War of the Three Realms

Chapter 156 Enlightenment or not enlightenment, is there a difference? 3

Chapter 156 Enlightenment or not enlightenment, is there a difference? 3
At this moment, Ling Muran couldn't help but feel an illusion. The figure of the young man lying opposite him, leaning on the cliff suddenly jumped out of sight, as if he was laughing wildly from outside the world, looking at all the creatures in the world with contempt!
That shocking arrogant posture is so intoxicating!

Suddenly a thunderclap sounded in the sky, as if warning Li Kuang of his arrogance!

In an instant, the situation changed suddenly, dark clouds quickly gathered, the whole world was darkened, heavy pressure came from the sky, it was suffocating!
How can it be?

He...his aura can actually guide the sky?It's incredible!
Li Kuang laughed loudly and said, "Senior Ling, seeing your shocked appearance, do you think it's God's anger? Haha! This is just an ordinary thunderstorm."

He blinked mischievously, and said, "I've seen the weather forecast, and it will rain heavily in the Pioneer Mountain tourist area today!"

Ling Muran looked at Li Kuang in amazement, obviously unwilling to believe what Li Kuang said.

Li Kuang smiled and said: "Fortunately, I bought a tent during the field survival training, and now it can finally come in handy!"

Suddenly there was a double tent beside him!
The corners of Ling Muran's eyes shrank: "Spatial ring? So you are also a person in the cultivation world!"

Li Kuang didn't intend to explain anything. He smiled lightly and said, "This cliff is so windy, I don't know if the tent will work or not!"

Fortunately, the platform was narrow and long, and the width was just right. After exhausting Li Kuang's strength, he finally propped up the tent with the help of the rope entering the cloud.

The thunder became more intense, and within a short while, the downpour came as expected, the whole world was plunged into darkness, and the strong wind roared back and forth on the cliff.

In order to train Li Kuang, Duanmu Liefeng used almost all the best things, and this tent was no exception. Otherwise, it is really unknown whether he can persist in this wind and rain.

Just in case, Li Kuang plunged the rope into the cloud deeply into the cliff, and then wrapped it around the two of them several times, making sure that even if the strong wind overturned the tent and the two of them were blown off the cliff, nothing would happen.

After all this work, Li Kuang was exhausted and sweating profusely.

Seeing Li Kuang dragging his broken leg and gritting his teeth doing all this, Ling Muran, who has reached the realm of ruthlessness, couldn't help but a touch of emotion flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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