War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1500 The situation in the dragon domain, the mad dragon from the sky 4

Chapter 1500 Storm in the Dragon Domain, Mad Dragon from the Sky [-]
A moment ago, his skin was still festering and melting, but in the next second, the genetic chain changed instantly, making him completely different.

Take the Dantian as the base point and switch instantly.

Li Kuang let out a painful dragon cry, but his body twisted strangely.

The space-time storm is the collision of space cracks one by one, resulting in a terrifying storm, like a sharp blade, more powerful than any divine weapon. Only by comprehending the rules of space-time and making it work outside the body can it be defended.

Otherwise, no one will be immune to its sharp cutting.

The golden dragon transformed by Li Kuang is about ten feet long, and its claws have become five, which looks very majestic.

Unexpectedly, with the growth of strength, the strength of the dragon body will also increase after this transformation!
You must know that when Li Kuang was forced to take the shape of a dragon for the first time, it was only about three feet long, and it only had three claws.

With two more claws in such a short period of time, the speed of strength growth is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

And after the transformation, the divine armor is worthy of being a divine armor, and it has grown in size, especially the Frost Holy Armor, which has a faint hint of excitement.

But Li Kuang was still very depressed, because the divine armor couldn't prevent the damage of the time-space blade at all.

Fortunately, his dragon body at the moment, coupled with his desperate use of divine power to prop up the defensive cover, barely kept his body from collapsing.

However, large areas of flesh and blood were still cut off directly by the blade of time and space.

All of a sudden, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and Li Kuang screamed in pain. If it weren't for the powerful genetic self-repair ability of "Nine Transformations", he might have become a skeleton dragon!
This process is not very long, but the pain it brought to Li Kuang will never be forgotten.

Physical time travel is really beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

However, Li Kuang, who had exhausted all his strength, tilted his head and became the first tragic dragon in history who was squeezed into a coma by time and space!

A big hole opened in the space, and Li Kuang spat out like spitting.

And poor Li Kuang, his whole body has become bald without a single scale, and there are horrible scars all over his body.

Like a fish that is about to be thrown into a frying pan, it is almost ready for seasoning.

The pale golden blood shot out, dyeing him golden.

(End of this chapter)

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