little by little, looking like a burning puppet.

However, after the huge spiritual accumulation was poured into Po Jie, Po Jie suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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