War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1505 The situation in the dragon domain, the mad dragon from the sky 10

Chapter 1505 The situation in the dragon domain, the mad dragon from the sky [-]

Bing Wuqing looked helplessly at her precious daughter: "What are you going to do? You promised your second uncle to collect information for him, so you probably changed your mind again!"

Bingrou was taken aback for a moment, but her big eyes rolled, and she said righteously: "Father, I feel that this matter is extraordinary. The injury on Long's body is so serious this time, he must have suffered terrible and inhuman torture. You Think, even if there are really vicious parents who want to kill their children, there is no need to be so Lingchi!"

Seeing Bing Wuqing's gradually dignified eyes, Bing Rou secretly rejoiced, and even added embellishment: "So, obviously, someone must have sneaked into our Iceland through some means, and maybe they are hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to play tricks and tricks." ! At this critical moment, how could there be a smart and wise beautiful warrior Bingrou?"

Although Bing Wuqing knew that Bing Rou's words were a bit exaggerated, but thinking about it, it was not impossible.After all, the horrible scars on Li Kuang's body are not fake. Even if there are cruel parents who want to kill their children, they will not make him suffer like this. The only reason is that it is ready to come out!
There is an enemy invasion!
Seeing her father's dignified appearance, Bing Rou knew that she had made the right bet, and said triumphantly: "Dad, why don't you entrust this task to me? With my wisdom, it will be easy to complete the task."

Bing Wuqing smiled and said: "This matter should not be publicized for the time being, you should take the dragon to heal his injuries first! I think it is useless to go to Dragon Valley, after all, his injury is too serious..."

"Thank you dad! I'll help him heal first!"

After finishing speaking, Princess Bingrou stretched out her slender hand, and lifted the dragon-shaped Li Kuang directly in the human form, jumped up, and disappeared in the boundless wind and snow in an instant.

Li Kuang turned into a dragon clan, with a body length of five feet and a weight of no less than several thousand catties, but when held by Bing Rou, it was as light as a feather.

This icy soft power is really frightening.

Dragon Valley is one of the most important places of the Dragon Clan. Together with the Dragon Clan Cemetery and the Dragon God Hall, it is called the three major treasures of the Dragon Clan. Whether it is the Five Elements Dragon Clan or those miscellaneous dragons, as long as they form an organization, they will have these three treasures.

The bones of the ancestors are buried in the Dragon Clan cemetery, which is naturally the most important thing for the traditional Dragon Clan, and the Dragon God Hall is a symbol of a race, and almost all major sacrifices and activities are held here.

As for Longgu, it exists like a nursing home.

Although the Dragon Clan is powerful, they are not without opponents. On the contrary, their opponents are still very strong. Therefore, once injured, it is not a trivial matter, and recuperation is extremely important.

This Dragon Valley is the rear hospital of the Dragon Clan!
The Dragon Valley of the Frost Sacred Dragon Clan is naturally the place with the lowest temperature on the island and the most intense aura, because a large number of elixir needs suitable places to cultivate.

And because the Frost Sacred Dragon clan has always been autistic, there have been fewer external battles, and the number of patients has naturally dropped sharply, but they have also stored a large amount of ice-type elixir.

The elixir that can be used by the dragon clan has extremely powerful medicinal properties. However, although the dragon clan is powerful, it lacks alchemists just like the human world. No matter how precious the elixir is, it can only be used in various ways. Not to mention the discount, the loss is also extremely alarming.

"Elder Bingfeng, something is wrong! Come out and save people!"

Bingrou yelled all the way into Longgu.

Poor Dragon Valley, it hasn't been so lively in ten thousand years. There are no wounded, and the dragons stationed in Dragon Valley are lazy. They usually sleep and play cards when they have nothing to do. They are happy. Life in the valley can be described as peaceful and stable. .

Bingrou yelled like a frying pan, as if the air defense alarm had been sounded, and all of a sudden, it was a mess.

Elder Bingfeng, as one of the four great elders, has been stationed in Dragon Valley for ten thousand years, living a very happy life.

At this moment, he was sleeping soundly, but he was woken up by Bingrou's yell containing "Dragon Yin", his heart trembled, could it be a foreign invasion?
As soon as he got up, Elder Bingfeng's momentum rose instantly, and with a roar, he shot out and floated above the mouth of the valley.

"Who dares to trespass into Dragon Valley... Uh, it turned out to be Bingrou, you are..."

Elder Bingfeng originally wanted to yell a few times to show off his prestige, but who knew it was Bingrou, the little devil princess, his heart trembled suddenly, his tongue tied, and the angry question he was about to utter immediately turned into a flattering low inquiry.

"Elder Bingfeng, save people!"

"Who was hurt? How?"

Elder Bingfeng was taken aback, and landed beside Bingrou with a whoosh, looking in surprise at Li Kuang, who was on the side of his body and injured.

This is the first time it has opened in ten thousand years, so I am a little excited!

Elder Bingfeng didn't even look at it, and immediately used a "self-healing technique", and a ball of bright white light fell on Li Kuang's long dragon body like a pervasive cold air.

As if a ring of frost had been sprinkled, Li Kuang's entire body stiffened, and a slight chill came out.

Bingrou said angrily: "Elder Bingfeng, you... are you trying to murder? Didn't you see that he was completely frozen? You actually used self-healing on him? When his physiology has not been suppressed Before activation, these frosty energies entered his body and would only cause him more damage."

Elder Bingfeng smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I am eager to save people! You also know that we have no patients in Longgu for a long time, and we are inexperienced. But don't worry, we will definitely do our best to save him Yes, pick it up and give it to me, that's right."

As soon as he said that, as soon as he mentioned Li Kuang, he ran towards the valley, and shouted loudly: "You just wait for my good news!"

In a vague way, he could still hear him muttering: "After so many years, it's so cool to finally have an experimental product. There are so many drugs that haven't been tested yet..."

"Decided not to divide into chapters, and post as much as you write. In addition, regarding the update, because the company has not paid for the manuscript for a long time, the authors have no way to continue, so they have to go out to work, so... everyone understands! "

(End of this chapter)

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