War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1463 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy 50

Chapter 1463 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy [-]

This is not over yet, the blood river is extending at a terrifying speed...or it should be called tearing more properly.


Across the sky that is invisible to the naked eye, I don't know where the end is.

The world was completely torn apart.

It may be a second, or it may be centuries, anyway, Nu Wa is completely sluggish at this moment.

This is a strange feeling, time and space seem to be completely distorted, obviously only less than a second, but Nuwa feels that it has gone through several calamities as long as time.

And in a trance, the whole world stopped like a two-dimensional picture. In the blood, Li Kuang's figure slowly appeared and gradually became solid. In his hand, he was holding a child, who was caught Li Er who was devoured by the storm of spiritual power.

What exactly is going on?

"Sister Nuwa, I'm sorry, I promised to tell you everything about you, but now I'm going to break my promise, because I'm also confused now, and I don't know what's going on! With my current ability, I can only Reversal of time and space is very short time. All I can say is that you, in fact, do not belong to this world, this era."

The corners of his mouth seemed to turn up slightly, revealing a smile. It was not clear whether it was ridicule or sadness, but there was a trace of evil in Nuwa's eyes: "Want to know your own life experience? Go to time and space to find the truth!"

"Little Kuang, what's going on? Is our Pangu Holy Land safe now? Where's the black hole?"

Nuwa was completely confused, but she was not as enthusiastic about her life experience as before, but more concerned about the safety of the Pangu Holy Land. After all, this is the base that she spent thousands of years to build up.

Li Kuang sighed slightly, and said: "Don't worry, the black hole has been controlled by me, and it will no longer have any impact on the Pangu Holy Land. Also, this large sealing formation has been completely destroyed. From now on, the world is vast." Boundless, without the slightest limit."

"What you said is true? That's great! Xiao Kuang, you did it, you really did it! I thank you on behalf of all living beings! If that's the case, I'll go with you to find my true self..."

At this moment, Nu Wa actually jumped up and down like a child.

Li Kuang smiled wryly, "I'm afraid I can't!"


"Because... actually the black hole didn't disappear, but was temporarily imprisoned by me. As soon as my current power of time and space is used up, it will appear instantly and swallow me up!"

(End of this chapter)

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