War of the Three Realms

Chapter 152 The Precipice Heals the Injury

Chapter 152 The Precipice Heals the Injury
 With such a serious injury, it is said that a person is completely dead, but Ling Muran insisted on relying on his powerful true energy to protect his heart and dantian, and survived in this world.

Save or not?
Li Kuang couldn't help hesitating. It is said that this guy beat himself seriously and almost died. He should hate him very much, but seeing his miserable appearance, he couldn't bear it!

no!I am repeating the tragedy of the farmer and the snake, sympathizing with the enemy is murdering myself!I must not be soft-hearted, it is better to take the opportunity to kill him, it can be regarded as revenge for myself!

Thinking of this, Li Kuang couldn't help showing a fierce look in his eyes. He knew that as long as he stretched out his hand, he would be able to push him off the cliff, making him irreversible!

But when his hand touched Ling Muran, his heartstrings trembled suddenly, how was he different from a villain like Xiao Feng who made trouble like this?
Although it was a hostile relationship, the other party was seriously injured, and this injury would never recover, his cultivation base was completely destroyed, and he could no longer pose the slightest threat to himself!
Want to kill a defenseless enemy by yourself?

Li Kuang hesitated, he was not one of those shameful Japanese devils in history, how could he do such a lowly thing?
It is understandable to use all scheming and means in battle to defeat or even kill an opponent, but Li Kuang can't do it himself if he wants to kill an enemy who is about to die at any time.

Forget it, even if he doesn't kill him, he probably won't live long!
Li Kuang withdrew his hand, and laughed at himself: "I am really soft-hearted! I can't make a move in the face of the enemy. If the master finds out, he will definitely scold me for not being able to live up to it! Forget it, anyway, there are only a few birds on the cliff. You don’t even have one, so you might as well find a living creature to accompany you! Anyway, you won’t live long!”

Li Kuang let out a long breath, and felt his whole body relax. It turns out that letting go of hatred can also make people feel relaxed!

"You...why didn't you kill me?"

Just when Li Kuang was relaxing, a faint voice suddenly came out of his ear!

"you're awake?"

Li Kuang was startled, straightened his upper body like an electric shock, and looked at Ling Muran in surprise and vigilance.

Ling Muran slowly opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth were bloodshot, his eyes were also dull, and he looked extremely weak, as if he had aged dozens of years all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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