War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1725 Darkness reappears, and the situation changes 2

Chapter 1725 Darkness reappears, the wind and cloud change [-]
However, it has a special gift for the people who believe in themselves.

That is, every period of calamity, it will automatically release a portion of the essence from itself.

This quintessential tree branch gathers countless breaths of life, and is closely related to the tree of life. As long as it is within the scope of the city of life, it can almost unlimitedly borrow the energy of the tree of life without worrying about backlash!
In other words, owning such a branch is equivalent to owning a storehouse of spiritual energy that stores infinite spiritual energy, so you don't have to worry about lack of energy to fight against people!
But these branches are not owned by ordinary people.

Only believers who are full of devout belief in the Goddess of Life and who have the purest physique can obtain it.

Throughout the past and present, the entire wood family has only obtained two wooden swords!
One is in the hands of Yang Dingtian, and the other is in the hands of Yang Binfu. To get this divine sword, on the other hand, is to be recognized by the goddess of life.

The wooden sword seemed to be dull, and there was not even a trace of fluctuation when it was struck, but it was because of this that it was even more terrifying!
Silent, invisible, invisible, like a mass of nothingness, but the space in front of you is like tofu cut by a sharp knife, easily torn apart!


The front end of the green flying knife has shot out a light green mist, like a knife glow, but it looks soft and soft, without the slightest human fireworks.

But it is this seemingly ethereal smoke that shakes the space like a huge wave.

How fast are the two of them?

In just a flash, Yang Binfu's wooden sword has already entered the green range.

Chi Chi Chi!
The green smoke was like a strong acid, and when Pu touched the wooden sword, there was an ear-piercing sound, the faint smoke rose, and a strange smell permeated the air.

Yang Binfu couldn't help but condense, secretly startled, the green energy of Long Xuanyuan really exceeded his expectations.

Obviously, this is a strange kind of spiritual accumulation different from the five energy systems.

However, the Excalibur of Life was obtained from the Tree of Life, so it was extremely powerful, and the sword was hard to hurt. Yang Binfu didn't worry about his weapon being corroded at all.

What he didn't expect was that the smoke not only had corrosive power, but also had infinite stickiness.

The area shrouded in layers of smog is like a quagmire, which makes me feel like I am stuck in a quagmire, and I feel weak!

Yang Binfu was not surprised but delighted, and shouted in a deep voice. At the same time, a glaring light suddenly flashed on the wooden sword, as if an explosive bomb had exploded, making people blind!

(End of this chapter)

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