War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1722 Time goes by, devil trades 6

Chapter 1722 Time passes, devil's deal [-]

The halo of eleven guards has shrouded the deep pit for half an hour, and their power of time has almost been used up. All eleven of them are old and crumbling.

Seeing the old man's posture, everyone's heart was cold, and they were secretly horrified, it was really terrible.

As far as the dragon clan is concerned, it is rare for them to age to such a state!
Finally, the white light went out like a flame.

And the eleven withered bodies also collapsed limply on the ground, twitching on the ground. This time, even the blood seemed to have dried up, and they just spit out a little white foam.

The duel arena is dead silent!
The half-orc's face was even more ferocious, as if he was opening his fangs to choose and devour someone. No one dared to meet his terrifying gaze.

Eleven king-level powerhouses!Each one is a precious wealth, and it is unacceptable to lose it in my own hands. Such a crime is really unacceptable!


He understood that these guards didn't need to do this in the first place. The reason they did this was to maintain the glory of the Regenerated Legion!

Although many people had won money, no one dared to claim it, and no one dared to touch the bad luck of the half-orc at this time.

But at this moment, another thing that stimulated the orc happened.

"Hahaha, the so-called Regenerated Legion is nothing more than that!"

Hearing this voice, almost everyone was shocked!

This is clearly the Long Xuanyuan who was driven into the pit!

How can it be?

After half an hour of time passed, even the person who performed the spell was so miserable, how could he be fine?

The passage of time is effective for all living beings who understand the rules of time. Without comprehending the rules of time, they will naturally be unable to escape from the prison of time and space. If they cannot escape, they can only accept the passage of time!
Although this Long Xuanyuan's strength was astonishing, he didn't comprehend the rules of time at all.

How did he do it?
The half-orc's body shook for a while, if A Cai hadn't quickly supported him, he might have collapsed to the ground.

In his mind, he just kept repeating the words "impossible, impossible!".

"Nothing is impossible, nothing is absolute!"

On the other hand, facing Bingrou's questioning, Li Kuang changed the topic and said with a smile!

The deep pit suddenly trembled, and a figure shot out like a sharp arrow, who else could it be if it wasn't Long Xuanyuan?

Seeing Long Xuanyuan's still ruthless appearance, everyone didn't know whether to cheer or remain silent for a moment.

 "Sorry, brother's birthday last night, I can't go if I don't go, I was drunk, I uploaded the code immediately after waking up today, everyone forgive me! "

(End of this chapter)

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