War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1739 Darkness reappears, and the situation changes 16

Chapter 1739 The darkness reappears, the situation changes [-]

Looking at the empty duel arena, Yang Binfu finally smiled: "It's worth it! For the sake of the Mu family, even if I want my eldest brother to die, my eldest brother is willing!"

His eyes seemed relieved, sad, and helpless, and he just looked at his younger brother quietly: "Xiaoyu, the entire city of life, the entire wood family, will depend on you from now on!"

He stretched out his hand with difficulty, and slapped the half-orc on the shoulder, but his whole body leaned forward and passed out.

The half-orc was stunned, the expression in his eyes changed, and his emotions were extremely complicated.

After a long time, he hugged his elder brother tightly, as if he had made a decision, he let out a long breath, turned around to the equally astonished guards of the Regenerated Legion, and said in a deep voice, "Go back to the mansion immediately, and seal the news tightly, and never let it out News of the appearance of the devil!"

Looking at the dark crowd in front of him, the guard felt that his eyes were dark. With so many people witnessing it, how easy is it to block the news?

The fast-talking ones probably have already conveyed the situation here through secret methods.

It's just that the young master is now in a coma, and his strength has plummeted. Obviously, he is not suitable to be the leader of the Regenerated Legion, and the one who is most likely to succeed the Regenerated Legion is naturally Yang Ershao in front of him. Of course, the guards will not be foolish enough to touch him. Mildew.

After ordering the guards, the half-orc's eyes were determined and stable, and he was completely different from the exaggerated and dissolute before, and there was an unspeakable power in his longing.

Ah Cai opened his mouth wide, with tears in his eyes.

"The real Second Young Master is finally back..."

The half-orc stared at Li Kuang Bingrou coldly, the murderous intent contained in it made the bold Bingrou startled, and he didn't dare to speak to provoke him again.

Li Kuang still had a smile on his face, as if the matter had nothing to do with him, and the second young master's deterrence was for nothing.

People are unlucky, and they can be shot while lying down. Isn't I just a bit handsome!Who did you provoke?
Li Kuang patted his head depressed, a little dumbfounded. Obviously, the half-orc actually pushed the responsibility for Yang Binfu's injury to himself.

"Thank God! Master Li Kuang, Princess Bingrou, you are all right! It's great!"

A familiar voice sounded a little excited, it was Elder Bingfeng.

And following behind him was the patriarch with a frosty face.

Bingrou frowned, and sneered: "Elder Bingfeng, I thought you were cowardly and slipped away. It turned out that you were going to invite the patriarch. It seems that I wrongly blamed you. I'm really sorry!"

Bingfeng's face froze, and he said with a wry smile: "Princess made fun of it. Although Bingfeng's strength is not good, he is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He is just worried about the safety of the princess."

(End of this chapter)

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