War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1516 The turmoil in the three worlds, true and false Li Kuang 3

Chapter 1516 Chaos in the Three Realms, True and False Li Kuang [-]
Everyone secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. If they hadn't experienced a time travel, it would be hard for them to believe Li Kuang's words.

In the torrent of time and space, cause and effect cycle, everything is possible.

However, since this is the Casting God Pill refined by Li Kuang, why would he still be an enemy of Li Kuang?

An evil light flashed in Li Kuang's eyes, but he became a little excited: "That's right, when Li Kuang traveled through time and space, I deliberately stole his alchemy experience from Li Er in the past, and then combined his own non-attribute The meridian is smelted from a large amount of black god stone, this is a perfect non-attribute body."

"Moreover, every cell and every meridian in the whole body is extremely tough and full of all attributes, so even if you are bombarded and turned into scum, you can still be reborn! Even stronger than Xiaoqiang!"

But Shixuan said angrily: "You are such an ungrateful villain! Since Xiao Kuang created you, he is like your father, yet you are still his enemy."

Hearing this, Li Kuang closed his eyes in pain, opened them in a short while, and said slowly: "You know, although this body is unimaginably perfect, his soul has an accident. When Li Kuang extracted the soul belonging to Jin Gu from the original elixir and prepared to inject it into his new body, something happened. It turned out that Li Er had tampered with Jin Gu's soul. Once the elixir was forcibly broken, It will explode and turn into nothingness!"

"At that time, Li Kuang didn't know what method he used to preserve a trace of Jingu's soul, but obviously, an incomplete soul cannot control such a perfect body."

"Thus, our great Li Kuang, thinking himself wise, divided a part of his soul, and then absorbed a large number of soul fragments that wandered in time and space. After melting, he finally formed the current me."

Seeing everyone's sluggish looks, he smiled lightly, just like Li Kuang: "Actually, the soul belonging to Li Kuang is dominant, so I am also Li Kuang, or a clone of him."


Everyone was completely shocked.

A completely independent self-awareness, coupled with a super-perfect non-attribute body that can be automatically restored as long as it is replenished with spiritual resources, such a clone is so powerful, it is really terrifying.

Li Kuang sneered and said, "As the avatar, who has had a good end since ancient times? Even if he cultivated to the extreme, he is only making wedding clothes for the main body. So, what's the point of his existence?"

(End of this chapter)

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