War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1470 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy 57

Chapter 1470 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy [-]

The power of time and space is not so much a magical power as a magical rule... a mysterious rule that transcends time and space, the past and the future!

Only this kind of rule can transcend the real "river" of time and space, run on the shore, move forward and backward freely, and go where you want to go!

Although it is only a moment, in the distorted time and space, it may actually be 1 years!

Therefore, Li Kuang, who became one with Po Jie, also felt this magical power at the same time!
In an instant, his thinking seemed to transcend the entire torrent of time and space, jumping out of the rules, overlooking the entire river of time and space.

He even has a miraculous feeling that as long as he wants to, he can instantly find the "place" he wants!
That kind of feeling is like watching a TV series, fast forward and fast rewind as you like, but the difference is that you can choose a time period that you recognize to "cut" into it!
This kind of cutting is the real integration, which is commonly known as time-traveling!

When Li Kuang discovered this possibility, he was too shocked to speak.

However, this feeling was only for a moment, and immediately, he felt that his body was filled with huge power. This is a super power that completely controls time and space. It seems that the whole world is not worth mentioning in front of his eyes.

Because, he can instantly change countless worlds!
Back in time for a second, Li Kuang stretched out his hand suddenly, and grabbed Li Er who had fallen into the black hole!
There was a charming smile on the corner of his mouth, because he had vaguely grasped something in his heart!
At the moment when his thoughts jumped out of the "rules", he was shocked to feel that it was exactly what the Five Elements Swallowing Heaven Beast said.

The frightening possibility, the frightening possibility of being powerless!

Pangu, are you... are you just looking for this possibility?

However, what Li Kuang never imagined was that not long after he possessed this transcendent power, the entire time and space became turbulent, which was a signal that the power of time and space was about to be exhausted!

Damn it, the power of time and space, which seems huge, is actually so useless?
A moment ago, he was full of confidence, thinking that he could turn the whole world around, but in just a few seconds, the huge and almost terrifying power of time and space was exhausted.

It seems that crossing is really not an easy task!

(End of this chapter)

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