War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1510 The turmoil in the three worlds, true and false Li Kuang 3

Chapter 1510 Chaos in the Three Realms, True and False Li Kuang [-]
The two looked at Li Kuang in surprise, speechless for a long time.

Because they knew that behind this incident, there must be an unbearable story.

Li Kuang also seemed to have noticed his gaffe, so he couldn't help but smiled dryly. With a wave of his hand, a glass of wine appeared again, but this time he drank it all in one gulp. He laughed loudly and said, "Don't talk about it! It is not Li Kuang's style to make compromises behind the scenes, and at the time of the great chaos in the Three Realms, our Heretic God Valley will emerge from the sky and create a world of our own!"

God Erlang was originally a militant, and when he heard the words, there was a flash of fighting intent in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "The owner of the valley provides a large amount of pills, and there is the altar of crossing the catastrophe to make people go through the catastrophe safely. In the past three months, we in the evil god valley It can be said that the strength has skyrocketed! So far, except for a few people from the Snake Race and the cultivation world, almost all people in the Mahayana stage have successfully ascended, and the overall strength has definitely more than doubled."

Li Kuang said happily: "Really? This is the best. Only when the foundation is strong, the strength will gradually become stronger. Besides, after today, we will have a few more super masters in the valley."

Inexplicable sparks flashed in his eyes like a general about to go to battle: "The time has finally come for the forces of the Three Realms to reshuffle! Congratulations, you are standing in the right position. Our Cthulhu Valley will surely shine in this turmoil. Shake the world!"

He stood up, threw the wine glass into the interspatial ring, and said with a faint smile: "Let's go, let's welcome the returning warrior and princess together!"

Both Yang Jian and Nezha were taken aback, not knowing what Li Kuang was referring to.

Li Kuang didn't explain, and walked straight to the evil god's hall where he lived, and stood in the center, with a flick of his hand, a bunch of fresh flowers appeared, as if waiting for his lover's arrival, appearing tender and graceful.

Nezha said in surprise, "Boss Li Kuang, are you here to welcome the warrior and the princess?"

Li Kuang blinked mysteriously, and said, "Where do you think it is?"


The two were stunned at the same time, feeling extremely absurd in their hearts... How is this possible?

But a second later, they didn't think so anymore.

Because of the flash of white light, there were several people in the hall suddenly.

Seeing this group of people, Nezha and Erlang Shen were really stunned.

They are Lu Wu, Shi Xuan, Qing Lan, Liu Feng!
The four of them also looked shocked when they saw Nezha Erlang God suddenly.

But in an instant, a violent and powerful divine thought swept across the entire space like a bomb explosion. Suddenly, the space darkened, as if it had been frozen, and everyone shivered involuntarily, as if the blood had stopped flowing.

(End of this chapter)

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