War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1502 The situation in the dragon domain, the mad dragon from the sky 6

Chapter 1502 Storm in the Dragon Domain, Mad Dragon from the Sky [-]
But Li Kuang is in a coma at the moment, whether it is soul power or divine power, he has been seriously overdrawn.

What's even more tragic is that as long as the original "Nine Transformations Against the Heavens" is driven by spiritual power, it will automatically perform genetic repair. That is to say, even if Li Kuang's injury is a little bit worse, as long as he has energy, he can restore it to its original state.

However, at this moment, not only did he run out of energy, but he was also frozen, so that he could only become a living fossil with such an extremely disabled body!

On the highest mountain in Iceland, the headquarters of the Frost Dragon!

After more than a month of long meetings, the Frost Holy Dragons finally had a preliminary plan for this event.

This was the result of Bing Wuxin's strong request, otherwise, according to the usual practice, such a major event would have been discussed for a hundred years.

Bing Wuxin had obviously been driven mad, asking for a fight again and again, and with good reasons, Bing Litian, as the patriarch, had no choice but to agree.

Bing Wuxin has gone through several calamities. Although her strength has not increased much, her ambition has skyrocketed.

This may also be an inevitable reaction after being aggrieved to the extreme!
Bing Wuxin felt completely annoyed and frightened by the fate of experiencing destruction and rebirth again and again, but he couldn't control himself. After the catastrophe, he had to start all over again!
Unlike those lower races, he still retains the memory of the last calamity period.

But because of this, he was even more uncomfortable.

Because he knows that this is not the end, because in the next calamity period, if he does not reach the realm of the Immortal Emperor, he will still enter the passage of reincarnation and repeat all this!
Bing Wuxin didn't want to live like this anymore, if she just lived for the sake of survival, what's the point?
Make a career with great vigor, even if it falls, at least it proves that you have worked hard and made a good fortune.

Maybe, he can still make a breakthrough in the outside world, and successfully advance to the realm of Immortal Emperor when the calamity period comes!
Therefore, Bing Wuxin's attitude this time is extremely firm!

For the honesty of the elder brother and the purity of the third younger brother, he felt helpless. From this point of view, in the entire Frost Dragon family, only the daughter of the eldest brother, Bing Wuqing, his niece Bing Rou, is a qualified fighter.

well!The once great and powerful Frost Holy Dragon family has completely fallen!They dare not even fight a bigger war.

(End of this chapter)

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